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Halloween Costume Contest

Halloween Contest – Children

Front view of the Little Bo Peep Halloween Costume.

This Little Bo Peep costume was inspired by Janet Gilbert’s silk dupioni dress in the 2007 November/December issue of Sew Beautiful Magazine.  The dress has a back-smocked center panel, with a very full skirt worn over a tulle underskirt (that I did not make) and white ruffled pantaloons.  Since the dress and pantaloons were made strictly for use as a Halloween costume, inexpensive lace was used to edge the skirt and sleeves to give it a frilly, little-girl look.  The skirt is tucked up along the bottom and held in place with tiny bows so that the ruffled pantaloons can be seen on the wearer.  The straw hat and crooked staff are decorated with silk flowers and pink satin and organza ribbons; and a favorite stuffed lamb is taken along to complete the theme. 


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  1. User avater
    VintageBaby | | #1

    This is just absolutely beautiful! Stunning! The little girls is just darling and she just makes the dress. I was wondering if you can tell what pattern you used or patterns used for the ruffled pantaloons. I just love those and would like to make some. I am making a vintage style flower girls dress for a vintage style wedding and I can see these going perfect with the dress i'm designing for the wedding. They would just totally completed the dress and be perfect for the theme of this wedding! Please Please!?

    Thanks so much for your time and I absolutely love the set you have posted here. It's just way to pretty for Halloween! :) Debi

  2. niener | | #2

    Debi, I just used a straight legged pants pattern for the pantaloons. I drew lines where I wanted the ruffles to be with a washaway marker. After narrow hemming the two upper ruffles and gathering them, I sewed them RST to the legs with the ruffle pointing toward the waistline along each marked line. Then I pressed the ruffles down toward the hem and top stitched them in place, thus encasing the raw edges. By encasing the raw edges like that, I had to allow at least another 1/2" in length for each ruffle. The bottom ruffle was simply sewn to the bottom of each leg, the seam serged, and then top stitched to hold the ruffle in place. I hope I explained that so that it makes sense! If not, I'll try again. :)

    Thank you so much for your very kind compliment!

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