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Conversational Threads

Start New Thread

Pattiann42 | Posted in General Discussion on

Many times I open a thread to find the discussion has gotten off track and I feel that I am wasting time.  

I new thread should be started when the subject changes.

Do we have monitors?

Comments please.



  1. solosmocker | | #1

    There is a monitor on another sewing board I belong to and she makes sure everyone stays on topic. I must say she does this with humor and great tact and politeness. She also is the "owner" of the board.

    However on still another board I participate in a great deal it never seems to be a problem, and that is without monitoring. That I credit to the many categories available in which to post. There is even a new thread daily to talk, update each other on projects, personal issues and such. Then the next day starts another. There is a thread for "I saw it on Ebay", a thread for computer questions in regards to the board, etc. In other words there are quite a few specific forums, more so than here, so there is no need to get off topic. You just go to the appropriate thread.

    Then there is a third that I visit occasionally. It is the home of some extremely creative fiber artists. By the 4th or 5th post in every thread the topic is totally gone and onto something completely unrelated, over and over. I find it very frustrating. I don't go there too often because of it, yet I so admire the work of those who post.

    Just some thoughts....and oh, I do agree with you. It can be frustrating when I go back to a thread with a few new posts and I am thinking "what are they talking about?" So I guess the moral is "stay on topic". My two cents FWIW.

    1. User avater
      Becky-book | | #2

      And then there is the "Hidden Nugget of Wisdom" phenomenon where the thread is titled something that does not interest me but they got off topic and "wow" I almost missed that 'cause I did not know it was there!


      1. Josefly | | #3

        I agree, Becky. Sometimes I ignore threads with titles that don't interest me, only to notice as time goes by that there are many, many responses to that thread. So the degree of response makes me curious about it, and I find off-topic postings there that have some great information in them. That's when I wish a new thread had been created with a new title, so I can discover them earlier.

        1. JanF | | #4

          Oh dear - this might mean me!
          I do try to stick to threads but my mind runs away with my mouth (or fingers as is the case for posting threads!)and then someone answers a point on the tail end - and so on!
          It frustrates me that your topic disappears after what seems a short time too - is there a way for keeping track of this that I am missing?
          You see!
          another thread posting really - keeping up to date?
          To post or not to post - that is the question!

          1. User avater
            Becky-book | | #5

            About threads "disappearing" if your READ selection is set to WITH Unread MSG. then the ones you have already read do not appear.  Set it to ALL and you will see many more threads.

            When you are reading a thread only the last few posts are displayed, but you can select the earlier ones in that section at the bottom (can't remember exactly what it said) something like... Navigate this discussion msg 1-5, 6-10, etc..

            At least this is what I see... I have heard that if you are not using Windows Internet Explorer (ie Foxfire) then things look a little different! (can't help with that)

            Hope this helps,


            Edited 6/11/2007 7:12 pm ET by Becky-book

          2. Josefly | | #6

            I, too, am guilty. But there are some gems, as Becky noted, sometimes included in off-topic remarks. If such messages were monitored, what would the outcome be?

          3. Pattiann42 | | #10

            The idea of a monitor would be to start a new thread when the subject changes.  That would attract more postings.

          4. User avater
            Becky-book | | #11

            Anyone can do this (start a new thread). If you like the discussion that popped up in "foreign" soil, then take it and run with it.  Cherrypops often does this for us!!


          5. Pattiann42 | | #12

            Good for CP!

          6. Cherrypops | | #13

            Thanks Ladies.

            I try to help where I can from my sewing room down under.

            I would love a face to face chat also, which is why becky's photo helps.

            A lot has happened over the weekend and I am catching up.

            When you have time please read The Non-Sewing Chat Thread. A little insight to us as women, mothers and grandmothers and our daily lives that doesn't involve the sewing. I hope some of the new male members will check it out too.

