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Conversational Threads

Simplicity Pattern 5287

Ro | Posted in General Discussion on


THIS MONTH’S ISSUE.  Cute blue confetti felting jacket.

This pattern has been discontinued.  If anyone has this pattern, please post to RO110

I have two granddaughters and would love to make this

adorable jacket for them…Toddler 2 and 4 years old.

I hope someone out there is responsive.

Thank you.


Edited 9/30/2003 10:07:51 PM ET by Ro

Edited 9/30/2003 10:16:42 PM ET by Ro


  1. carolfresia | | #1

    Dear Ro,

    Take a look at Voge 7791, and Butterick 3267. They're not exactly like the discontinued pattern, but could probably be adapted easily enough for the same look. We actually adapted the original Simplicity pattern somewhat, ourselves, for a single-layer, no-hood design. If you're planning to do the felting technique, look for patterns that are designed for polar-fleece-type fabrics, although designs intended for wovens will work fine as well--just eliminate facings, linings, etc., where appropriate.

    Have fun--I'll bet your granddaughters will love the jackets!


    1. Ro | | #2

      Hi Carol:

      Thank you for your quick response.  I will  definitely check out the Vogue and Butterick patterns you suggested. 


      1. carolfresia | | #3

        Ro, keep us posted, and if you have questions, feel free to ask. One thing that's really cute on that child's jacket is the red trim: it looks like rickrack, but it's actually felted jersey that's been cut with a wavy rotary blade. I have to admit, I'm not sure how the author managed to keep the wavy pattern continuous, since I think she had to lift the blade occasionally. But I'm always impressed by the technical prowess of our authors!


        1. Ro | | #4

          Carol, how do you know that the red was not rickrack...I called Threads and the person that I spoke to said it was rickrack...I would love to contact the author myself.  Did you say that you actually made this jacket and used another pattern?

          I went and checked out the patterns you suggested....can't get my mind off the original pattern ...will  still continue to search for this pattern.  If not, will use Vogue or Butterick. 

          Hancocks does not have wool jersery.  I went on the internet last line Fabric.com and found wool jersery..in fact, they mentioned the blue wool jersery as shown on this months Threads' magazine...will order from them.  That was easy enough!


          1. carolfresia | | #5

            Hi, Ro,

            I'm one of the Threads editors (that's what that little gavel means, next to my name), and I spent a fair amount of time looking at and talking about the jacket when it was on display at the THreads booth at the American Sewing Expo a couple of weeks ago. The trim is, indeed, meant to look like rickrack, but it's actually felted jersey, which is nice because it has the same hand as the rest of the fabric and the edge remains soft and flexible.

            Wool jersey can be tricky to locate; we're having trouble finding a source that has in in stock all the time, in a variety of colors. I've gotten some from fabric.com and been very pleased with it--but be sure it's 100% wool; I don't think it felts as well when the wool is blended with nylon.

            I haven't made that jacket myself yet (but the pattern belongs to me!! I bought it a couple of years ago and, well, never got around to making it yet--we all know that story, I think!). It's basically a short, boxy jacket, and there are several patterns currently available that would fit the bill for that. The assymmetrical front is what's so cute, I think, but you could quite easily redraft the front piece of a pattern that's designed with a center front opening.

            Start by tracing the front pattern piece onto tissue paper, leaving some excess paper along the edge where you're going to create the extension. Now, lay the original front pattern piece down (flip it over so it's now the left side, if the one you traced is the right side--or vice versa), and lay the tracing down next to it, aligning the center front lines, so you have the whole jacket front, right and left sides, in tissue. Make sure the neckline and hems line up, too. Tape this all lightly into position, or pin it, so that the pieces don't shift.

            On your traced version, decide how far you want the assymmetrical opening to be from the center front--I'm guessing it's about 3 inches toward the opposite side, in this case (but the jacket is on its way to another show, so I can't measure it now). Draw a line parallel to the original center front line at this distance away, on your extra tissue paper; make sure the line extends all the way to the neckline and the hem. Now you have the new front edge drafted. To draft the hem, simply continue the original hemline horizontally across till it meets your front edge.

            To draft the neckline, you have a couple of options: trace the neck from the original pattern piece, which should still be taped underneath, so you can just copy it right off onto your tracing. This will make a neckline that preserves the rounded/jewel shape of the original design. If you want the neckline to lap over in a more horizontal line (like the cover jacket), just freehand draw it over till it intersects the front edge. You could even make a modified v-shaped neckline, I you like--this is where you can let your own design instincts come into play. If you have 2 granddaughters, maybe you make two slightly different styles so each one can have her "own" version.

            A faster, easier way to do all this is just to tape some tissue onto the front pattern piece, along the center front edge, draw in a new front edge, and wing it for the neckline. I suspect this approach would be just as successful, but the previous method lets you look at the entire front so you can judge the proportion of the assymmetrical opening a little more accurately.

