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Magazine Giveaway: The Best of Threads Fitting

The Best of Threads: Fitting

Own your copy now

Our readers have requested an issue that focuses on fitting, and now the wait is over! In The Best of Threads: Fitting we’ve compiled some of our best fitting stories. It is a must-have magazine for anyone who is learning to sew, as well as someone who has been sewing garments for years. The issue provides ideal strategies to perfectly fit your garments. It includes articles about great tools and techniques that will help you fit successfully, how to choose the right pattern size before you begin, and how to fit key body and garment areas with ease and success. It contains key information that every garment sewer should know!

is giving away one copy of this special issue. In order to be eligible to win tell us about your biggest fitting problem(s). Comments must be posted before Thursday, April 18. A winner will be randomly selected and announced during the week on April 22 and will be notified via email.


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  1. CdnDreamer | | #1

    My biggest fitting issue is my chest - I have to alter every pattern because I wear a 32G bra. If I go with an XL pattern, I have to cut it down at the waist, and if I go with a M pattern, I have to add tons to it. Grrrr!

  2. terileeb | | #2

    I am plus size with wide hips, a tummy, and narrow shoulders! So when I get a pattern adjusted to fit, I make many variations on it!

  3. dellebelle | | #3

    To be able to fit to accommodate my waist is my greatest challenge. I'm hoping to learn how to accomplish this soon.

  4. sweetangelpr | | #4

    My biggest issue is that I am plus size (XL or 16) but A cup of bra. I always have to adjust in the sides and neck area, specially if the bluse/dress is V-neck

  5. User avater
    sewmoto | | #5

    My Arms around are large and small busted so always have to alter the patterns.

  6. User avater
    ReontheRoad | | #6

    I have to do a full-bust ajustment on almost every pattern. It would be so much better if 'The Big Four' would standardize their sloper measurements. I love the option of being able to choose my own fabric and style and create a very special garment. Just wish it weren't so darn hard to fit!

  7. User avater
    redlady62 | | #7

    Being tall and large there are issues with length and big bust area. Always looking for something with a relaxed fit.. but then I don't want to look like I am wearing a sack....

  8. User avater
    LoriLovesPink | | #8

    My biggest fitting challenge is the crotch area in pants. Probably why I don't make pants very often and probably why any pair of pants I've made either ended up in the trash or in the bin for goodwill. I even have trouble with fit in that area for store-bought pants, but that's exactly where ALL my pants are from. Its just seems likes its a whole lot of hassle that I'm never happy with in the end anyway.

  9. indylove | | #9

    So many fit issues - big butt and thighs, small ribcage but wide upper back, and swayback! HELP!

  10. SilksWithAttitude | | #10

    Pants on my body, followed by heavy upper arms, followed by... the list goes on!

  11. SilksWithAttitude | | #11

    Pants on my body, followed by heavy upper arms, followed by... the list goes on!

  12. SWoerner | | #12

    My biggest fitting issue is my son's abdomen. Yes he is overweight. He is a 24 year old with Down syndrome and I have unsuccessfully mastered getting his pants to fit to where there isn't tons of extra fabric below his belly. When he sits and spreads his legs, the material pulls and sometimes he ends up ripping them. Hemming isn't so much a problem, I just lengthen the back so it evens up with the front. I would be honored and sincerely thankful to win this book.

  13. geriroyer | | #13

    My two fitting issues are my hips and my bust. I have found that if I buy for the hips, the waist is too big and the pant legs are huge! The bust area used to be a big issue because to get it to fit across the bust, the neck was too big, arm length was too long. I really wish the industry would understand that just because you are a large size, it doesn't mean your sleeves should go down to your knees.

  14. WildPeachCountryShop | | #14

    This would be such a huge help to me. As a plus size person, I have some difficulty fitting garments in the hip area without having the finished piece look odd, and with having it lay right. I'm mostly self-taught, but there are some gaps in my knowledge of sewing & fitting that need to be filled.

  15. Mar Hein | | #15

    my biggest fitting issues are that i have a broad back across my shoulders plus i am long from my shoulders to my waist. & then i am narrow across my front above my bust. so adjusting patterns with these issues makes for a lot of adjustments.

  16. nlssews | | #16

    My biggest fitting problem is contouring at the waist. In order to get garments to fit everywhere else, the waist always gapes!

  17. Pitchfire | | #17

    My biggest fitting issue is pregnancy! My body changes so much during and after pregnancy that I'm never sure what to sew for so everything becomes stretch fabrics and serged seams. Then growing kids are next. Good thing my dress form is adjustable!

