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Conversational Threads

Serger knife adjustment??

smokeygirl | Posted in Equipment and Supplies on

Hello!  I have a Huskylock 936 (serger) which I like pretty well EXCEPT that the knife “comes loose” at very inconvenient times.  What I mean by this is that it can be serging along beautifully and all of a sudden it starts chewing.  At this point it either doesn’t cut at all or else it partially cuts and frays the fabric.  In either case it rolls what should have been discarded the stitching.  Needless to say it isn’t pretty! or flat!  Though the knife wiggles just slightly it is enough to ruin the serging process big time.  I take it in to my dealer, but it doesn’t stay put for many hours of serging.  The last time it happened was while I was serging the edges of an armhole to the sleeve cap before I sewed the side seam together.  The fabric was cotton.  It was going along fine until I came to the yoke section and a third layer of fabric was added.  I ended up trimming the the seam to 1/4″ and serging without using the knife.  (Now it will cut and serge a single layer of fabric only.)

Is there an adjustment I can do myself?  I haven’t found one and I’d like to know if there is a way to do it myself so I don’t have to drag my machine into town every so often.  It is discouraging to be in the middle of a project and have to quit.



  1. MaryinColorado | | #1

    I have had my Huskylock 936 for years and have never encountered that problem!  It should not be doing this, either you need them to replace the blade as it may be dull or make sure that a senior technition is working on the machine and not a student or underqualified person.  I would expect the dealer to correct the repeat problem at no charge if you returned in a timely manner! 

    1. michellem | | #2

      I had a serger with this problem.  I was told it was the plastic gears that needed to be replaced often.  I got a new serger, different brand.  The first thing I told the dealer was I wanted a machine with metal gears.  It cost more but the cost is less in the long run (I don't have to keep taking it in for repairs)

      1. User avater
        wghmch | | #3

        "I had a serger with this problem.  I was told it was the plastic gears that needed to be replaced often."

        You should have bought a taller pair of boots.

        Bill Holman

        1. KarenW | | #4

          LOL!  What do you think the problem was Bill?  I've serged through some pretty scarey stuff and though I once through the machine out of time doing so (but the item still came out stitched just beautifully!) I've never heard of a knife wiggling itself loose or out of adjustment on a continuing basis. 


          1. User avater
            wghmch | | #5

            "What do you think the problem was Bill?"

            Either something was not adjusted correctly, or the screw and the receptacle did not have snug matching threads, or there was not a good lock washer on the screw. It would have nothing to do with the "plastic gears."

            Bill Holman

          2. MaryinColorado | | #6

            God Bless all those wonderful mechanics!  Hope this thread helps all of us to show more appreciation for the folks that keep our machines(not just sewing machines) purring. Our world would come to a screaching halt without them.  Mary



          3. smokeygirl | | #9

            Thanks for your response!  SG

      2. smokeygirl | | #8

        Thanks for the idea!  SG

    2. smokeygirl | | #7

      Thanks for your ideas! SG

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