I found this design online and thought it looked amazing so I gave it a go. I’m so pleased with the outcome!
The link is here: http://www.allcrafts.net/f.php?url=rowena.typepad.com/rostitchery/infinity-dress.html with a few more styles to wear it in too.
It’s essentially just a circular skirt with 2 very long wide straps attached which you can twist around to make different styles of top. It needs to be in a stretchy fabric to work, I’m not sure exactly what mine is, I just picked a pretty, stretchy one! I also elasticated the waistband to let me tuck the ends of the straps in to keep it tidy looking while it’s on.
Now I’m not sure what to do about the bottom of the skirt – simply hem it, or trim with something black and fancy looking? Hmm…
I like it. Might have to give it a go for a nice summer dress. Thanks!
You got the fit right. The colour is great and it looks fantastic on you.
You got the fit right. The colour is great and it looks fantastic on you.