  18. sapientsaphead | | #18

    So many fitting issues - pear shaped body so if it fits my bust it doesn't fit my hips and I tend to wear tunic length tops. My back curves in a lot at my waist so all my pants end up with a big gap at the waist. And I also have one shoulder that's about an inch lower than the other so even in a tailored blouse I look sloppy or unkempt. :) So glad you're putting out this issue!

  19. mariajaymie | | #19

    My worst fit issue is that my upper arms are bigger than my torso. I can usually wear a medium size blouse, but my arms usually are unable to fit. It won't go in or it looks like it is going to burst at the seams. I size up and the torso part is bigger and the arm is just right. If I can only cut up the arms on the large shirt and put it on the medium bodice. :(

  20. User avater
    kathys120 | | #20

    Biggest fitting issue is crotch length and depth in pants

  21. LKScarlett | | #21

    Bust & Upper Arms!

  22. User avater
    PoldaPop | | #22

    Oh, this will be so helpful! My biggest personal issue is my shoulders/upper back, but I also make clothes for other people so I always have new challenges to face! Thank you for publishing this and for offering up a free copy!

  23. User avater
    MoonspunMeadows | | #23

    Having a high waist, plus having had a double mastectomy have proved to be a challenge for me....oh and there are those short legs and long arms...thanks for the chance at a great give away!

  24. sandign47 | | #24

    Biggest issue? Hard to say. I'm long waisted with a large bust but narrow shoulders. I literally have no waist and very narrow hips but have a protruding stomach. Crotch length is short. But if i had to pick one it would be fitting the bust with the right shoulder width. And not having the armsholes hang down too much. Plus I have some back fat that gets in the way. WOW, I hate the way I just described myself. LOL

  25. LauraSews | | #25

    PANTS!!! Especially the crotch/tummy area!

  26. mags | | #26

    My biggest fitting issue is my twisted torso, caused by scoliosis. It makes each side different from the other.

  27. user-1128233 | | #27

    My biggest issue is getting pants to fit. My stomach is bloated, my seat is flat and my hips and legs look like a bird. I know! When I make pants, I make them according to my waist and needless to say, the rest of the pant is out of proportion.

  28. User avater
    PinkRoses14 | | #28

    Fitting my 6' tall daughter who has broad shoulders from swimming, is big busted, long waisted, and long legged!! I can never get the fit right and keep it long enough so it doesn't ride up, or pinch in the arms when she leans forward.

  29. CarolJane | | #29

    As a seamstress, I have still have trouble fitting plus-sized clients

  30. User avater
    ppinnc | | #30

    Pants for sure are problems for me. Crotch area in ready to wear and most patterns seems too wide.

  31. User avater
    reynalay | | #31

    Biggest problem is the crotch area in pants and also fitting when there is no defined waist line. I would love to learn as much as I can, and this would help! Great giveaway! thank you for the chance to win something so great!

    [email protected]

  32. User avater
    Toolgirl49 | | #32

    Biggest fitting problem is my chest. I still can't get it right and then have the sleeve turn out correct too.

  33. dstuhlmann | | #33

    I have always found my toes are the toughest little mongrels to fit properly. HA! I am new to adjusting patterns, but have always read the articles in Threads magazine and found them informative and understandable...even if I'm a little scaredy-cat about actually trying them out. It's a learning process, a great journey. And I like a challenge. :)

  34. RDRD | | #34

    I am short, shorter than petite patterns and have sloping shoulders and a smaller armhole. This fitting problem has been a nightmare to get right and although I always make a sloper I just can't get it right. I would love to have some pointers.

  35. Sondraleigh | | #35

    Hi! Thanks for this opportunity! I have a terrible time fitting sleeves so that they don't bind around the upper arm when I move my arms. Maybe it's a shoulder fitting problem?? I don't know. But I love raglan sleeves! They never cause problems. :)

  36. bermbroro | | #36

    my issues have to do with pants....everything about them...

  37. User avater
    JmTokunaga | | #37

    I am currently working on a pair of pants. Oh my! So many areas to address, but I am hopeful!

  38. CarolJane | | #38

    As a seamstress, I still struggle with fitting plus-sized clients.

  39. user-2340998 | | #39

    My issue is the chest area: my shoulder to bust height is shorter than the average of patterns, and my shoulder to waist distance is longer than my pattern size. Thanks for this giveaway!

  40. User avater
    angelap | | #40

    I have to alter all patterns that I sew for my special needs girl. She's very thin & there's the diaper bulk to consider. It would be great to have a reference book to help walk me through each area as I try to keep the length but reduce the width & keep ease in for curves. Sometimes I just get overwhelmed. Thank you for the chance to win your great fitting book!