            I'll bet you knew all this anyway, Ro, but maybe it will help the next person who's wondering! When you get the jackets done, please post a picture of them--preferably modeled by the granddaughters.


          2. Ro | | #6

            Carol, thank you for forwarding the instructions, however, I'm one of those illiterate people that needs to have the exact pattern right in front of me.

            If at all possible, and I would be excited to pay, if you had the time to trace pattern 5287 and send it to me.  Please think about it.

            So glad to meet one of the editors of Threads. 



          3. SEWSERIOU1 | | #7

            It would be illegal for her to copy the pattern and send it to you.  It is copyrighted material and cannot be copied and shared.  Perhaps you can try E-bay or one of the many sites on the internet that sell older patterns and see if you can locate a copy that way. 

            As stated, any short, boxy-style jacket pattern will do.  It's not about the pattern, it's about the fabric and the embellishment anyway.

          4. Ro | | #8

            Well that's why you're are a SEWSERIOUS and I'm not...aware of such illegal actions.

            What happen to the days when people shared their patterns...anway!

          5. carolfresia | | #9

            Ro, as Sewserious says, I can't copy the pattern for you due to copyright protection. However, I think if you can get the Vogue pattern (7791) that I mentioned earlier, it will do the job for you. You'll see that on the pattern envelope, it's lapped left over right, boy-style, but you can of course reverse this. You'll have to omit the collar, and I think the Vogue pattern is slightly longer, but you can easily adjust that. Also, it looks as though that pattern has facings; leave them off and just do an unfinished edge, or trim with real or felted "rickrack."


          6. Ro | | #10

            Carol,  Thank you once again.  I will definitely check out the Vogue pattern you suggested.  I believe I will be able to do it once you explained it to me.

            Sorry if I over-stepped my boundaries.  Did not realize how serious some of the sewer's can be.  I will in the future reply back only to the person that responsed.

            Thank you again for your patience and kindness.

            I will let  you know how the jacket turned out.

          7. carolfresia | | #11

            Ro, no harm done. There are many copyright issues related to the creative and intellectual property of sewing, including patterns and machine embroidery designs. I'm always learning more about this, and have discovered that it's hard to be too careful. Also, I work with designers who make their living selling these kinds of products, so I know how much they count on selling individual copies of each thing they market.

            Good luck with the Vogue jackets! Here's a heads-up: I think one of the major chain stores with sewing materials (J*****s) is having a 75% off sale on Vogue patterns, ending tomorrow. It's great opportunity to pick up a bunch of nice designs, don't you think? I'll be there...


          8. SEWSERIOU1 | | #12

            Sharing patterns has always been illegal.  I am sorry if you think I was out of line or you got offended.  I realized you were not aware of it being illegal and that is why I brought it to your attention.  I, for one, am never unhappy to learn something new I did not know before.  I love learning new facts.  Never know when they will come in handy.

            Edited 10/3/2003 7:03:06 PM ET by SEWSERIOU1

          9. Ro | | #13

            I believe that message should of came from Carol...not just anyone from the forum considering the cirsumstances.

            Yes, it's always good to learn, however, I have learned over the years one must present themselves in a mannerly way. 

            Perhaps, you take your sewing a little too serious!

          10. SEWSERIOU1 | | #14

            Once again, I  apologize and I am sorry if I offended you.   May the good Lord bless you greatly and please have a wonderful time sewing your jackets.  I am sure they will look fantastic.

            Oh, and I don't take myself very seriously, but I do take SEWING seriously, thus my name.  (It is also the name of my company.)

            Have a great day!

            Edited 10/4/2003 8:06:29 AM ET by SEWSERIOU1

          11. CTI | | #15

            I believe Carol did reply (bold=my emphasis).

            2520.12 in reply to 2520.11 

            Ro, no harm done. There are many copyright issues related to the creative and intellectual property of sewing, including patterns and machine embroidery designs. I'm always learning more about this, and have discovered that it's hard to be too careful. Also, I work with designers who make their living selling these kinds of products, so I know how much they count on selling individual copies of each thing they market.

            But if I had the pattern you wanted I would happily give or sell it to you, just as I might pass anything down to a friend or sell to recoup some of the cost.

            IP (Intellectual Property) has come a long way, but a pattern is a pattern. You know it's illegal to copy pages from a book without permission from the publisher. It's a similar situation. Obviously, if you are the creator of your pattern and want to give it away, that is wonderful, just not commonplace these days.

          12. Ro | | #16

            After Sewserous1 !

          13. CTI | | #17

            Yes, true. I tend to not mind who gives the information I'm seeking, and since monitoring all the posts is surely only a small part of Carol's job, some people will jump in, trying to be helpful and share knowledge.

This post is archived.

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