The first prize pack!
Threads is giving away not one, but two quilting prize packs. To be eligible to win one of the packs comment below explaining your greatest quilting experience. The drawing ends on Wednesday, January 25, at midnight. The winners will be announced during the week of January 28 and will also be notified via email. Good luck!
The first random winner will receive Simply Beautiful Quilts: 2013 Calendar by Kim Diehl (Martingale, 2013), which includes pictures from her hugely popular Simple series of books, Best Wall Quilts a book from McCall’s Quilting (Martingale, 2012), which has 14 different quilt projects, Vintage Tablecloth Quilts a book by Rose Sheifer and Liz Aneloski (C&T Publishing, 2012), which includes 12 projects using old tablecloths, Pillow Pop a book compiled by Heather Bostic (Stash Books, 2013), which features 25 pillow projects, and Art Quilt Portfolio: The Natural World a book by Martha Sielman (Lark Crafts, 2012), which features the work of more than 70 quilting artists.
The second random winner will receive Award-Winning Quilts: 2013 Calendar (Martingale, 2013), which features quilts from the international quilt association, Skip the Borders a book by Julie Herman (Martingale, 2012), which features 15 easy quilt patterns, A Quilted Memory a book by Mary Kerr (Schiffer, 2011), which includes ideas for reusing vintage textiles, Shots and Stripes a book by Kaffe Fassett and Liza Prior Lucy (STC Crafts, 2013), which has 24 new projects made with shot cottons and striped fabric, and Art Quilt Portfolio: The Natural World a book by Martha Sielman (Lark Crafts, 2012), which features the work of more than 70 quilting artists.
I would love to win one of the quilting prize packs. I have been a quilter for over 20 years and have made many quilts for my family, friends, myself and for charity. I belong to our local quilt guild and have learned so much thru interaction with all the members. Probably my greatest quilting experience was the first time I went to one of the really BIG quilt shows in Minnesota...I was in awe at the beauty of such talented people. I've won a few ribbons myself which is a great quilting experience.
Oh, my! Both prizes look grand. I would love to be included. I have not really finished any full sized quilts so feel my greatest experience is yet to come. I was doing a quilt for a friend who died before I could finish.....never had the heart to finish that one. Mostly I am doing smaller projects attempting to incorporate quilting techniques and blocks and feed the creativity monster that lives inside!
My greatest quilting experience is completing a king sized quilt for my mother. It is my largest quilt ever and my little machine worked like champ! My mother only had one requirement and that it have no black in it. I did the entire quilt front in shades of green and the back was a yellow batik. She liked that the back was just as pretty as the front. I'm so proud of myself. The only thing that went wrong was that after everyone saw, they wanted one too!
I appliqued a pony on a green field and blue sky for a great granddaughter. Her mom loved it.
My best quilting experience came when I volunteered to assembled themed quilts for a fundraiser benefitting a children's home. The blocks were made by the children representing their hopes, and the time I spent with them was inspiring. Even more was the pride when the quilts were auctioned at a charity dinner for over $1000 each. My heart was full!
My greatest quilting experience was the "aha moment" of free-motion quilting my own quilt! Wow, I really don't have to hire longarm quilters. I can finish a quilt without just stitching straight lines. It was an empowering experience, and now it's one I repeat often, as I free-motion quilt almost all my quilts! Thanks for the chance to win....
Can never have too much inspiration!
i have made one quilt with the help of my mother-in-law but i would LOVE to learn how to make more!
My greatest quilting experience was being a kid and picking out the colours for my Grandmother to quilt with.
Love quilting and am teaching quilting to beginners now.
My quilting experience happened a few years ago. Our church was being renovated and the minister asked the senior group to make a quilt to hang over the mantle. Only two of us volunteered and we worked diligently to get the quilt done by the time the renovation was done. A quilting company quilted it for us free because it was a church project. It was a full size quilt. We were very proud of this project. It hung for a year and was replaced with other quilts volunteered by the congregation. I would like to receive one of the quilting calendars. They always have pictures of lovely quilts and I would never throw it away.
To be honest - I have no experience with quilting. I was trying the technique once or twice, but it's so far away from dressmaking I do prefer! But - I know, I will try it at least once more - because I'm a person who loves challenges and I know one day I'll make a quilt wchich will satisfy me at last!
Looks like a lot of fun materials! Would love to win any of them. Thanks for offering it.
I invited 3 ladies from my church to come to my sewing and work on scrappy blocks using my machines and my big hamper full of scraps. We had a wonderful time and the blocks came out really nice. I combined the scrappy blocks with printed Bible verse blocks and some leftover appliqued blocks and we donated the quilts for the Pastor to distribute.
A few months later, as I was leaving the Sunday service, I noticed a lady in a wheelchair at the back of the Church and she had the quilt I made on her lap. That gave me such a warm and wonderful feeling. We made something useful and appreciated from discards. It truly is better to give than to receive.
greatest quilting experience--learning to quilt at my grandma's. she was the best quilter.
My greatest quilting experience came when my granddaughter ASKED me to please make her a quilt! I had so much fun picking the fabrics and pattern. But that was nothing compared to the joy I received when she opened it up on her 16th birthday and she seemed so pleased. I then asked her much younger sister if she'd like me to make her one and she said, "No, Grandma, we've got plenty of blankets!" I knew then that she's not READY for another one yet!
These sounds like wonderful gifts and I would love to win. My mom, sister and sister-in-law quilt but I haven't taken the plunge yet. I need some motivation and this prize pack would provide it.
My most wonderful quilt experience was making my step-grandson a crib quilt. This was the first quilt I made followed by another similar quilt for my step-granddaughter. Those are the only quilts I have made. My sister inherited all the quilting genes in the family and has made some awesome quilts over the years. I would like an opportunity to "catch up" to her!
My greatest quilting experience was making my daughters wedding quilt. I used recycled bluejeans for one side and sunflower cotton pattern for the other side. Each piece was cut in a circle and then sewn together in squares folding the overlap over and sewn down so it gives a flower pattern on the blue jean side. Time was running out so I was doing a couple of allnighters to get it done. I got it finished and was able to get a couple nights sleep before her big day. The quilt is beautiful and will last a couple lifetimes anyway. So very successful.
My greatest quilting experience was this past Christmas. I had made a queen sized quilt and used wool batting. I made it for one of my beloved sons-in-law who is always complaining about the cold in the winter. I made the quilt so he could keep warm. After he opened the gift, which I had quilted all myself, he walked across the room to hug and thank me. He had tears in his eyes. Best quilting experience ever.
Hello Fellow Quilters,
I would be thrilled with any of the prizes....especially more fabric.
My greatest experience was a year-long applique class that resulted in my quilt getting 3rd place at the Des Moines Quilt Guild show last fall.
Tamara Marcsisak
4003 Franklin Ave.
Des Moines, IA 50310
PS Work full time, am caregiver for my 94-year-old mother, spend time sewing with my 7-year-old granddaughter and love my "stolen time to quilt."
My greatest quilting experience was getting to make a quilt from scraps that my deceased grandmother had started before she died at 26. Just to know that I was touching the fabric that her hands had touched, feeling the fabric from my grandfather's shirts, and imagining what she had been thinking when she first cut out the pieces. How I wish I had known her.
Great giveaway!!
I am getting back into quilting after a couple of years break due to family illness/caregiving. I would love to win for inspiration! My greatess moment is everytime I gave away a quilting project (be it quilt, pillow, etc). I realized that it doesn't have to be perfect by my standards it was still loved/admired by the recipient.
For me, quilting was a destination! I was a potter for over 30 years, but when I was ready to retire, I set my sights on quilting! I have not regretted my choice. The colors, textures and the joy of seeing simple fabrics come together in complex designs are a daily gift. Probably my best moment happened when I took the opportunity to show a couple of my quilts at a guild meeting. I was pleased to discover that my techniques were appreciated by others.
I have not had much quilting experience. I have created assorted granny squares and I have done appliqued quilting. I would love to become more efficient at quilting, creating heirlooms and things for my grandchildren.
Although I've been sewing since I was a little girl, I resisted quilting until I was over 40. I thought that since I already had too many quilts to use, thanks to the work of my grandma, great aunt and my husband's grandma, why bother learning to quilt? Because it's FUN, that's why! Recently my sister passed along to me a nearly finished quilt top created by my grandma and great aunt. It's a Grandmother's Flower Garden, in a diamond-shaped arrangement. When I unfolded it and put my hands on a pin to pull it out, I realized that the last hands to touch that, were those of either my grandma or great aunt, who've been gone for over 30 years. The connection I felt to those women through the years and generations was absolutely spine-tingling. While they didn't know me as a quilter, I'm sure they'd be delighted to realize that we share the same passion to create beautiful things using textiles. This "quilting through the generations" moment ranks as my greatest quilting experience.
