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Ultimate Sewing Challenge

A Salute to Navy Uniforms!

The military paid my way through college.  Thank God I was in the Navy because out of all the military services and uniforms, I think the Navy’s fit the best!  Yes, I took a pattern off my best Navy uniform.  I could not find a thing in the Military code of conduct about lifting patterns off one’s uniform, but then again, I don’t think they were expecting me…!  I adored the fit, loved the design and I can sew it without issues.  I reproduced my Military Navy uniform in an unknown fabric I found at Goodwill.  It is a knobby knit type that may have some wool in it.  Fabric for the black collar came out of my scrap bag and I don’t recall when or where it came from!  I did spend a bit for the fusible glass but I had a blast making the buttons in my kiln!  The lining is black and was also found at Goodwill – so I am not sure what that is either but the outfit works wonders for making me and others feel great!  You guessed it!  I used the treadle machine to sew it!   All told, this outfit cost $35.38, the glass being the larger portion of the costs!


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  1. cab1908 | | #1

    Love this suit. Reminds me so much of Coco Chanel and oh how I wish I could sew something like this. I love well tailored suits. Awesome job!!

  2. GodSewedFirst | | #2

    Thank you ab1908! Coco Chanel's work is stunning! A true legacy to follow. I don't know who designed the Navy uniform, but it would be a fun research!

  3. User avater
    debbie_turney | | #3

    Morning Jayne, I love the fact that this inspired look came from an orginal Military uniform and I also love the buttons....can't wait till i can see the button catalog.

  4. Texasbonnet | | #4

    Makes you want to salute the clever person who designed the pattern, the person who sewed it, and a salute because it looks becoming, classy and smart!

  5. nehmah | | #5

    Wonderful outfit; terrific buttons. You really do it all don't you? Cordially, Nehmah

  6. 4mythreads | | #6

    Which stitches did you use on the treadle machine? I'm trying to picture how you made the jacket.

    Details, please!

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