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Vest Pics

rodezzy | Posted in Photo Gallery on

I believe the yarn is called “Incredible”, it’s a ribbon yarn.  It is all single crocheted with a size “P” hook.  Processes from book “Crochet Squared” by Marsha Polk.  I deviated from the actual jacket in the book and just used the principle process.  I crocheted eight rectangles, four in each color, single crocheted them together.  Single crocheted around the edges of the entire vest and arm holes.  Made a chain and laced it through the front opening.  Made a long single crocheted scarf of one ball each of the yarn and there you have it.

Wore it over a light blue jersey top with a boat neck.  Wrapped the scarf around my neck like a lariet necklace.  Great.


Rodezzy, Fiber Artist

Edited 1/10/2008 3:45 pm ET by rodezzy

Edited 1/10/2008 3:46 pm ET by rodezzy

Edited 1/10/2008 3:47 pm ET by rodezzy


  1. Josefly | | #1

    Very nice, rodezzy. I love things made with ribbon yarn, they're so lightweight and comfortable. I'll have to check out that book you mentioned...squares and rectangles I think I can do.

  2. Gloriasews | | #2

    Nice, Rodezzy!  I really enjoyed that Crochet Squared book, too.  Now I've ordered No Pattern Knits, by Pat Ashforth, from the library - should be getting it tomorrow.  Have you read this one?  It's probably the same idea as the crocheting book.


    1. rodezzy | | #3

      Checked it out on in "net" at Amazon and it looks a lot more complicated than I want to do, but interesting.  I saw modular knitting on "Knitty Gritty" and it is interesting.

      I have a knitting book on knitting squares and rectangles to make lots of stuff, but I'll have to tell you the author and title on Monday if I remember, Tuesday the latest.  I like that one.  Don't think I could sit still for modular knitting. (smile)  Enjoy though.

      1. Gloriasews | | #4

        I agree with you - crocheting is way faster.  My knitting is slow & takes AGES!  Do try to find the title of the knitting squares book over the weekend.  In the meantime, I'll have my library book to peruse & see if I agree with you on that one, too. :)  Have a great weekend!


        1. damascusannie | | #6

          >>I agree with you - crocheting is way faster. My knitting is slow & takes AGES!
          ~~With a ribbon yarn like that in Rodezzy's vest, I'd use big knitting needles and I'm sure I could make something similar in about the same time it would take to crochet, but I'm a very experienced knitter and work pretty quickly; I've taught myself to throw the yarn with one finger. I had to give up crochet as it aggravates the tendon damage in my right arm much more than knitting does for some reason. Too bad for me as I loved crocheting lace and doilies. Annie

          1. Gloriasews | | #7

            Wow!  You are SO fast to be able to knit as fast as crochet. More power to you!  You're right in noticing muscle problems in crocheting - you are using one hand more than the other, of course - I've noticed the same thing if I've been crocheting too long for days on end, so I switch to something else for awhile.  I also like crocheting because I feel I have more control in shaping than I do in knitting, but that's probably just me, as I'm not an experienced knitter.  :)


          2. damascusannie | | #8

            I like knitting because I end up with a softer fabric. I can knit my own socks and they are indistinguishable from purchased socks as far as the fabric goes--I can't say the same about crocheted socks. And once you learn the tricks to shaping, I think it's just as versatile as crocheting. However, for lace and round, flat work, I think that crochet is much easier, hence the lacy and doilies I used to make. I've only ever found a couple of knitted doily patterns in very old pattern books.Annie

          3. Gloriasews | | #10

            There are some free-form knitting books out there now - very interesting!  I am going to try some of the ideas.  They would probably enable you to make doilies, as you can knit in circles.  I agree with you about the crocheted socks - they are much bulkier than the knitted ones (now, just to be able to learn the turning of the heel . . . It's easy, I think, once you know how, eh)?  I would like to make socks, but, as I said, I'm a slow knitter.  Guess if I got to it & persevered, my speed would pick up eventually.


          4. damascusannie | | #11

            Turning a heel is not as hard as it looks. I knit my socks from the toes up to the cuff; for some reason I find them easier to do this way. Also, it allows me to make adjustments to the top of the sock more easily (I have thick ankles and calves but relatively small feet.) If and when the foot wears out, I can unravel the tops and use them for another pair of socks. I often mix and match yarns for my "at home" socks, using up bits and pieces leftover from previous pairs. Since I like the variegated sock yarns best, some of these socks are interesting to say the least! Right now I'm working on a pair of thick knee-hi's. The feet and ankles are a rusty red, the tops are a sort of soft greeny-gray. Not a great color combo, but since they are meant to be worn under jeans, no one will ever know. They look like rugby socks, which are often two-toned in the team colors. I often find that good crocheters hate knitting and vice-versa. I think it's because they learned one first and then much later picked up the second and found it difficult to change old habits. Since I was taught how to do both in grade school as a special class that was offered one year, I find them equally easy to do, but like knitting better. Annie

          5. Gloriasews | | #12

            You really are a Sock Lady!  The recycling idea when your soles wear out is good, too.  I think what I find intimidating is using more than 2 needles (I've never done that before) - but I have some sock patterns, so I'll try them & hope I understand the directions & see how it all goes.  I can always get advice from you, eh?  :)

            I think you're right about when we learned these crafts - I did learn to crochet first (in home ec.) & I taught myself to knit many years later & I've made only sweaters.  I haven't even made a scarf!  As I said, I'll have to persevere.


