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Conversational Threads

sleeved shawl

MLTB | Posted in General Discussion on

Hello Posters! ~ I have just joined this group, mainly because I have a question about a project I saw in a Threads mag., but also because I like to sew.

The project I want the instructions for is a sleeved shawl. There is probably a better name for it. It was written up in a recent issue and now I would like to make it to wear to a wedding in 10 days. Hopefully it is as easy to make as I seem to remember it.

So if anyone can either link me to the insturctions or let me know the issue so I can get it from the library again it would me much appreciated.

Thanks, MLTB


  1. sewslow67 | | #1

    If would be helpful is you would describe what a "sleeve shawl" looks like.

  2. JeanM | | #2

    Hello, MLTB, and welcome.  I am also new here---well, new to posting here anyway.

    I believe you mean "Cardi-wrap in an hour" by Anna Mazur which appeared in the April/May, 2007, issue, #130.

    I also thought that was an interesting design and quick to sew.



    1. JeanM | | #3

      I e-mailed a response to your message.

  3. Sunshine | | #4

    If you want an "official" pattern that's similar to the Cardi-Wrap in Threads, look at Easy McCall's M5241.  It calls for a stretch knit, and has 3 lengths to choose from.  There is sort of a funnel collar, and set-in sleeves which are very easy.  I used my serger for all the seams, and serged all of the edges, then turned up the sleeve edges and stitched a quick 1" hem on my sewing machine.

    One suggestion on fabric: don't use anything too stretchy!  The pattern's stretch guide call for 4" to stretch to 5 1/4" min.  My fabric was a rather open weave and very stretchy polyester.  The shoulders were halfway to my elbows and the front dragged rather than draped!  I took in the CB seam a couple of inches and sewed a straight line of stitching on top of the shoulder to act like a seam to minimize the stretching.  In 20/20 hindsight, I'd make the pattern again, but be more selective on the material!  I do like having regular sleeves for my arms, instead of just draping a shawl around myself. 

    Creativity is just play in concrete form.



    1. JeanM | | #5

      I like this pattern.  It looks very much like the "loose"-wearing version of the cardi-wrap.  It might be possible to wear it in some of the different ways shown in the magazine, but looks very nice this way.

    2. User avater
      ThreadKoe | | #6

      Just a thought, but have you tried taking a tuck at the shoulder of your wrap?  It would shorten the sleeve, but leave the rest of the garment intact, and usually helps to keep it really stretchy fabrics falling nicely in the right place.  Cathy

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