How nice it would be winning prize. There are several books on my list to buy, and they are included the prizes.
I love sewing and quilting with beautiful fabrics. I have huge collection of fabrics, some from Japan.
I quilt by myself and belong to quilting group and we quilt together on Tuesdays.
My greatest thrill in quilting was designing a memory quilt for my parents on their 60th wedding anniversary. I went through boxes of their photos knowing I was limited to 5 or 6 pictures. At the anniversay party, I taped a fabric to a table top and everyone signed it. The king size quilt top was displayed at the party. The signature piece was included in the back and I quilted it on my 1988 Bernina machine. Was I crazy?!!!
My mom 'sorta' quilted, she made a few quilts of a sort of one big huge log cabin block for the top...
I started hand sewing very young...
I was a preteen, and a friend had an old beloved and worn through in places quilt made by her great grandmother. They lived in an old barn of a victorian like we did, and the heat to the upstairs was rather...not. She was complaining how cold it got at night at a sleepover at my place, and had brought her quilt along. I got out some of mom's fabric scraps and a bag of cottonballs (mom had no batting) and we spent the evening talking and hand sewing little patches on the holes, front and back and tucking cotton ball bits in to replace the missing batting. It took a long time because we were trying to sew tiny and neat stitches... and most holes took front AND back repairs. She told me the day after the next, when she'd slept at home under the newly repaired quilt, how WARM it was... I seen her at college some years later and she still had that quilt; with all our little patches on it (and a few more added later). Friendship through the years....
One of my earliest quilts was made for my grandmother. It was a simple log cabin lap quilt made for her when she fell and broke her leg at the age of 90. She kept that quilt with her through her final years. I lost track of it in the last twenty years since her passing only to learn that my sister had kept it in remembrance. She has been keeping it in her car to keep her warm through the cold Minnesota winters for all this time. It is time to make her one of her own.....
I became hooked on quilting when I made my first quilt for the First Great American Quilt Festival. It was an original design involving a lot of hand appliqué of patriotic scenes. It was not chosen as the winner for my state, but I entered it in the Vermont Quilt Festival and it won the award for Best First Quilt!
For any sewer, making a quilt is probably the best and most comforting of projects. You get the pains in the arms and shoulders from constructing it but then you get to cuddle with it after, even if it's for a baby or someone else :) I've bought a few quilt kits and my heart races at the thought of seeing them done. I was so proud of my first mêlé quilt that I hung it as a curtain in my sewing room. I just love quilting :)
Well I'm fairly new to quilting so I haven't had that many experiences yet. I would say one of best experiences was finishing by son's Eagle Scout Quilt. It was so awesome being able to display this quilt which I pieced and hand appliqued an eagle at the Eagle Scout Court of Honor.
I would to win one of the prize packages that you are giving away. I'm really interested in the vintage tablecloth quilts book! Thanks
My greatest quilting experience was making a star quilt for my niece who graduated from high school last year. Even with a few errors, her face was worth all the time spent on making it. :-)
I am entirely self taught, but I think I "inherited" my love of sewing from my grandmother, whose Singer treadle machine was a joy to play with and explore as a kid. My favorite quilting experience was using various red and white prints, and red and white solids, to make a wall hanging. In the solid squares, I embroidered flowers, hearts and baskets, using embroidery transfers which belonged to my grandma. They date from somewhere in the forties or fifties, and look amazing in white on red, or red on white. I am also Canadian, so I felt the red and white theme was also patriotic.
In the 70's my husband's grandmother gave him a quilt, which she had made with her two daughters (his aunts). The quilt embodied so much love, he says, that when he was sick he would wrap up in it and instantly start feeling better. Unfortunately, he machine washed it and the batting disintegrated. He stuffed it away in a drawer until one day, 42 years later, I pulled it out and determined that maybe I had the patience to repair it. I picked out the whip stitched edges and removed the backing and batting (it had been tied instead of stitch-quilted). I found fabrics that were similar and carefully replaced the worn out pieces in the foundation-pieced blocks. I tie quilted it with Warm and Natural, finishing it a couple of weeks ago. He came down with the flu and was feeling miserable. I wrapped him up in his quilt and voila, the magic was still there. I'm sure now that it will last until my granddaughter needs it. To me, this experience tops all my other quilting efforts.
I would say that my greatest quilting experience was finishing my first big quilt. Before that I had just worked on small projects to build my experience.
My introduction to quilting was Liz's Garden, a "comfort quilt" for my friend in Connecticut who was undergoing nine months of chemo before breast cancer surgery. Thirteen friends met, designed the quilt, assigned squares and then two expert quilters put the quilt together for quilting the whole.
Each of us sewed a square that represented something in Liz's beautiful gardens. I embroideried a blue bird on a branch for my square. Not only did I learn opus plumarium embroidery for the project, I learned from talented friends about quilting. My fear of undertaking a quilting project was gone!
The quilt was finished in 6 weeks -- fine work done quickly. I have never felt so proud of my work or so proud of a team project. Quilting will be forever tugging at my heart-strings.
My greatest project is always the one that I am currently dreaming of, designing, sewing and decorating with embellishments! ;-}
Great giveaways !
Happy New Year God's Blessings!
Debra J Webb
My best experience is almost always my mist recent. Right now it was a scrap baby quilt for the son of a friend of the daughter of a friend. The mother is a cheese maker and the father an Iditarod handler.
My greatest quilting project was finishing a scrap nine patch quilt that my sister-in-law had started before she passed away. I finished it one Christmas for her son, complete with label and information. I now have another quilt project, finishing a quilt for my sister-in-laws grandaughter, who will be graduating from hight school next year. It's wonderful to be able to give them a piece of their mother/grandmother's love.
My greatest quilting experience was when I made a quilt for my bff using her mom's recipes printed on fabric from her father's shirts after both parents passed away. I knew her parents and had baked a lot of her mom's recipes so it was a particularly moving experience from choosing the recipes to piecing it together.
I am working on (aka cutting) my first quilt
It was actually my first introduction to quilting as well. When I was about 8, my great grandmother was making my sister and I quilts. That summer when we went to visit her,she let me help her tie off my quilt. I didn't get to see her but a few more times before she died. I treasure that memory.
Some of my greatest quilting experiences have been the classes I have taken both at IQF-Houston and at Gulf Coast Quilters seminar. I've love the chance to learn art quilting from some of the biggest names in the nation and world. Some techniques don't get touched for years later, but some of the information comes into play over and over. Katie P-M, Noriko Endo, Jane Sassaman, Robbi Joy Eklow are just a few that I have had the pleasure of learning from.
I've been a quilter just under a year, though I've been sewing for 50 years. My greatest quilting experiences so far have been those "Oh-oh-oh-oh!!!" moments of being inspired by other quilters and/or by particular fabrics to have quilt design ideas of my own.
My greatest quilting moment was when I was putting together my first quilt and I stood back and looked at the fabulous effect, and I realised I could do it! Never looked back.
My greatest quilting experience was travelling to Japan to see the Tokyo International Quilt Festival. Altogether it was a 10 day trip and we shopped for fabric every day!
I used my embroidery machine to make a grave blanket when my father passed away suddenly.
My greatest quilting experience is currently making a quilt for my 88 year old mother, using her mother's handkerchiefs. It has been a challenge to me, because I want it perfect, and I am not a perfect quilter. I have looked at so many websites for ideas.
I'd have to say my greatest quilting experience was my first quilt also. It was a very small lap quilt that I made for my best friend from high school. I had been sewing for probably 30 years or so at the time and didn't have much money at all but I had my little sewing scraps and I wanted to make her something special for Christmas from the heart. The something special was that little lap quilt with hearts on it. As far as I know, she still uses that little quilt and I gave it to her oh at least 10 or more years ago. :-)
Greatest Moment in quilting when I was beginning to learn to quilt (had sewn for many years). I was working with a group of prayer quilters to help me create a special prayer quilt for a very ill person whom I had known for years. Giving that quilt to him and his family was a very moving moment in my life that I will never forget.
My greatest quilting experience has been working with the local quilt guild to make quilts to give away to people who are sick, injured or in a stressful situation. The woman I work alongside of have a collective quilting experience of hundreds of years and thousands of quilts. How could that not be a great quilting experience for me.
I would soo love to be a winner of either of the quilty bags, I have never won anything quilt related.
My greatest quilt experience was the first time someone (a stranger) saw one of my finished quilts and wanted me to make her one for real money. I was so thrilled and happy. I have been quilting for many, many decades with I hope many more to go.
My love of quilting came from my great grandma. I would go to her house and see the quilt that was being created at that time . These were all done by hand . Its in my genes as they say . My first quilt went to my mother for Christmas .
I work with my son-in-law on auctions and in the truck with the protection blankets were so many discarded old quilts that been left in old houses,beautiful old fashioned hand made,hand stitched,incredible fabric.I rescued them and am working to restore the ones I can.not being a quilter it was a challenge but I got intriged with my reseach and am many so many stories.
