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Sew Stylish Magazine subscription

LindaFaye | Posted in General Discussion on

I bought my first copy of the Sew Stylish Magazine over the counter, and subscribed to it over a month ago.  I thought the second edition was to come out in April, but I have not received it yet.  Has any one who subscribed received it through the mail yet?


  1. Cherrypops | | #1

    Linda you are correct with April.  http://www.besewstylish.com has a blog writtten by AmberE. The date mentioned for the second issue is April 10. Have a read of that blog and others, it' a great site accompanying Sew Stylish. CherryPops. (australia)

    1. LindaFaye | | #2

      Thanks much, I will do that now.

      1. paulette | | #3

        I have  a subscription and my 2nd issue came on April 7. I live in south Florida.

        I have very mixed feelings about the 2nd issue but I'll post that on their website.



        1. Cherrypops | | #4

          Paulette, Thank you for letting Linda know. I would like to read your comments on the sewstylish site, so i will keep a lookout. As an Australian Subscriber I have only just received the first issue. This is due to Taunton shipping method, economy post, so it takes around 10 weeks, sometimes I can be lucky and receive it a little earlier. I visit the sewstylish website to see what is coming up in the next issue. It gives me something while I wait. I cannot really give opinions on the magazines until I see the full content. CherryPops

        2. LindaFaye | | #5

          Thanks for letting me know.  I am just getting back into sewing so the first issue was very helpful and I enjoyed reading it.  Thought I would have gotten mine by now, but will keep looking.

          1. Cherrypops | | #6

            Linda, I hope you receive it soon. I will wait the 10weeks. I enjoyed the first issue, a quick and handy tool. saves searching through all my text books. As i said above, I use the sewstylish website while i wait for my magazine to arrive in Australia. have plenty to keep me busy in the meantime! CherryPops

      2. ctirish | | #7


        My Sew Stylish came on Thursday or Friday, so I am sure it will be along soon.  I am in CT where Threads main offices are located, but I don't know where they are printed or where their distribution center is located. 

         I was not sure about adding another sewing magazine to the list of ones already published or adding another subscription to my bills.  So far, I like it, I think it is thorough and specific with the information about the topics it presents.  It may prove to be another magazine I want to keep - I will have to move to another home and use this one to store magazines.  Maybe with this magazine they can start storing them from the start so we can access them online and not have to save them all under my bed with the Threads magazines.

        It will be there soon, so enjoy.. j

        1. User avater
          susannah_sews | | #8

          Hey Ctirish

          I only wish I could store my copies of Threads under my bed - but that is where most of my fabric stash is!

          Much joy and celebration at the weekend because my son (21 years old) made an offer on a unit (I think it would be called an apartment in the USA) and it was accepted.  The joy is not so much because he will be moving out (he works away a lot, and even when he is "home", he is hardly ever here!), but because his bedroom will be able to be converted into a new sewing room for me!



          1. flossie | | #9

            Susannah, I was looking forward to a new sewing room when my son moved out earlier this year but unfortunately my eldest daughter decided to move back home. I had the room all planned and had started moving fabric in when she asked if she could come back.

            I just keep telling myself that having her here is a wonderful source of inspiration ( she is an artist) but I just want more room to sew!

            Regards Pauline

          2. User avater
            susannah_sews | | #10

            Hi Pauline

            Fortunately for me, when son moves out, there isn't another wayward child waiting to move home (daughter is still here).  My only worry is that my husband will jump at the chance to expand something into the soon-to-be-spare room.  This would be most unfair - he has already expanded into the room that was once upon a time a combined study/sewing room (now only a study, with some sewing storage that he keeps telling me needs to be moved) AND has a newly equipped office in a newly equipped shed in the back yard!  

            Why do mothers always come last?


          3. LindaFaye | | #11

            Tee hee, you ladies are very funny (Threads and fabric stash under the bed).  SOUNDS A LOT LIKE ME!!!  My Mother calls the area under her bed "The Library".  Got to put the books and magazines some where!

            I still haven't gotten that issue of Sew Stylish yet, but I am trying to be patient.  Cherrypops says she has to wait 10 weeks for her magazines to arrive - so I have nothing to conplain about I guess - it's not like I have nothing at all to look at.

          4. Ralphetta | | #12

            Your comment about "the library" reminded me of my mother.  Also, I would never lend her books because she liked to read in the bath tub and her books looked like porcupines because the dampness made the pages all stick out wildly and you couldn't close the book.

          5. Cherrypops | | #13


            If you need to email customer service to find out when your magazine was sent to you here is the address [email protected] . Kristi at CS, has helped me out a lot with my subscription history and backissues I have placed orders for over the past year. I have found her replies to be thorough, she checks my account and advises me of any change. Apparently I renewed my subscription earlier than I should have, but it is all sorted now thanks to Kristis excellent service.

            I hope you receive your sstylish soon, I understand you when you write that you have other things to look at but it is nice to know when magazines are due.

            Please let us know when it arrives.



        2. User avater
          blondie2sew | | #14

          I just got my magazine today the 11th!And I agree with your statements on really precise and to the point! I do like the format...I know that they at this point are using some "borrowed" material from Threads but as I was reading through it, It really didn't bother me!! As you put it. This is nice that everything is in one place..very easy access..And I did subscribe for the year!! Quite honestly I haven't been subscribing to any magazines in a very long time..just buying them off the rack...so I will give it a go and I am thinking this maybe a keeper!! I really love the quiz at the front in these two issues...the first was what is you sewing personality and this one was what is your Red Carpet Personality..I think it is fun and really great to have a bit of a cheat sheet to the rest of the magazine!! Anyway Just wanted to chime in and say I loved your comments wanted to add a bit of mine and there you go

          1. LindaFaye | | #15

            Well I guess I can stop fussing - my new magazine came today the 13th.  I really like the magazine.  I just discovered Threads last fall when I started sewing again.  I've been able to get my hands on some old Threads issues and just won a bid on 6 of them on Ebay that I'm waiting to receive.  It will probably take me years to collect all of the older issues so Sew Stylist is a great addition for me.  Even the basic stuff is a real help to me.

          2. Cherrypops | | #16

            Thats Great Linda!

            I am very happy to report that I too received my SewStylish - Get Red Carpet Ready yesterday 13th April. So I didn't have to wait the 10weeks after all. This magazine was sent Air Mail. Threads is Economy. I don't understand Taunton and their shipping methods at all! I will need to ask Customer Service what is going on! I would think they would use the same shipping company???

            I love this issue!




          3. LindaFaye | | #17

            I love it too!  Glad you got yours already.  I've flipped through it already and now will try and find some time to sit down and do a through read.  I figure that if I only learn one little thing per issue that helps me it's well worth the subscription price.


  2. cloetzu | | #18

    I saw the latest issue in a local store so started to wonder when I would get mine (i thought subscriptions went out before they went to news stands etc)....

    I emailed customer service and they confirmed my subscription and that my copy was mailed out on March 26th and told me it could take 4-6weeks to receive (here in Canada).  They were very quick to respond!

    It's very difficult to avoid picking up a copy from the news stand!  ;)


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