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Conversational Threads

Profile Information Help

scrubble4 | Posted in General Discussion on

Hi:  I hope I can encourage more folks to complete their profile.  I needed coaching which MadMom on Cooks Talk gave to me as I couldn’t figure it out on my own.  It isn’t the update profile button. 

You just click on your pseudonym.  That takes you into your profile where you can add a few pieces of info about yourself.  The age category is often fanciful which is fun in itself. 

I often click on the pseudonym when I am reading a post.  Over on CT they seem to have been able to coach each other along to completing this.  Here on Gatherings, we don’t have a lot of folks who have completed their profile.

I don’t mean this as a nag if folks have chosen to remain anonymous.  I just thought I would help anyone who didn’t know how to complete their profile, or that you can click on a person’s name in a post to learn more.



  1. Crazy K | | #1

    I like to check that as well............mostly to see what part of the world I'm corresponding with!  Interesting.  I, too, have wished that more would at least give their general location.......just for fun.  Age is fun but I realize that's a touchy subject for some.  I'm getting to the age where I don't care any longer! ha

    Let's hope more of our 'pen pals' fill us in!


  2. RhettaRic | | #2

    Hey you two, I ran to fill mine out.  I dutifully filled it out - age, photo, etc.  Then I clicked on yours and found you didn't "exactly" fill it out!!  No photos!   

    1. MaryinColorado | | #3

      How did you get it to take your photo?  I tried but it wouldn't work.  Mary

      1. RhettaRic | | #4

        Mary, I clicked on my name, profile, pic thing.  Then browsed to my pics where I had saved a pic.  It took it no problem.  Are you sure the size was right?

    2. Crazy K | | #5

      Sorry about the photo........don't have one of me alone.......at least nothing I would publish!!  DGS has been clicking mom's digital cam but the poses are less than great!  Guess I'll need to work on that!


    3. scrubble4 | | #8

      RhettaRic:  you are right I don't have a photo there yet.  I am moving a little slow these days and have not yet organized that.  I will soon.  Thanks for the nudge.  I agree photos are the best part.  Scrubble4

  3. User avater
    CostumerVal | | #6

    OK, need some help here.  I clicked on "update profile" at the top of the page and it asked me to verify my name and email and then it said that my profile was updated and sent me an email stating the same.  At no time was I ever asked my location or age.


    1. starzoe | | #7

      I do not fill out profiles because of security measures, the same reason stands for any personal information beyond what is necessary. I am astounded at the information people hand out, obviously there are lots of people out there who are not listening about potential threats to personal security. Do you realize that, with just the information on a profile it is simple to track you, track your postings and from postings pick up all sorts of personal information from what you look like, where you work, where you live, what your interests are, family connections (and often photos of your lovely young children and the school they go to). This is information that is easily found whether you believe it or not, and it takes very little time.Not to frighten you, but this is reality.

      Edited 2/4/2008 12:10 pm ET by starzoe

      1. scrubble4 | | #10

        starzoe:  I understand your concern, and said originally some people have personal reasons for not posting their info which I totally respect.  Thanks for reviewing for those unaware of this. 

        I am more concerned about not shredding credit card offers that come in the mail that I am throwing out.  That is a surer way to ID theft, but I guess we all have our area of concern these days.  Scrubble4

        1. starzoe | | #11

          Everyone is at risk, each computer in the world is connected to every other computer in the world and whether you have "personal reasons" or not, there are risks out there.

          1. scrubble4 | | #12

            starzoe:  Yes thanks.  Scrubble4

    2. scrubble4 | | #9

      CostumerVal:  Same thing I kept trying with no luck.  Then MadMom on Cooks Talk explained to me how to do it.  In a posting, just click on your name.  That is where you have the opportunity to enter your info.  Also same process in a posting to find out about others, just click on their name.  If this is as clear as mud, ask me again and I will try to be more helpful.  Scrubble4

    3. Crazy K | | #13

      Click on your name (user name) and you will get a pop-up that gives your name and then click on "change profile" at the top of the box......you will get a screen where you can enter as little or as much info as you wish.  I didn't use my birthdate or year for security and of course, full names aren't used so that helps as well.  It's mostly fun to know age bracket (approx.) and location in the world of those belonging to this group.  Nothing more.......nothing less.  I hope the security issues don't scare too many away from just those simple bits of info............

      Hope this is helpful.


      1. User avater
        CostumerVal | | #14

        Hey, I did it!  Complete with a screwy picture.  Yahoo.



        1. Crazy K | | #15

          Good job!  Glad my instructions helped.  I don't always make sense when I give instructions! ha ha


        2. scrubble4 | | #16

          CostumerVal:  Way to Go!  I like your picture, it made me laugh.  Scrubble4

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