I joined the local quilt club a year ago, but only dabbled in quilting. But I took a class in needle turn applique and caught the bug. I finished making 'a herd of turtles' but then had no idea what to do with it. Fortunately, a dear friend had a baby. Eureka. framed it to make it big enough, took a class in free motion quilting, got even more excited about the process, and finished an adorable baby quilt. And, we all will remember this fall as a time of discovery and wonder.
I would love to win one of the quilting prize packs! My greatest quilting experience is the friends and people I have made along my quilting journey. I have been quilting for over 30 years and travelled some great distances to attend a special seminar or quilt show. Everywhere I go, quilters are warm and friendly people. My closest friends are quilters that I met through quilting events. The creative journey and the friendships say it all, for the love of quilting!!
My greatest quilting experience (so far!) has been making a quilt for a god-daughter who LOVES swirls. Swirls on earrings, necklaces, rings and any other thing she can wear! After consulting with her Mother, my dear friend of 46 years, about her favorite colors, I started collecting batik fabrics that had swirls in the design. When I got to 20 fabrics, it was time to start planning. I found a modern design of 4 lengths of rectangles all 3" high sewn onto white (or cream) Kona cotton strips. It turned out stunning in her favorite colors of black, blue, turquoise, fuchsia, and purples. I had it quilted in a huge swirl motif to offset the linear quality. She was thrilled when she opened it and even more thrilled when she realized every single fabric was swirly! It was a blessing to me to be able to do this for my god-daughter!
I work with my son in law on auctions and in the truck beside protection blankets were old discarded home made, home stitched quilts .I rescued them and have been restoring them ever since.what stories they tell and the research has got me hooked on trying to preserve these women's stories.I'm hooked.
My greatest quilting experience has to be when I was able to actually take a quilting class, be with other quilters and complete a top!
My greatest quilting experience was sewing a blue jean quilt for my son (While pregnant! What love will not do?) My next great quilting experience will be finishing a quilt that my 90 year-old Grandmother designed and asked me to finish, which I'm honored to do.
My greatest quilting experience was my first quilt that I made; I had moved to a new state, didn't know anyone; I bought a new sewing machine (nothing fancy--certainly no whistles or bells); I purchased all new fabric--lights and darks, values, - I knew nothing about values and had never heard of name brand quality fabric; this was a queen size quilt--it was a log cabin quilt. I still have this quilt. I was so young; so innocent; no hesitation and I had so much FUN and I was so PROUD of this quilt. I DID IT - all by myself and it was BEAUTIFUL.
My greatest quilting experience was making a quilt for my first granddaughter. It was a crazy quilt just like the one my grandmother and I made when I was 12 years old. I adored my grandmother as she was more like my mother than grandmother and I stuck to her like glue. I did everything she did and wanted to be just like her. I watched and helped her quilt all my life until one day when I turned 12 she told me to pick out the material, set the sewing machine and I would be making the crazy quilt with her assistance. I felt I had graduated and had become a woman! She trusted me to make something beautiful! We quilted together as much as we could until she passed away. God made only one like her and I hope to be as much like her as God will allow.
My greatest experience was the first time I attended the International Quilt Show in Houston. So much to see and absorb.
being a new quilter my best quilting experience was designing a crib quilt according to my daughter's ideas for my new grandson. She was so happy with it and it looks great in his nursery. I hope he cherishes it and knows all the love that went into it.
My best quilting experiences have been viewing quilts at fairs and quilt shows and looking at the exquisite workmanship that most of them exhibit. I have a small quilt in progress that has paper pieced butterflies done in batiks.
I am new to quilting, but I am working on a quilt that alternates an ombre sunset pattern with black stripes. It is a little wonky, but I am enjoying the process.
My most memorable quilting experience is helping my 11 year old granddaughter make a quilt. It had butterflies of course. I would love to win one of the quilting prize packs. Perhaps I could use it to continue the journey with my granddaughter.
I started learning quilting a few years ago at the Senior Center with Cecilia, a great and patience teacher, & would love before I leave this wonderful world leave as a legacy a quilt, not too big, for my 3 children, and 3 grandchildren, in case of winning because I can't afford the supplies due to my health & disability issues. Just a though, & praying to God to be one of the lucky winners.
Bless you all!
Alas! I have no quilting experience - but I will soon be tackling it. I knit, crochet, sew, and do stained glass. I am also a book nut. What a wonderful surprise it would be to win one of these packages!
My most wonderful quilt experience was when I entered a quilt into the Sacred Threads Quilt Show in Columbus, Ohio, and got in. I was so excited that I took my oldest daughter with me for a weekend road trip to see the show. We had a great time and saw some truly inspirational quilts. Then, to top it all off, my quilt was invited to go to the Houston Quilt Show that year as well.
My first quilt was a wall hanging that I had to digitize the stripes and spots on fabric to create a loon as all I had was white and black fabric. I was in a guilt group in a location without a fabric or quilt shop nearby. I was so proud of the results and the help the other ladies gave me and shared with me pieces of their stash to make it perfect. When my first granddaughter was born I made her a raggy quilt with 20 squares embroidered with baby animals and lots of primary colors as that is what was wanted for the nursery. Now I am hooked! It is so much more fun to do quilts, pillows, bags and place mats.
My greatest quilting experience that I get to have over and over again is when I see the overjoyed expression on a foster child's face when they receive a quilt made just for them. I make it in their favorite colors and even embroider their name on it. It's a simple thing but it means so much to them.
Greatest quilt moment came when a silver & gold paddlewheel design, all made from 40s/50s fabric found at thrift stores, went to my in-laws for their 50th anniversary. my spouse traveled from HI>OH to give them the quilt and filmed them when they opened the box. my mother-in-law cried to receive it! When they passed, my BFF visited us from NY and fell in love w/it while staying in our guest bedroom. Now, she's got her own Manhattan apartment, whose color scheme is planned to complement the quilt. Now that's an heirloom!
The first quilt I ever made was for my first child who is now 40 years old. Back then, we did not have the ability to know the sex of the baby but I choose blue backing to go with the squares that were white cotton and I hand embroidered nursery pictures on each one. It kept him warm for a few years until his baby brother was born and the quilt went to the "baby" by the big brother. Many, many pleasant memories.
My greatest quilting experience was making my first quilt. It was fun learning with other people in a class. The feeling of accomplishment completing my first quilt was awesome. Quilting engolfed my thoughts. Everywhere I turned I saw patterns for fabric or designs for quilting. Continuing to learn however has been difficult. With additional people living in my home it has been difficult to find time and space to sew.
I have never considered myself a quilter since most of what I do is garment construction, but, some now call me a quilter because I have made quite a few for people around me.The best and most gratifying quilt I have made was for my mother who was dying of breast cancer.It was/is a very simple lap quilt made of flannel in her favorite color, lavender. She had it at her death bed, and now I have it to always remind me of the love, her faith in God, and how much I miss her everyday. Those who consider themselves quilter would probably dismiss it as a rag, but for me it is a memory that will never die. And to all of you that read this and think that you can go without a mammogram because it is bothersome, I must remind you that it could be your life or you daughter's that you save when you have those mammograms, I would probably still have my mother if she had done hers and wasn't so stubborn about it.
My youngest son was soon off to college and I wanted to give him something extra special. Over the years I saved many of his T-shirts, from T-ball to high school football jerseys to rock concerts he attended. He "lived" them all so I decided to make a memory quilt featuring as many as I could reasonably fit into a quilt. It was a challenge because they were all sized differently, the shirts had to be stabilized, and it was my first quilt, but it turned out great...and that was before anyone had ever published a pattern or directions for making such a quilt. He loved it and used it, and it followed him into adulthood. He is now a paramedic firefighter 3,000 miles away in CA and although it does not now cover his bed, he keeps it safely stored in a special trunk.
We live in the southeast and our grandchildren live in the northeast. My greatest quilting experience was designing their quilts with them using a webcam. I showed them various quilt patterns from books I have and after they determined the pattern, we then visited different embroidery design sites so they could choose what designs/characters they wanted on some of the blocks. After these decisions were made, our granddaughter would "visit" with me via webcam while I sewed and at five years old, would talk and talk while I sewed (and sewed). When the quilts were finished and sent to them, I got to "see" how much they enjoyed them. Our daughter would show me, again via webcam, how they were sleeping with them - they would be all wrapped up in them or they would be tossed to the side with one hand holding a corner; depending on the temperatures. When we visit, they always make a point of having me fix a seam that is starting to come apart after umpteem washings or will show me designs online or in books that they want in their next quilts. It was an amazing experience to get-together with them even though we are over 900 miles apart and have us all feel a part of hand-made, very much loved, quilts.
