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Conversational Threads

Quilting Idea, What do you think?

ineedaserger329 | Posted in General Discussion on

I’m not a quilter…..ha deja-vu…I started another thread with that phrase not long ago….
I found this circle quilt:


I don’t want to leave the edges raw, and I did see a method where they sew around the edges and cut a small hole for turning (which is later hidden by fabric flaps)…I don’t own pinking shears (yet) and it would be insane to try this without….But I just got a serger and would like to take advantage of it.
I was told I can use baby yarn in the looper, I was thinking it would give a bulky enough edge (maybe too bulky???? I need input here, never tried it) that denim wouldn’t fray and it would give another way to tie colors together…What do you think? Should I just try embroidery thread to cut some cost? I’m sure the serged edge would be sufficient, but I wanted something to stand out a little, but not completely take over the quilt. Please give advice!!????



  1. spicegirl | | #1

    You can bind, serge or make a "pillow-case".  With serging I would try wooly nylon in the upper and lower loopers for better coverage (tension will probably need to be loosened a bit).  The pillow-case method (not sure this is the right term):

    Lay out the batting, then the top- face up, then the backing, face down. Baste, trim the batting away from where the seam will be.  Sew around leaving an opening large enough to turn inside out and hand stitch the opening shut.

    Do a small sample of each method to see which one you like best.


    PS:  Revised:   Wooly nylon, aka textured nylon in both loopers.

                            Baste batting and trim from where seam will be.

    Edited 5/13/2007 9:43 am ET by spicegirl

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