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Conversational Threads

quilting frame with machine

kathywyse | Posted in Equipment and Supplies on


I am a considering buying a quilting frame and straight stich machine to use with it.

I am researching the Grace GMQ Pro Frame? Would you recommend this one? Do you have any other suggestions?

For machines, I am checking out the Janome 1600 PDBX or the Juki TL98Q. Again, which would you recommend and why? Any other suggestions?

I love to do free-motion quilting and art-type quilts.




  1. MaryinColorado | | #1

    Ooooooooh!  I envy you!  Lucky gal!  I don't know about these machines but you may find help on the forum at http://www.Equilter.com or http://www.patternreview.com   Also check the archives here.  Good luck in your search and I hope you will let us know how it works out!  I also love freemotion!

    1. kathywyse | | #2


      I was so excited when I realized someone had responded to my e-mail! I have never done anything like this before online. My son's girlfriend says it sort of like "blogging". Thanks for your input. This is fun!



      1. MaryinColorado | | #3

        I love this forum!  There is always something to learn, to teach, to enjoy!  Also lots of encouragement and comaraderie.

        Some of the small quilting shops only have one of those long arms set up and may be a good resource for you, why not check the yellow pages in your area and see if you can find one. 

         There is one near my home that sells quilting fabrics and supplies and teaches lots of classes.  She does not sell machines but has one really cool long arm I will write down the name of it next week if I can.  I got to hold the handles and move it around and see the two ways of lining up the quilting.  It was so cool!  She has beautiful quilts on the walls so I know that she really knows her stuff.


  2. User avater
    blondie2sew | | #4

    Hey Kathy,Just wanted to say Hi and welcome!! This is a cool place and fun to chat and learn just oodles and oodles!!I know I will see you around! I can't help on the question as I really don't quilt but I do admire all those who do...so with that said...we have a thing (well I like to hope everyone does) when you finish your projects you can post them in the photo gallery!! This is where we get to ooooh and ahhhh over your wonderful work! This is where we can be inspired!! Especially when it is from all of us who love love love our craft...some of our friends don't sew...so it is nice to find it here!! the Atta Girls are great!!Big Smiles to you

    1. kathywyse | | #5

      Hi Blondie

      Thanks for taking the time to send me a message. This is really quite fun!


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