My most wonderful quilting memory took place when my daughter was in college. She began a Dresden plate quilt on New Years weekend while home from collage; and I began a log cabin quilt at the same time. She finished her quilt first and won the right to have her quilt put on the quilt frame that my father made for my mother. Since my daughter's college was only 15 minutes from my parents' farm she often did her laundry at their home on Fridays. One of my favorite memories is working on that quilt with my mom and my daughter. My father died this past fall and my mom resides in a nursing home with dementia. My daughter lives over 900 miles from me now. This wonderful quilting experience will stay with me always.
I have been quilting since 1977 when my first child was born. And yes, my first quilt was for my son. Since then, I have finished many, many projects, and probably have just as many "in progress". This Christmas I gave my son a package of fabric and a picture of a quilt I wanted to make for him. Problems with my eyesight had prevented me from actually piecing it. Two weeks after Christmas I went in for my eye surgery, and a week after that made my first trip to my local quilt shop to test out my vision. Oh my Goodness! The colors! It was stunning! Now I can hardly wait to get the other eye done so I can get back to my quilting.
My greatest quilting experience was making a quilt for my parents' 50th wedding anniversary. My oldest daughter and I worked on it together (a special experience in itself), and we made it out of scraps that I already had, with some more from a friend added in. It was all in blues and turned out beautiful.
My greatest quilting moment was when I gave my two year old grand-daughter the first quilt I had ever made that I had intended to have done by the time she was born. She was so excited about it and followed the squares with her fingers and found different animals in it. She covered herself up on the couch and fell asleep. Six months later and she still will not go to sleep without that quilt that Nana made her. I quickly forgot about all the cutting, pinning and bad thoughts that had been in my head while I was making the quilt and I am planning on doing it again!
I had my son take a sewing class and by his third class he was making a quilt when he was 9. He has made more quilts as 4H projects and he is 17 now. He is hoping this one goes to state. It is nice to be able to share a craft with your son as I also have quilts as work in progress. He is willing to share his stash with me.
It has to be the moment I wrapped my first grandchild in the same quilt I made when I was expecting my first child. It was my first attempt at making a quilt and was made with blue eyelet material from my prom dress and a pair of pink slacks I had hanging in the closet. I didn't have money for material. It was made of simple squares, filled with fluffy batting and hand tied with white yarn. It is still in great shape and has been well used. I never knew my need for making a blanket for my new baby daughter would lead to a love for quilting. The moment I wrapped my baby daughter in that quilt might be my favorite - it's too close to tell which of the two is the most favorite quilt memory. How can I compare? Except that now I know the meaning of a well loved quilt more so then when I first made one.
I entered a fireworks themed quilt titled "Ooooh An Eight Break Snail Shail" in the Quilt Challenge for the Pyrotechnics Guild International Convention in 2010. My quilt won first place in the Quilt Challenge and People's Choice for the whole Art Show. I felt very honored.
I have made many very special things for loved ones over the years but when I helped my niece piece together the quilt blocks left from her great-grandmother's home my heart just sang! It was so moving to be the bridge between generations and to know that my niece will have pride in her heritage of sewing and to take it forward.
When my greyhound died, I was very sad. I started making an appliqué memorial quilt. Greyhounds are very muscular and strong, and I wanted this to come out on the quilt. The nature of appliqué is usually flat. I knew that I had to do something different. Out of love for my dog, I created a different type of appliqué that showed muscle, sleekness, and texture. Everyone who saw the quilt hanging in the house said that I should submit the quilt in a show or the state fair. I had never done a show and was petrified of submitting. That was not why I had made this quilt. It was to help me get through my grieving. Reluctantly, I submitted the quilt in the state fair. I was astounded to receive a second place ribbon. The judges told me that they had never seen my appliqué technique before and asked me if I could please teach it to them! I was totally shocked. Out of sadness came a very beautiful quilt that was created from my heart and soul.
My first quilt was my most memorable as I knew practically nothing about quilting though had sewn garments for years. As I had worked from the time I was 15 until I was pregnant with my first child 42 years ago I had time on my hands. We were very tight for money so had to use what I had on hand. I used crayons and drew pictures on a piece of unbleached cotton, then dyed the fabric (size of a cradle bed) a darker colour and ironed out the wax. I used an old wool blanket my mother gave me as part of my envelope and simply straight stitched around the quilt on my even then old Featherweight sewing machine (no frills). I used the quilt often until my son outgrew his bassinet and carriage and then used it for my daughter, one year later. I later made a crib quilt for my son, embroidering squares and alternating squares with stripped fabric from my nursing student uniforms using the same wool blanket I had used to make the cradle quilt. When my first grandson was born I pulled out the crib quilt and found the uniform fabric had started to deteriorate as had the wool batting. I unpicked the quilt and replaced the uniform fabric the squares and backing with some lovely flannel. I wrote labels on the quilt with each child who had been covered with the quilt and the years.
I LOANED that cradle qulit to a friend a several years after that. She never returned the quilt and I have thought about it for years.
Wow- I am such a novice quilter or seamstress for that matter! I have only finished two quilts thus far altho I have a few UFO's- who doesn't? I think my most memorable experience thus far was signing my name to that first quilt.
I'm a pretty basic quilter, because I have more experience sewing clothes.
I have, however, embraced quilting with fear and awe.
Fear, because I'm not really great at it so far.
In awe, because of the new world it's openned to me.
I'm working on quilts for my grand kids, though, so far I;ve only managed story quilt tops and "learning" squares for quilts to be auctioned in the Guild I'm in.
I'd loved to win, so I can learn even more!
A friend and I took a quilt class in1997. We completed the center madalian which was absolutely beautiful. Then I put it in a box where it sat for 10 years. I pulled it out one day and decided I should learn how to complete it.
This was a true learning project loaded with mistakes but it was my start to a world of personal enjoyment. I love my quilt and have made many more since then. Each one getting a little better than the last .
I've been quilting about 8 years now and 4 years ago I quilted seven days a week 8 to 12 hours a day. That Christmas I was able to give our closes Veterans Home Sixteen bed size quilts. Now wouldn't you say that's the GREAT EXPERIENCE!
I make quilted swetshirts. I have wanted to delve into "real" quilting, but haven't had the time or resouces. This would definately help!
My greatest experience was when I finished my first large quilt as a quilt for my daughters bed. She was 10 and she chose the fabric from my stash and then she and I spent some quality time together rearranging the multiple blocks until we had the perfect configuration. It is still my favorite quilt.
Although I do cothing and home dec more than I quilt, my big quilt project was making 13 rag quilts for my grandchildren for Christmas. The problem was, I didn't begin until October. Grandpa stepped up and did all of the cutting of the seams to create the rag fringe. And, he was at the laundromat on Christmas Eve washing and drying the last of the quilts. The owners finally told him to lock the door as he went out after he was finally finished.
Greatest experience quilting has been helping make disaster relief quilts!
My best quilting experience has to be when I made my very first full sized quilt. The whole process seemed a bit daunting and I was on my own figuring it all out by myself.
I knew the pattern I wanted so that was easy..but I was just winging it so there was no official "pattern directions".
Material selection alone can be confusing with all of the great patterns and designs available, but I chose six fabrics fairly quickly and the saleslady at the store helped me with tips to figure out yardage. I figured it out wrong and ended up with enough fabric for my quilt and another small quilt or throw!
It was a great experience and I was so happy with my results.
Several years ago I made both my mother-in-law and her husband lap quilts. Although I didn't think they were simple at the time, they were made with fabric panels and quilted by following the panes in the panel, and the binding that I machine sewed on waivers a bit. Just a few years ago I made my mother-in-law a railroad quilt, more complex than those earlier quilts. My mother-in-law was very proud of my gifts, she used the early ones daily and the pretty pink one for special occasions. This past summer my mother-in-law passed away. My husbands sisters were very kind and returned those lap quilts to us. They all have her name written permanent marker by the assisted living residence she lived in. We passed one on to our new grandson and my husband and I use the other two. A fond memory of a wonderful woman. [email protected]
My greatest quilting experience so far would be making and quilting a king size quilt for my daughter on my domestic machine. It was a huge undertaking, as we'll as a labor of love, since I hadn't made a bed quilt in years. It was a huge boost to my quilt making self confidence, although I don't plan on making any more king sized quilts in the near future!
My greatest quilt experience (so far) has been the first quilt I ever made. It was a quilt made for my daughter, using her favourite dresses that she had outgrown. I made pinwheel after pinwheel,,pieced it, and finished it up in time for her Christmas present when she was about 7 years old. She loved it, and used it every night. When a Doberman Pinscher puppy joined our family, he decided not only was it lovely to look at,,,it tasted wonderful and he ate a huge piece out of the center. Last summer, my daughter asked me when I was going to have it fixed,,,to give back to her----12 years after the Dobie ate it! Apparently, you're never too old to have your first quilt with you! (And yes,,I'm working on it. I've even found some of the original pinwheels I had left over!) Thanks for the chance to win.
