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suesewing | Posted in General Discussion on

Does anyone smock?  I haven’t done it since my daughter was a young child some 20 years ago and I am looking for the “dot paper” that I ironned on to the fabric to let me know where to make the pleats for smocking.  Does anyone have any ideas?


  1. Crazy K | | #1

    Yes,.........I'm surprised Solo hasn't answered you...........Solosmocker does smocking........and she does absolutely brilliant work!!  If you look around the thread, you'll see her entries...........


  2. solosmocker | | #2

    Here I am, CrazyK!

    I do a lot of smocking. I use a pleater. You can get the dots from a google search for Grace Knott. I think it might be GLK.com but not sure. I believe she invented the dots, known as Knott's Dots, and her website still sells them. She also has some wonderful patterns for smocked childrens clothing.

    Where are you located? If you are in the South, there are many heirloom stores there that will pleat your fabric for you at a very reasonable price. A pleater gives you more consistent pleats and depth which certainly contributes to the end result. Also, there are a fair amount of smocking patterns in the Vogue catalogue. Those all come with the iron on smocking dots, so no need to buy elsewhere if you use one of their patterns.

    Is this your first try at smocking? I am warning you, it can be quite addicting.


    1. User avater
      suesewing | | #3

      Thanks for your help.  I live in the Philadelphia area and I have smocked several dresses for my daughter 20 years ago and I want to start again for the next generation.


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