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Video: Two Techniques for Edges

Victoria North

While on the road at the American Sewing Guild conference we caught up with Threads author Pam Howard. She was kind enough to take time out of her busy schedule to share two techniques for edges including an easy way to sew a shirt hem as well as a quick mitering method.

Also, learn three techniques from Susan Khalje in these videos from ASG:

How to Attach Hooks, Eyes & Snaps
How to Sew a Thread Bar
How to Sew a Thread Chain


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  1. lynnche | | #1

    Love the mitering technique. I already have been doing the shirt-tail hem for many years. A great instructional video, and very clear and easy to understand :-) Thank you!

  2. annybanny01 | | #2

    Thanks for the mitering video tip. This makes it so easy.
    Appreciate all the help out there. Thank you!

  3. WandaJW | | #3

    Excellent videos for both methods. I have been doing the mitered corners like this for quite sometime and it is easy and exact.

  4. morning | | #4

    brilliant miter!! so simple and yet such a great solution.thank you so much!!

  5. lauraflo | | #5

    Great ideas, and clear and easy to understand. I had done the shirt tail hem before, using my fingers, and I used to think it was cheating. (Due to the old "rules" as to how to sew things.) In more recent years, I realized that whatever works is good and is not cheating; it is simply a different way to do things. That's progress.

    Love that mitering technique, will have to try it soon. Thanks!

  6. DrivesSewMachBest | | #6

    I like both techniques very much. I am especially intrigued by the mitered corner since I find more time to quilt since my "little girl (handicapped and 28) won't wear her own dresswear and prefers to quilt, putting me either in the mending (hemming) box or encouraging aquilt project these days.

  7. jansquires | | #7

    Our ASG Special Interest Group just reviewed finishes yesterday and the Mitered corner is one of my favorite.
    Thank You Pam.

  8. vcalbur | | #8

    This is great. I will have to practice on some quilt corners instead of using binding tape.

  9. Klaudia | | #9

    I like both of these techniques. Simple and elegant.

    Does Ms Howard have some sort of pressing cloth attached to her iron. How does that work?

  10. CassandraW | | #10

    Klaudia--that is an Iron Shoe on Pam's iron. I love this shoe, but I believe it is no longer being made. Christine Jonson (where I purchased mine) has this Iron Shoe listed as a notion on her website, but it is out of stock. I e-mailed Christine a while back and she said this shoe is no longer being produced. If anyone knows where we could purchase this specific Iron Shoe, please post!

  11. User avater
    yousewsmart | | #11

    I knew about the mitering technique but hadn't used it in so long that I forgot about it. Thanks for the reminder.

  12. lovemysinger | | #12

    Have you tried Amazon.com for the Ironing Shoe? They advertise them at this URL.


  13. Samuela | | #13

    The mitered corner can be used on a sleeve vent. Thanks for showing this technique. I can used it when shortening men's or women's sleeve vent. The fact that you say that it doesn't need to be clipped out to lay flat is a good idea.

  14. User avater
    triangles | | #14

    A little difficult to see what Pam is doing during the mitering process. I had to watch several times to see just exactly what fold 'where those lines meet' meant. Is there another you tube video anyone is aware of that shows the fold a little more clearly? I think I have it, but would like to double check. Otherwise, good tutorial for the shirt hem. Thanks.

  15. MarthaMyers | | #15

    Super video! So clear, such perfect results!

  16. Hunny | | #16

    GREAT Instructional video! I've been daunted by miters for Years and Years. No More! Also love the shirt hem treatment - no pins, Yay. Thank you, Ms. Howard. Wish your shop was in Monrovia CA.... :)

  17. JeanSp | | #17

    I can't see the video. I continuously get the message "The video stream is unavailable. Please try again later." Has anyone else had this problem and solved it?

  18. User avater
    Nerdychick2001 | | #18

    potentially great info but poorly filmed. The mitering part of the video hides some crucial elements of the process.

  19. knittinsis | | #19

    I am not a quilter and have never mastered the art of mitering a corner. This video makes it very easy. One question, though...Can you stitch the seam instead of pinning? Does stitching make it more permanent?

  20. User avater
    ustabahippie | | #20

    I love when I learn something new, after 50+ years of sewing!!! Not clipping the seams after making the miter, to add weight to the corner...brilliant!!!

  21. gailllc | | #21

    @knittinsis, yes, you sew where she pinned -- she was "pin stitching" for the sake of time/hassle on the video. You match up *and stitch* on the diagonal line she drew, with the point of the mitered Corner being the end of the stitching line.
    -->Also, when you are finished the two raw edges may not meet evenly; they will if you have the same size hem on both edges and use a 45 degree angle to draw your stitching line. You can get them to match in other cases by: 1--folding both hems in, flat, 2--marking the spot on each raw edge where they meet/overlap, 3--use those two spots and the Corner point to draw your stitching line. (it helps to understand this if you walk through it with marked fabric in front of you) I use this for the bottom of curtains/draperies where the extra weight is a plus! Hope this helps!

  22. bobbie12345 | | #22

    Thank you, Pam. What great ideas. Never too old to learn new tips.
    Adrienne P introduced you to me about 4 years ago at the Atlanta Expo. Great to see you on here.

    Barbara in N.E. Ga.

  23. michalina | | #23

    The tip about corner mitres is great, except for the fact that we don't get told when to take out the pins. Ironing over the plastic headed pins she seems to be using would cause quite a mark in the fabric!

  24. imlady | | #24

    Thank you Ms. Howard for a great video class. I appreciate the simplicity of your instructions and wonder why some comments were so catty. I guess they should get their own video online so someone else can find fault with it. I won't.

  25. Tammy_OPeacock | | #25

    Great professional presentation with "sew" useful tips. You explained things very well and I know I can do these techniques. I am glad that you used your "felling fingers" instead of suggesting we go out and buy yet another accessory foot. You are definitely the subject matter expert on shirts!

  26. miranda10 | | #26

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    Thank you, useful.
    Thank you, useful
    But to be frank, it doesn't tell in detail what should we do to choose a best one, agree?
    I don't think it's good to buy a new hard dirve, why not change the laptop? Lol.

  27. miranda10 | | #27

    Find out what things you need to consider when you are shopping for the best laptop hard drive for your computer

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