So far my greatest quilting experience has been making quilts for my daughter,granddaughters and my best friend. They have been hugely appreciated and loved. That is what makes it so fun to quilt. Thanks for the giveaway.
I've been a quilter for many years, but the best quilting experience was making a king size quilt for my son's wedding. I was thrilled with how the quilt turned out, but more importantly, my son and daughter in law love it and have it on their bed constantly. The best part is seeing my grandbabies on it when their parents take them into bed with them in the mornings and send me photos of them lying and playing on it.
My greatest quilting experience happened this past summer. My daughter and step-daughter both found wonderful men and were planning weddings just five weeks apart. I had always promised the girls that I would make them wedding quilts in the pattern and colors they wanted, I had just never dreamed of doing them both in one summer! Neither of the girls gave us much time to plan the weddings, so I spent many late nights working on the projects and trying to get my daughter's wedding dress finished as well. There were times when I was convinced that nothing would be done in time, but every stitch was a stitch of love and I enjoyed the process. My favorite part was seeing the joy on the girl's faces when they received their quilts.
My greatest quilting moment was delivering 2 college graduation quilts to my sister and step-brother. It was a huge undertaking to complete 2 full size quilts in one year but the effort was well worth it, just to see the looks on both their faces. I was so blessed by their gratitude. It truly can be more blessed to give than to receive.
My greatest quilting experience happened quite recently as I have just started quilting and am even quite new to sewing. I was asked by my daughter to make a baby quilt for her soon to arrive baby (and my first grandchild). Well, I love to machine embroidered so I did applique ladybugs each with different fabric for their bodies, then stitched them all together with sashing and borders and taught myself how to stitch in the ditch and stipple. It was fun and my daughter loved it, especially the center block with my granddaughters name in it. So now I feel a bit more confident, I really want to learn how to quilt more in the future. I am even taking a couple of Craftsy classes - thanks Threads for all your help and encouragement. Pat
My greatest quilting experience came after clearing out my grandmother's house. I missed her very much and thought perhaps I could find a few of her quilts to take home with me. I found some in the quilt box where I expected them to be. Two more were being used as mattress pads. One was wrapped around a collection of old radio parts. Several were stuck far back on a high closet shelf. Two more were in the garage. More were folded and piled up in the junk room. In all I collected thirty-five quilts that day. I didn't unfold most of them, just piled them into the back of the truck and hauled them home.
I didn't have the heart to open them without Ma-Ma there to tell me where they came from, when they were made, and all the little bits of trivia quilters delight in. I mentioned these unexplored quilts to a group of stitching friends and the Official Quilt Opening Party was born.
One January afternoon, a dozen friends braved the snowy weather and crowded into my small bedroom to open the quilts one by one on the tall iron bed I'd also inherited. Imagine dignified ladies of a certain age sprawled across the mattress to look intently at seams to determine whether they were stitched by hand or the treadle machine that now rested next to the iron bed.
One by one we unfolded the quilts and looked at them. Forty gentle hands stroked the quilts, marveling at the tiny pieces in the Job's Trouble and the way my grandmother had pieced tinier pieces together when there wasn't enough whole fabric to cut a slice of Snowball.
I could feel my grandmother in the room, murmuring. "Well, I'll do know" in wonder at all these people exclaiming over her handiwork and that of the people who often helped her with the quilting: my grandfather, my great-grandmother, and any number of cousins and aunts. I confess I cried a little but my friends were there to wrap me in their arms and cry with me.
That was many years ago. It's January again and I've been thinking: all those quilts are due to be taken out and aired and refolded for storage. What if I called a few folks...
The Official Quilt Unfolding Party is set for February 2. If you're in Central Wyoming, drop on by.
My greatest quilting moment was giving my overseas daughter the memory quilt I had made her. It is a Japanese folded patchwork quilt, in which hexagons are folded on point over hexagons to form a star in the middle. In about a third of the middle star areas, i embroidered motifs of butterflies, flowers, children or memories of her childhood and family life. For example, a bucket and spade to remind her of beach holidays; a clown because she collected clowns when young. there were 117 embroideries altogether, and I wrote up an explanation of why each picture was in the quilt. The quilt was in gold and cream, and I took it overseas when I went to visit her. It was a very emotional time as she was going through a divorce and i like to think that it gave her a little comfort.
My greatest quilting moments are yet to come! I am new to quilting and have not finished my first quilt yet. I have taken classes, read books, watched videos, and bought lots of fabric. I have so many great ideas in my head and can not wait to see them come to life. I know there are many great quilting moments in my future and can not wait to experience them!
I am a true newbie when it comes to quilting. I am currently designing and planning my first quilt. It will be a celebration quilt for my 25th wedding anniversary.
I never really thought much about quilting until a couple of years ago. After my mom passed away, the following Christmas my daughter made me a small quilt from scraps of cloth from my mother's sewing stash.She had never tackled a project like this before and does not have any formal training. But she knew this would be something that would mean the world to me. This gift touched my heart in ways I could not have imagined. The care that my daughter went through to pick and piece together the fabric. The bits and pieces of projects I remember my mother sewing. Its a gift that warms the heart, the soul and the physical body. The feeling of my mom being close to me when I hold it or snuggle up in it. I will cherish that little quilt for the rest of my life. That is when I truely appreciated the art and the heart of quilting.
As I decided to pick up a new hobby, I felt what better way to improve my sewing skills, put my heart into a project and spread love and joy than to quilt. With quilting you can truely give a personalized gift. Each one is unique and special and made with the person in mind.
I would love to win this prize to give me the tools to be able to build my skills and make gifts from the heart that I can be proud of for my family and friends.
My most memberable Quilt experience was attending my first quilting retreat. I was just a newbee at this great pass time but everyone was so friendly and we had so many laughs, I don't think I will ever forget it, and there was so much eye candy that I think I was talking about it for weeks.
My greatest quilting experience is yet to come, but so far I've been pretty happy with the small practice quilts I've finished, working my way up to a big bed quilt. There's just so much beautiful work out there for inspiration, and I'm loving every step of the process.
A good friend had a daughter graduating from High School and she approached me to make a T-shirt memory quilt for her. The daughter had been active in a lot of sports during her school years and had a big box of T-shirts, with logos on, in the closet. My friend took the box of T-shirts without the daughter knowing, purchased some fabric, and I got started. Having never made one of these quilts before, I had to go online and learn some of the techniques. There were also some small items that I didn't have the heart to cut up; the T-shirt the hospital sent her home in when she was born, some scouting items, etc. So I made a wall hanging and framed it in a poster size frame. At first the daughter was a little upset with us for cutting up her T-shirts, but eventually these items have become her most cherished possessions.
My greatest quilting experience so far has been putting together a 50th anniversary quilt for my in-laws. We made a family tree with the leaves on the tree being the hand print of each family member. Each handprint included the name of the donor and their dates of birth and death,who they were married to(if that applied)and when they were married, and who their parents were if they were children. My husband is the youngest of nine children so this was no easy task. we collected the hand prints of 9 children plus their spouses, 21 grandchildren and 18 great-grandchildren over a 6 month period.Keep in mind that we had to collect from family that is scattered from Maine to Georgia to Arizona and Alaska back to Wisconsin. We had one brother who had died due to cancer so we used his sons right hand for his father and his left hand for himself. We also collected the handprint of another brother who was on his deathbed with a brain tumor, a last gift to his parents before he died. We even put in a small handprint for the baby that was not yet born at the time of quilting to be filled in before the day of celebration.
The parents celebrated their 50th anniversary and 80th birthdays together with a large family gathering. Family members coming from many parts of the country who were all excited to see where their hands went and no one spoiled the surprise by telling them what we were up to.
Mom died just three years later and since we finished the quilt we have added many more family members. So glad that we took up this gift to surprise such a wonderful couple.
I would love to win one of the prizes mentioned even if I do live in Canada. I have quilted for about 10 years, and use quilting for many things other than actual quilting as well. Vests, Jackets and other clothing get included. My most memorable quilting moment was when I attended my first Quilt retreat here in Ontario Canada. I met others who had been quilting for years and we all became friends. We shared ideas and memories for the 3 days we were together. I have also toured through the Amish Pennsylvania area and am amazed at their work as well. I am always excited to see others quilts and get ideas as well.
Like most quilters, I give away almost all of my quilts. I've made them for my parents and siblings, cousins and complete strangers. One day, my husband asked if I would make something for him. It dawned on me that I had neglected the person most important in my life! Other quilters I know have said the same; that their significant other always offers encouragement and praise at our accomplishments, but we sometimes forget that they should benefit from our talents as well! I made my husband a wall hanging illustrating his love of fishing and the sea, which he proudly displays in his office area. It was one of my favorite quilts because it meant so much to the person I love.
would truly love to have such terific paterns and designs to workd up. They are true insperations.
