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Conversational Threads

Sulky 2000 adhesive spray on velvet

cookrose | Posted in Equipment and Supplies on

I’m doing something I’ve never done before: I’m making that dress on the cover of the latest issue of Threads! in velvet!

I love the idea of using that Sulky 2000 spray to stick the layers of fabric together, as Linda Lee’s article suggests, but having a lot of trouble trusting that the adhesive will dissipate. I would hate for the excitement of my first time sewing velvet to be marred with memories of how I ruined the fabric.

Does anyone have experience using this product? Does it really all go away, eventually?

R. Auten


  1. MaryinColorado | | #1

    I haven't used it on velvet that I recall, but it works well and has always lost it adhesive power by the second day in my experience.  The Sulky kk2000.  Try it on a scrap and see what happens first.  Mary

    1. User avater
      rodezzy2 | | #2

      Good advice, try it on scrap first.

      1. cookrose | | #3

        Thanks, ladies. I was worried about the velvet keeping its "hand" when the adhesive is supposedly gone. I've experimented a bit and I find tif I mask everything off except for the seam allowance when I spray, my results are fine.

        1. User avater
          rodezzy2 | | #4

          Good girl, better safe than sorry. 

        2. MaryinColorado | | #5

          Hope you can post a photo when you are done!  Mary

          1. cookrose | | #6

            Why, thank you. I will, on my blog! and probably PatternReview.

          2. Josefly | | #7

            Now that there's a Threads "Readers' Closet" online, it would be nice if you posted a photo here, too, and maybe a link to your blog. :>)

          3. cookrose | | #8

            I definitely will.Roseana

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