          6. damascusannie | | #13

            >> I think what I find intimidating is using more than 2 needles (I've never done that before) - but I have some sock patterns, so I'll try them & hope I understand the directions & see how it all goes. I can always get advice from you, eh? :)~~Using multiple needles isn't as bad as you might think. After all, you're really only ever knitting with two of them at any one time--the others are just sitting there waiting for you to get to them. I do find that plastic, wood or bamboo needles are easiest to work with, the slippery steel and aluminum ones can sometimes fall out of the project if you knit loosely like I do. One thing about sock patterns, just do exactly what they tell you and don't try to analyze what you're doing. It's never made any sense at all to me that by performing this step and that step that you'll end up with a heel. I think the person who figured this out was an absolute genius! Theory of relativity--who cares? But socks shaped like your foot? Now THAT'S a discovery that benefitted mankind! Annie

          7. rodezzy | | #14

            Has anyone ever knitted a tube sock.  Since you are a great sock knitter from reading your threads, what do you think would be the pro's and con's of just knitting a tube sock like a lot of people wear?

            Edited 1/15/2008 11:13 am ET by rodezzy

            Edited 1/15/2008 11:13 am ET by rodezzy

          8. damascusannie | | #16

            Tube socks are certainly possible to knit by hand, but since I hate the manufactured ones, I've no desire to knit them. The problem for me is that without the fitted heel, they seem to slide down into my shoes. The most comfortable purchased socks I own have ribbing around the instep to provide a bit of extra arch support. I have high arches; it really does help and the socks fit like a glove. One of these days, I'm going to try adding the section of ribbing to my own socks. And now you've got me thinking! I wonder if a person could include the ribbed section in a tube sock and reduce the slippage? I bet it would. I might have to take some scrap yarn and give it a try. It would sure make sock knitting a lot faster if you didn't have to turn the heels.Annie

          9. rodezzy | | #17

            Wow, thanks for the info.  I won a craft basket during my quilt guild's quilt show four years ago (its every other year), and it had everything you needed to start knitting and crocheting and a pair of knitted socks.  I only wear them around the house when its cold, but they are too thick to wear with shoes.  That's the only pair I have ever seen up close and in person of hand knitted socks.  They were perfect as far as the knitting goes.  Just beautiful.  Have you seen the show on Knitty Gritty about the Coriolus sock? 




            Edited 1/15/2008 12:02 pm ET by rodezzy

          10. damascusannie | | #18

            The Coriolus sock looks really interesting! I'm going to bookmark it and go back when I have more time to analyze the instructions. No gussets would be really nice!Annie

          11. rodezzy | | #19

            Great!  I'm so glad!  Happy knitting!

          12. Gloriasews | | #21

            Thanks, Rodezzy, for the website - I printed the instructions.  I do have 1 pair (?) of circular needles, as I was telling Annie, inherited from my mother-in-law, so I will have to get another one & try this out. 

            You're right about the hand-made sock being bulkier, but they are so much warmer & wear for ages.  As for the tube sock, I have the same problem as Annie - they slide under my feet when I wear shoes - most annoying.


          13. damascusannie | | #22

            Hand knit socks are only bulkier if made from heavy yarns on big needles. I knit most of my socks from sock yarn on size 2 needles and have no trouble wearing them in my regular shoes. Even a light-weight wool-blend sock is much warmer than a cotton on my cold floors.Annie

          14. Gloriasews | | #23

            You're right about the weight of yarn - & wool yarn is definitely warmer than cotton.  My feet are the only place I can wear wool with no problem.  Thanks for the needle size.  Happy knitting!


          15. Gloriasews | | #20

            Alas, all of my double-pointed needles are aluminum or steel (inherited from my mother-in-law), but that's OK, as I tend to be a tight knitter.

            You're absolutely right in stating that the person who first started (invented?) turning the heel was a genius - as well, a very good & creative knitter.  The creativeness of knitting has SO expanded over the past 10 years, eh?  Especially with all the unstructured, any-direction knitting taking place now.  THAT really intrigues me & may well get me into knitting again. 

            I have the book Unexpected Knitting, by Debbie New - it really opened up my eyes about knitting.  Have you seen it?  It's expensive (I paid $85 for it a couple of years ago), but the clothing, etc. inside is REALLY interesting.  See if your library has it.


  3. MaryinColorado | | #5

    love your vest!  Mary

  4. solosmocker | | #9

    wow! That ribbon vest is spectacular! Wish I could see that ribbon up close.


    1. rodezzy | | #15

      Click on this site below for Lion Brand "Incredible" yarn.  It sales for $5.99 per skien in stores.  I got it for $1.00 per at the "Dollar Tree" stores. 


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