I too would love to win one of these quilt prizes! They look wonderful! With both kids in college I have moved my sewing machine into one of the bedrooms to work. A quilt project is just what I've been looking for as the quilt on my bed could use a break!
Thanks for the chance to win one of the quilt packages.
my experience with quilting would be getting them from my mom. I give her all my scraps from what I sew and she made me a very nice quilt with them. A very nice serprise for me! I would like to win this and give it to my mom, as I am not at that stage yet. A few more years maybe. Love making clothes still.
I took my first quilting class in 1977 from Katie Pasquini; it was sample blocks. I loved the class and made a few of the blocks, but then my dad was diagnosed with terminal lung ca.--he had never smoked, but all his friends and co-workers smoked. I had to quit the class to go and take care of him. Well, 20 yrs later I pulled out those blocks and finished the quilt. I still liked the fabrics I had chosen all those yrs ago. I finished the quilt in 1998 and used the sheet that covered my dad when he died to back the quilt. It hangs in my living room and brings back so many good memories; although my dad died, I was able to spend precious time with him in the end and I have the quilt to remind me. I have continued to quilt and would love to win this package.
Being able to make quilts for children in need and for the wounded service personal in Afghanistan gives me a Great deal of pleasure. I used my sewing skills to make and sell seasonal items. The money helped to fund an endowment scholarship for teacher education. All the donations were,made in my husbands memory as his career was in education. The first scholarship was given out for the 2012/13 school year at Wayne State College in Nebraska. I started sewing at age ten on my grandmothers treadle machine and my mother was a great teacher and seamstress.
I would love to win one of the prizes. I would give some of it to my 91 year old mother. She has quilted all her live and gives them away to special fund raising events and they have raised as much as $900.00 for her quilts. I also quilt but cannot compete with her. I make baby quilts. I hope to hear from you re the prizes...........Judy Laurie
I hadn't had time for quilting for a long time until recently I made a friendship quilt for a dear friend. It was so much fun and the result was stunning. I would love to win the books to motivate me to find more time for making quilts.
I learn how to embroider my napkins when I was very little, my grandmother and my mother had sew all their live, in fact I never whore a special dress that was not made by my mom from my christening to my high school prom dress. All this inspired my to study fashion design and I have worked as one for the last 12 years. My first quilting experience was when I was studying and I created a toddlers collection of quilted coats that would resemble their baby quilts. Since then I have continued learning the different techniques and apply them to my garments and bags.
Last year, I sewed my first block of the month sampler quilt. It is large and bulky to work with, but I am determined to experience machine quilting it myself. So far, it looks good, but I have a long way to go.
My greatest quilting experience was the first time I went to quilt camp. Prior to camp I had only sewn simple, square block quilts and tied them. This camp provide all the fabric, pattern, food and lodging. The pattern was a bargello quilt! I was amazed at how much I learned in one weekend and not just from the instructor. The other women were so nice and helpful and full of tips and tricks. By the time I left I had cut out all the strips and had made a number of blocks. The confidence I had was undescribable! I felt like a 'real' quilter. I finished that quilt when I got home and gave it to my daughter for her wedding gift! After that I was a quilter and no one could stop me. I will never forget that weekend, it was a real turning point in my life!
The only quilting I've ever done was to make quilted fabric from some cotton fabric to use in a class I took. We made a quilted overnight bag. I want to learn to make quilts and have been reading magazines and blogs to learn how. Thanks for the opportunity to try and win.
I have very fond memories that involve quilting! As a small girl, my mother would take my sister and I to the "quilting bees" held at the church on a regular basis. I loved sitting beside one of the elder women and learning how to quilt. Then mom had poppy hang a quilting frame from the ceiling in our closed-in porch. We would let it down while actively quilting and pull it up out of the way when done. I took such delight in helping make my sister's wedding quilt, using scraps from outfits she had made for herself. Then I got to help make a quilt for my own wedding, then my brother's...I still love to sit and quilt but today I have to use a round hoop.
I would love to win one of the quilt packs! I would take it over to mom's and watch the smile on her face once again as she helped. (She has arthritis these days and can't quilt much, but I bet she'd love to try!)
My greatest quilting experience happened in my mid 20's after my mom moved 2,000 miles away, which was the first time we had ever been so far apart. To stay connected she treated us each to a block a month quilt kit. Each month we would sew a block and then talk about what we thought of it and catch up on our daily lives. It was funny to hear about who would do two or three a month while the other might skip a month or two and to figure out our mistakes together.
My best quilting experience evolved over 9 years. My niece came to visit me when she was 9 yrs old and wanted to sew. I set her up at my machine with a box of scraps and she started to sew them randomly to 1/2 sheets of newspaper. She brought them home and continued to work on them with the scraps. She made 6-1/2 sheets over time and then put them away.
When she was turning 18 her mom suggested I take the sewn sheets and piece them into a quilt. My SIL and I removed the newspaper and ironed on a light-weight interfacing to the back. I used the decorative stitches on my sewing machine to embellish the seams and make them look like crazy quilting. Once the decorative stitches were complete I cut each of the sheets into 2-12' blocks and stay-stitched the edges.
My niece is always cold so I found lovely flannel in burgundy and beige to use to complete the blocks in a Turning Twenty setting. Again, because she is always cold I used Tuscany Wool batting and more flannel for the backing. I sewed the blocks together in long strips, sandwiched them and machine quilted them for 'quilt-as-you-go'. I then sewed the quilted strips, covered the seams and bound the sides.
It ended up being my niece's 18th birthday, high school graduation and off-to college present. She was thrilled!
My favorite quilting memory is only after making my mother a hand pieced quilt did I find out that my mother quilted as a very young teen with her mother. She was allowed to quilt with the rest of the women because her stitches were so even and small.
In de-cluttering my mother's home I found a very old Robinson's (department store) coat box hiding in a closet. Opening it I noted a plethora of light-weight fabric decoratively cut-out and sitting prettily in respective piles or pinned onto large muslin. After gently removing the contents of the box I realized there were three would-be quilts in this box and the hand-written notations were made by my grandmother; additionally, I found cardboard templets cut and drawn by her. Sadly, she pass-away in 1978; still, my detective work cyphered that these quilts were being made for my three daughters and have sat quietly in a closet for 35-years. I am not a quilter. One of my daughters offered to hire a quilter to finish the job. I immediately decided that it was my job—and hopeful delight—to finish my beloved grandmother's gift to those three little girls that she loved so dearly. To date I have yet to put needle to fabric; but I have learned of a place where kind women are willing to share their expertise. Clearly my greatest experience is in finding the box. Then committing to continue the projects my grandmother began.
My greatest quilting experience was when I completed a lap sized tessalated quilt. I had to plan the fabrics not only side to side by up and down. I had the blocks taped to my faux design wall (the door to the room) vertical row by vertical row to be sure I kept the fabrics in teh right place. It was a work in progress for about a year (off and on). My in-laws do not reside in the same state and I'm sure it gave them a "start" when they would come to visit and see the rows hanging in place and they must have wondered about their fabric obsessed daughter in law ; }
Money was tight and my niece"s birthday was coming up. I wanted to give her something special but hadn't a clue what to give. I was going through a box of fabric scraps that had belonged to my mother, who died in 1968. There were some corduroy strips and I recognized them ... they were the cuff's from my brother's (my niece's father) pants. My mother always had to shorten his pants. As I looked at the scraps I recognized scraps from my father's wool pants and flannel shirts, from dresses she had made for me, for my grandmothers' and for herself. I decided to make a bear for my niece piecing together the pants cuffs and other fabrics. I sent the bear with a written history of what fabric represented what family member. Since then I've made over 20 bears, some for family members using those same scraps, others for friends and colleagues. Each bear tells a story through the fabric it was created from. I'm not a traditional quilter, but my fabric scraps do tell a story.
I think making a tshirt quilt for my granddaughter with her high school tshirts was my greatest experience! The look in her eyes - so happy - was what it so awesome. She still uses it and talks about it. She is expecting one this summer with her college tshirts....
My daughter provides my greatest quilting experiences. She is amazing to watch, and she can make the corners meet. She also introduced me to flip and stitch quilts since I am unable to make corners meet!
I am just learning to quilt so don't have any great experience to share yet.
My greatest quilting experience was just after my mother told me she had lung cancer. She wanted to take me fabric shopping so that I could make a lap quilt for my grandmother. She knew I would need something constructive to do in the months ahead and to keep my mind busy. It helped some and the quilt turned out beautiful. Unfortunately, my grandmother passed away just a couple of months after my mother. I realize that my mother really knew me well and how much I needed something fun to keep me busy during such a trying time in my life.
