submitted by Gail Abrams
from Threads #101
When the stitches securing a button must go through to the reverse side of a facing or placket, you want the stitches to be perfect. Here’s an elegant trick; it works on tailored, couture, or artsy garments, particularly vests, jackets, or tunics when the front is worn open.
Sew a button in place as normal. For the last two passes of the needle, sew a small bead (about 1/16 to 1/4 in. diameter) over the stitches on the inside of the garment. I usually match the bead to the fashion fabric, but you could use a wildly different color as an accent.
What is the purpose of the bead?
Hi Zuraiqui-
The bead covers the stitches on the back of the button and supports the fabric so that the button isn't pulling against it.
What a great idea! Another extra design element and surprise for the garment. I love new twists to enhance a garment even in the most functional manner. Looking forward to adding this element to my garments.
I love this idea, oh where was Threads 30 yrs ago when I was sewing formal wear.
I really like this idea. Would love to see a picture posted to get the true effect. Thank You.