            CherryPops (sydney australia)

  2. MaryinColorado | | #7

    "monitors", like in school?  yuck!  just my two cents!  I am probably one of the most guilty of this.  I truly am sorry to those who are inconvenienced but I rarely think "inside the box".  It stifles the imagination and creativity. 

    I can't help who I am but will attempt to use more linear thinking.   Boring! 

    Gee, and I was so enjoying this forum!  So many wonderful personalities, I feel like we are friends from afar.  If I just want information, I can buy a textbook!  Guess I better watch out for "big brother", it's not enough that there are cameras everywhere, what's next, thought police? 


    1. User avater
      Becky-book | | #8

      Oh dear, Oh dear!!

      Please continue to "think outside the box"! and provide your input to our discussions!! This computer assisted conversation has its own limitations, let's make the most of the positive possibilities and not let the limitations "get to" us!  I would much prefer a face to face conversation, but since we are spread all over the globe, I'll take what I can get!!

      I have seen times when a new topic comes up and someone starts a new thread, but not every rabbit trail is worth its own sign post!


      1. MaryinColorado | | #9

        Eloquently said!  You put a smile on my face this morning when I visualized your words.  You are a poet!  Mary

    2. jane4878 | | #14

      I'd rather have the odd off topic conversation then have everything monitored.  There are some sites (i.e Ricksteves.com graffiti board) that you can't even post something on topic without some anal somebody deleting or editing everything.  I don't bother with that site--it has to meet the monitors' own political agenda to get posted.  We should just collectively try to keep on topic, but it's cool with me if stuff rambles.  I love the relaxed friendly "neighbourhood" feeling here.

      1. Ralphetta | | #15

        I agree

      2. Cherrypops | | #16

        well said, thank you.

      3. Crazy K | | #17

        Me, too!

        1. fabricholic | | #18

          Ditto for me.Marcy

      4. sewingkmulkey | | #19

        I'm totally in agreement with you!

      5. solosmocker | | #20

        Monitors serve different functions on different boards. I know of two sewing boards where the monitors are there to keep the pornographic spam out and nothing more. Unfortunately this has been necessary on those boards as the technology is not in place to filter them out as clearly there is on this board. The monitors do not function as board police other than to get rid of those nasty spammers. So monitors can perform different duties from out and out censoring.

        1. MaryinColorado | | #21

          I think they do an excellent job here!  Mary

          "See one, do one, teach one"  favorite quote, author unknown....

        2. jane4878 | | #22

          We are monitored here very gently--I'm aware I can't go out and bash people and use foul language etc.  But I really hate being censored when you're being polite and reasonable.  Who decides what is and is not on topic?  It's a simple thing just a sewing discussion board, but we live in times where we must be careful about our civil liberties and I can be ornery about censorship.  I live a rather isolated life between work and family and I enjoy this board for, not only the immense amount of information from experienced sewers, but the fun, chatty, supportive  atmosphere.  I wouldn't bother being a part of this, if every time I posted a question or a comment I was being edited or removed completely.  That makes me feel that my input is worthless.




          1. solosmocker | | #23

            Jane, I agree with you completely. I am a real civil libertarian! It is a sad story, but one board I go to, at any given time, you open it up and there is the foulest, disgusting headlines for the spam posts. Just think of the worst and you will get the picture. Becuase the owner of the board refuses to invest in spyware or give someone the ability to monitor and delete the profanity it is there every time you open up each forum on the board. It gets old after a while and they have lost many posters because of it. This is a sewing board with legitimate sewing posts backed by a nationally recognized company. It is just sad. I really enjoy this board and others as it is all about sewing and how passionate we all are about it. I have been sharing sharing situations that I have seen on other boards. There are many different ways of doing things and its good to be aware of them, not necessarily agree with them. It is thought provoking! solo

          2. MaryinColorado | | #24

            I agree 100%, thank you for posting this!  Mary

  3. AmberE | | #25

    Hi: I do  keep my eye on the boards, but in general try to keep the free flow of discussion going to encourage participation. You can always start a new thread on a topic if you feel that the original has blown off course. Keep up the posts!

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