Probably my first quilt. Even with lots of hints dropped over a couple years, my family didn't get the message I was cold at night, so I decided to take care of it myself. Used what I had on hand to piece the center medallion (bought only one fabric, a purple polyester crepe, because the next to last round had to be purple). had only the one book to work from and that's what it said to use.....polyester, tricot, brocade, bonded knit wool, fake fur - it's all there. Couldn't find just the right color of cotton for the background/backing - had to be golden yellow. finally saw polyester slipper satin for $2/yd. Still have it.
Soon as I get my taxes done I hope to get started in this quilting stuff. I got my cutter and I got some books which may or may not be helpful. Have YEARS of stash. Total newbie. Hope I can make something I will be happy with.
I am a very beginning quilter. I decided to make a towel/quilt that I had seen in a magazine for a girl-friend who was turning 60. It turned out beautifully, but with all the scraps, and triangles left over, I decided to make a tote to put the towel/quilt into, then, with what was left from that, I made a change purse to put into the tote, so she then had the complete package! Goes to show how you can use the littlest bits of fabric, and have something quite beautiful and useful result.
Around 20 years ago I took a one day course on making a reversible quilt, square by square, from the author of a book by the same name. At the time, my then 12 year old daughter was suffering from unknown chronic pain and the doctors were overlaying all sorts of psycho babble about girls growing up at this age. In any case I decided to make this quilt for her new "grown up" room. The final assembly required hand sashing this quilt together. Everytime I started, my fingers gave out, and everytime I returned to it, I no longer liked the pattern as assembled, and would rip it out and rearrange. This year, 20 years later, now living on the opposite coast, I again reassembled all the pieces, stitching all by machine, arranged on point this time, and am finally thrilled with the result. My daughter will be 32 next month, high time for this project to be finished. Even considering trying this technique again!
Since I am a beginner at quilting; I decided to join a Quilt Guild so I could learn from other quilters, joining a quilt circle, taking workshops etc. My greatest Quilt experience was a Guild sponsored Mystery Quilt. I got so involved in following the directions that I learned to follow specific patterns and the Quilt that I completed excited not only my expectations but those of my friends and guild members.
Ready to participate in this years project.
Some of the stories here gave me chills they were so poignant. My story in comparison is fairly common. I joined a church and wanted to meet people so I dropped in on their quilting group, though I had never quilted. One woman, generous with her time, gathered scraps of material from others and got me started on quilting a log cabin hot pad. A little confused at first, I finally got the hang of it and now my hot pad hangs proudly in my kitchen. The "great" part of this story is the kindness of others in giving me some of their stash and teaching me how to quilt. Perhaps I'll have an opportunity some day to pass it on.
My first quilting project was for a costume parade. I won first prize in my category.
I was at a pioneer festival in Moose Jaw Saskatchewan Canada. Some ladies were quilting and I walked over. My favourite traditional pattern is double wedding rings. That is what they were working on. They invited me immediately to join them. I did. I was so excited. My skills were far from experienced. But I truly felt accepted. I asked a few questions and were given simple but obvious answers. Never will forget the immediate acceptance.
Louise Ortman
For the last two years, I have been piecing quilt tops of various sizes. My work is getting better with every project. I have not quilted anything larger than a lap quilt but I intend on learning to hand quilt before too long. My machine quilting experience is limited to runners, small projects,lap quilts and baby quilts. the project I am most proud of is a baby quilt for may grandson.
My favorite experience so far was teaching 2 young women to sew. As their 1st project I picked a quilt design for each that were pretty fool proof. We had so much fun & both have gone on to sew things on theur own. We still get together when we can for some group sewing. The bonds we formed are so close & loving which was the unexpected blessing.
What a joy if we could share this prize.
My best quilting experience is when I learned how to paper piece a quilt when a group of friends and I went out of town, and spent a weekend quilting. We had such a good time and it was so much fun and rewarding.
I wanted to sew my daughter a quilt to use when she went off to college. The pattern she choose was a pansey block with a scalopped edge. The main block had about 25 pieces. It was beautiful and I shared my excitement in starting this project with fellow women auxilery members. One woman instantly told me that the attern was way too hard for someone with my experience. i instantly was insulted, but kept it to myself and started me quilt. Every time I wanted to quit I thought about the negative remarks. This alone pushed me to succeed and I finished it. I am happy to report that this quilt turned out unbelievable. I still can't believe that I did it. My daughter loves her quilt and even brought it to her first place away from college and home.
OK -- even though I'm not DillPickle36, I want to relate a special quilting experience. My foster daughter was about to adopt a baby and asked if I could make quilts for the birth mother's other children. "Of course" I said, and quickly told my daughter and daughter-in-law about the request. The two of them then recruited their then-12- and 14-year-old daughters to help. One snowy March Saturday, we made 5 quilt tops; the 2 granddaughters did Suduko patterns, and the rest of us did a variety, using bright colors, contrasting colors, and random blocks. The quilts were assembled, the time of the baby's birth drew close, and NO ONE wanted to give their quilt away! We had such a great time making them together, supporting and encouraging each other that we wanted to keep them close -- at least not give them to people we didn't know. One went to a dad, another to a grandma, one to the newly adopted baby, and two others stayed with their creators. We did find some other quilts for the birth mother's others children, but we didn't give up the ones we created as a group. It's still a day we talk about often.
I couldn't imagine why people would take beautiful fabric, cut it up so they could sew it back together until I quilted with a sew along group and learned that it is about lots more than sewing blocks together. Scraps, quilting lines, color and the feel of the project make it so much more than the sewing. Now I'm hooked!
I think my greatest quilting moment was the first time I sat a machine and tried free motion. It was at our guild's demo night and after the first dozen stitches I was "Oh wow"-ing for the rest of the night! It was a glorious feeling!
Barb in Ottawa
I think my favorite quilting experience is anytime I finish a quilt. Most of the quilts I have made have been gifts and I love getting to the point where the quilt is ready to be given away.
I've been a sewer for almost 60 years and never learned to quilt. Made many clothes and home decor items.....but never learned to quilt. After a few years of being too busy to sew, I bought a new sewing / embroidery machine, new serger and signed up for a beginners quilt class. WOW! It was the best thing I could have done for myself! The class was amazing,but my most memorable experience was going to my first quilt show. I am absolutely amazed at the beautiful quilts that so many women put their hearts into.......I am in awe. Thanks to all of you who have inspired me to continue learning this amazing craft!
My favourite quilting experience was creating two small quilts to hang as wall decorations in our first home. I quilted them by hand and found it to be a wonderful experience.
One Mothers day, a group at our church decided to honor all of our women, from young to old, with a very special tea. I had the privilege of making one of the baskets that we would give to one of our special guests. I had only a month to figure out what I would do, so of course it would be lined with a handmade quilt. I knew just the one I wanted to make-it was appliqued with heart shaped appliques and then heavily hand-quilted. (My only fear was that whomever the basket went to, would not like quilts..) Well I need not fear--the winner went to the eldest lady present and she loved the quilt (the other things in the basket were a bit neglected). She teared up and said that never in her 90+ years had she ever won anything so beautiful...I will never forget the feeling of giving her pleasure with something that I quilted. Quilts have such an impact on the lives of their owners--and the touch of the love that goes into them is a rich legacy that gets passed from generation to generation.
I just started quilting in April. I started after visiting my sister in Iowa. I never thought I could because it seemed too hard. I have made many different wall hangings and am finishing binding my first blanket quilt - a sampler. The colors are yellow and turquoise. I don't think I will ever stop sewing and quilting.
My fondest memory is about 36 years old. My mother and I sewed and made a beautiful quilt out of my childhood clothes. It was red and has the little old fashioned sun bonnet Sue in it and every outfit Sue had on was one of my outfits. It is the last thing my mother and I ever worked on. She has passed since. The memory of the quilt gives me a little bit of time from the past that is such a special memory.
My greatest quilting experience is probably the biggest learning experience.
It was 20 years ago. I considered myself an advanced beginner sewist and I wanted to make a quilt.
I went to my local sewing/quilt shop, looked at the class samples and asked the shop owner what would be a good class. Since I had experience sewing she pointed to a quilt which was a simple graphic design. It was beautiful!
So I signed up for the class.
Yes, it was a simple design, but it was all DIAMOND SHAPES!
I felt I was thrown into the deep end of the pool.
I learned a lot, especially about un-sewing and what cannot be un-sewed.
My finished quilt had wavy edges and unmatched points, but I still love it.
The class was fun, I had a great teacher, and I was hooked on quilting.
My greatest quilting experience was my sons deciding to raid my scrap box and simply sew four-inch squares together in strips and then put the strips together. The lines aren't straight, some pieces are seam-up instead of down but it doesn't matter, the boys were busy sewing and having fun. This happened 45 years ago, and yes, I still have the pieced top.
I'm still working on my first 2 quilts, so my greatest accomplishment will be to finish one of them!
