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Conversational Threads

Professional Dressforms

Cera | Posted in Equipment and Supplies on

I am looking to purchase a professional dressform (one with collapsible shoulders, automatic pedal height adjustment, cage etc.). I have looked on the internet and found a few sources, but the cost of shipping is quite high, I even emailed Threads and April from Threads, very kindly sent me quite a list of places in the US. However, since I live in Toronto, Canada, I would like to find one here or somewhere nearby, I have looked in the garment district and have found nothing.

Anyone have any ideas?


Toronto, Canada


  1. FitnessNut | | #1

    I'm surprised that you haven't found anything in the garment district in Toronto. Are you sure that you've covered all the bases there? I know that when I lived in Montréal, several places in the garment district sold professional mannequins, but I looked for some time before I found them. Used forms were also available, but certain sizes disappeared very quickly. A new one cost approximately $700 and used could be found for about $350 and up (this was 3.5 years ago). I suggest you ask around - perhaps at some of the shops in the fashion district. Try industrial machine dealers. You could also try the fashion schools - the International Academy of Design and Ryerson, for instance. Another source may be the Toronto Fashion Incubator....if anyone could tell you where to find fashion resources and supplies, they should be able to.

    Good luck. Let us know how you made out.

    1. Cera | | #2

      After searching the internet, posting to various
      lists, calling local stores etc. for about a month
      now, I have found quite a bit of information on the
      industrial/professional dressform. Here are some
      links I would like to share (some of the info is known
      already I am sure), however:Superior forms (http://www.superiormodel.com)
      Royal forms (http://www.ronis.com)
      Global forms (http://www.globalmodelforms.com)
      Modern forms (no website)
      Dressrite forms (http://www.dressriteforms.com)
      Sew True forms (http://www.sewtrue.com)
      PGM forms (http://www.atlaslevy.com)All the companies above make similar forms (they all
      have collapsible shoulders, automatic pedal height
      adjustment, cage etc., except Dressrite, where the
      shoulders and pedal base are extra).
      The difference is in price, Superior being the most
      expensive, PGM and Dressrite being the cheapest. All
      of the companies are based in the US (mostly New
      York). There seem to be no dressform companies in
      Canada, most shops in Canada import them from the
      above companies.If you have any questions, email me privately, I would
      be happy to share other info I have.Cera
      Toronto, Canada

This post is archived.

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