My greatest quilting experience was learning my Dr. was pregnant. To my surprise, a baby quilt was also being born, and the unleashing of my love for quilting.
I immediately went to work on my first ever quilt. When it was time to giver her the quilt she broke into tears. It turned out beautifully. She has her baby girls quilt in a trophy box behind glass.
One of my greatest quilting experiences was attending my first " Mystery Quit Weekend" and meeting all of the quilters that attended. It was a great experience. I would love to win one of the quilting prizes.
This would really make trying quilting easy
I would have to say that my greatest quilting experience was completing a twin size quilt while I was a senior in high school. It wasn't a very popular hobby back in 1970, but it was my first, and it was a springboard to lots more quilting adventures.
My most rewarding quilting experience was making a quilt for my new grand-niece. The theme was 'The Owl and the Pussycat' and featured pieced, appliqued & embroideried fish, moon, pea-green boat, and of course, the owl and pussycat with three dimensional ears & face. I added loops at the back so that my niece could hang it on her baby's wall. It was wonderful to work on the quilt and think of this new little person in my life.
My greatest quilt experience started when I took a class (BOM) on Appliqué machine embroidery. I wanted to learn how to use the embroidery on my machine and I liked the embroidered flowers in each block of the design that was used. All the fabrics were picked out for you except for the background, backing and binding, and embroidery thread. Each month we would learn a new technique using a different stabilizer, allowing us to decide which ones would be better to use in certain applications. The appliquéd flowers came out beautiful, each one better than the last. I am no longer intimidated by embroidery and have become quite proficient. It has really opened my eyes to the many possibilities I have with my machine, and to think when I bought it, embroidery wasn't something I thought I would use very often. Although the quilt took a year and a half to complete (other projects, etc...). It really is quite a work of art!
My most amazing quilt experience happened when my daughter, age 8, asked me to make a quilt for her bed. She wanted cats on it and yellow fabric. I had never made a quilt but was an experienced sewer and thought "how hard can it be?" I bought white material and embroidered cats on the squares and bought yellow checked fabric and made the setting squares, put some batting on a twin sheet and pinned the whole thing together and sewed along the edges of the squares. It was done and she was very happy with it. I didn't know you were supposed to quilt closed that 12 inches,or how square it up, or how long a seam stitch to make. But it wass pretty and cheerful and she "loved it to death". It wass repaired over and over until it was in shreds. Now, hundreds of quilts later, I remember that quilt and that precious little girl(now a grown woman) with fond memories.
I don't have much quilting experience myself, though I've been wanting to try. So I guess my best quilting experience has been watching my mom quilt and enjoying the benefits of that!
My best quilting experience was spearheading a community fund raising quilt as part of a protest centered around a nuclear dump being located in our small Maine town. Local artists did drawings on vellum local quilters created blocks from the drawings. Another community member tie dyed fabric for the quilt back and background of the blocks. It was a beautiful work of art when it was finished and even more important a symbol of what mattered to us. The quilt was raffled off and its new owner packed if away and no one was allowed to see it again. From that day forward quilts have been a passionate part of my life!
Thanks for the giveaway. I'm a relatively new quilter and would love to learn more so I can do more
My greatest quilting experience was the surprise trip my husband arranged (for no reason in particular) to go to the American Quilt Museum in Paducah, KY. Not only was it an incredibly thoughtful gesture on his part but walking through the exhibits gave me more inspiration than any one person ought to be allowed to have at one time. It was breathtaking and overwhelming and beauty! I can hardly wait to make another trip there (taking my daughters-in-aw and new granddaughter along). It was a sensory experience in the extreme.
My greatest quilting experience was making quilts for all my children. The one with the most memories is an appliqued boy holding a stuffed animal. I was almost done with all the applique on the top when my young daughter decided her brother needed an armhole and cut a circle out at the top part of the quilt. I saved the quilt by adding a moon above the boy to hide the whole. We all still talk about it whenever we see the quilt. My son is now married and they are expecting their 2nd child now. He has the quilt and used it with their 1st.
My greatest quilting experience was when my granddaughters (10 & 12) took my scraps of fleece and arranged them into a "quilt". We helped them stitch them together into a quilt for their dolls.
My greatest quilting experience so far has to be diving in to several old boxes of scraps Mom has been saving for Forever. (Ex. Some of these pieces are pushing thirty, 'cause Mom wore the shirts she sewed when her oldest was a baby.) Definitely time for them to move in a purposeful direction! ;-)
So my two sisters sorted them by "color theory"; then we each got a pile with which to make a sampler quilt.
Mom and my eldest sis had taken some classes when sis was thirteen, and those resulting blocks were also still carefully laid in boxes.
So we decided to all forge forward on our quilts; us younger two duplicating the 12 blocks that the classes had taught, and then we'd each have a set of basic blocks that our different scrap quilts would "share". Afterward, we'd go where ever we wanted.
It has been such fun to share the experience of quilting with my family in a way that has brought us closer than we've been in years. With everyone grown and going different directions, familial ties seem to loosen; but plotting the fabrics & colors, cutting the wrong sizes, sewing then "un-sewing", and comparing the results after all the hard work on each block has been a sweet experience. We started with the Maple Leaf, then moved up: Jacob's Ladder, Churn Dash, Card Trick, Spools, Ohio Star, Log Cabin, Flower Baskets, Dresden Plate etc. We then added the Sister's Choice, (seemed fitting!) a complicated, two-story, eight windowed House; and branched out! Emboldened by the applique work on the Dresden Plate, I drafted and appliqued a Poodle block. (Instead of a poodle skirt! ;-) ) Little sis went with a Grandmother's Fan... and the story continues! I have only about four blocks left to go; (with a projected 30 blocks necessary for my first personal quilt to be completed;) and I secretly hope to have it all done and hand-quilted in time to enter in the local fair.
I have worked on "project quilts" with others before, but never one for myself. And I love, love, love doing the hand quilting part, so I hope to really make this scrap-using-sampler a thing of beauty in that area as well.
I feel really good about using up all these small pieces that would simply be thrown out otherwise, and by incorporating them in the "memory fabrics" will be around to be enjoyed for a long time.
I think I can safely say that this has been the greatest quilting experience of my life so far! :-)
Did my post come through? I can't tell if it made it or not.
I started a stained glass quilt years ago. The blocks were finished. All I needed to do was sew them together. My plan was to do this while I healed from fight hip replacement surgery. After surgery, I had no hip. So I had to figure out how to use my sewing machine to sew the blocks together. I'm happy to say, that I sewed the blocks together and now I have a quilt top. I hope to eventually quilt it.
I started a stained glass quilt years ago. The blocks were finished. All I needed to do was sew them together. My plan was to do this while I healed from fight hip replacement surgery. After surgery, I had no hip. So I had to figure out how to use my sewing machine to sew the blocks together. I'm happy to say, that I sewed the blocks together and now I have a quilt top. I hope to eventually quilt it.
My favorite quilting experience to date is watching my 10 year old son explore the world of quilting in his own way. He selected two dog panels and chose to frame each dog block in bright, vibrant colors. When he goes to the machine to sew, he says it feels really comfortable. I am so proud of him.
My only quilting experience was a baby quilt for a friend. Very homegrown" it combined piecing, applique,, hand quilting, and tying - a quick re-design to accommodate the birth date. Both of my grandmothers created many quilts cherished by grandculidren and greatgrandchilden. Countless hours have been spent over decades admiring the cotton prints, the geometry of the designs, and the special warmth created by loving hangs. I would love to follow in their footsteps and this prize would be the nudge to get me going.
My quilting experience started when my daughters wanted to learn how to sew - so I thought I'd learn too! We made PJ pants, and then we had leftover fabric - so I made a quilt! Everything is history from there. 4 years later, I've made quilts for almost all my family and friends, over 20 have been donated to charities in my town, and I've begun to sell a few now.
My greatest quilting experience to date has been that my three children (now 11, 14, 18) have all made a quilt which they have given away. They spent the time to let me teach them the techniques, and designed, pieced, sandwiched and quilted their quilts from start to finish. As a quilter, we all know how much time this takes, but my kids did it ALL. I have never been so proud to see them put so much effort into something they felt proud of, and that they were making them for gifts for loved ones is all the more better. It's a hard thing to give away something you've spent so much time on! AND, no longer are they afraid to go ahead and sew something if needed!
It would be so wonderful to win this package, since my income is limited. I have to save up for a while for my sewing needs (wants). I have recently started quilting, and I just love it.
I`M A New Quilter, I Have Bought Everything I need To
To Make A Quilt Except The Help Of Knowing How To Do It.
I`m Just Going To Jump In And Give It A Try, What Is The
Worst I Can Do, Have To Start Over, We Have All Done That
A lot With Other Things In Life So Why No Quilting!
Wish Me Luck... Cause Here I Go...
Really Can Not Wait To Start!!!