  41. tsimshiangoddess | | #41

    My biggest fitting problem is my broad shoulders and short arms!
    Thank you for the giveaway opportunity!

  42. hemandhaw | | #42

    My measurements are technically plus-sized, but I'm pretty tall, so my weight is distributed in such a way that plus sized patterns end up loose in all the wrong places. Lengthening patterns is an easy fix, luckily.

  43. User avater
    tigerlounge1971 | | #43

    sloping shoulders and a slightly rounded back are my big issue!

  44. User avater
    jeri_t_2000 | | #44

    I am 5'2", have a small waist and big hips - need I say more?!?!?

  45. User avater
    jeri_t_2000 | | #45

    I am 5'2", have a small waist and big hips - need I say more?!?!?

  46. frkbustad | | #46

    My fitting issues is broad back combined with short neck-waist measures, in addition to sway back... I'm also a perfectionista!

  47. User avater
    jroach | | #47

    I have a problem with my bust being different sizes. Everything wants to twist to one side.

  48. zapper45701 | | #48

    I'm six feet tall, and have never been called petite--in any direction. I think that says it all.

  49. deborahcade | | #49

    My shoulder width is narrower that the patterns that fit my bust; I have a hard time fitting necklines.

  50. cloff | | #50

    My biggest fitting problem is my bust - I'm small boned and it's too big and not in proportion to the rest of my body.

  51. user-1148775 | | #51

    Sway back, high hip and big tummy. All add up to hard to fit.

  52. Tempest1961 | | #52

    My most troublesome fitting problems has to do with large upper arms and a broader than normal back. Because I do not know the right method to fit that fatty area between the upper arm and the back, I always try some creative method.

  53. yourskipness | | #53

    Being plus-sized always causes a problem with pants. The rise in particular. If I were to go by a purchased pattern the rise would have the waistline come to just under my bustline. I can shorten the waist, but the front rise and back rise are entirely different, leaving a huge variation from front to side to center back. Very bizarre looking and not always a workable solution.

  54. jjsm00 | | #54

    Pants, pants, pants. Did I mention pants?

  55. saschapup | | #55

    I definitely need help with all types of pattern fitting, but especially the bust area. Need it increased without having the blouse or dress be huge everywhere else.

  56. DoragonMama | | #56

    I have Cushing's disease and it makes fitting garments very complicated because of the strange body shape Cushing's causes, my abdomen in particular because it is big and hard to fit clothes to that are not maternity clothes.

  57. marcsha | | #57

    Stomach and Bust. As I get older my parts move around and not the way I want them to. I have started returned to sewing but fitting is my problem.

  58. kayjoy | | #58

    I am still trying to figure out how to fit my broad shoulders/back.

  59. vabney | | #59

    Pants seem to cause the most trouble, especially for large figures. Always looking to improve. Thanks!

  60. strasfamily | | #60

    My fitting issues are large upper arms, small waist but big thighs and booty!

  61. ClaireE | | #61

    Back neck line. Too often my clothes stand away here!

  62. User avater
    MsMadisson | | #62

    Hello Thread's Community,
    I would have to say for me it is the shoulders which also affects my bust measurement considerably. I would love to be able to accurately fit myself properly without having to go through trying on the garment and taking it off. I still have not purchased a dress form - someday.

    Thank you and have a nice day.

    [email protected]

  63. pelicanmom | | #63


  64. User avater
    Sewwellmaide | | #64

    For me it would be saddle bag thighs! Makes anything on the bottom half of my body really hard to fit. Ways around that would open up the whole world of 'from the waist down'!

  65. overflowingstash | | #65

    Lower back. Or the culprit actually upper back? I can't seem to get rid of the puddle of fabric in the lower back. The one that some call a swap back problem. Close fitting knit is especially a big headache. Nothing I've tried could chase them pesky puddle away! }:-|

  66. rosie1925 | | #66

    My biggest issue is fear. Fear that I won't get it right. And, yes, I know that I may not the first few times, but the fear holds me back. And, at over 50 with Aunt Bea's shape, I oh so need fitting help!

  67. CandMart | | #67

    When I was younger, I could buy a pattern and fabric, sew it up and wear it. As I have gotten older and things have changed, a lot, I find I cannot get anything but the most shapeless pieces to fit. I even bought one of those expensive patterns at an expo with different pieces for different shaped bodies and i made it three times and got it wrong each time. It is very frustrating and I would like to be able to make things for myself that are flattering and wearable on the first try.

  68. Bridgit | | #68

    wearing a 42FF/G bra and very square shoulders. Everything I make requires extensive alterations :( I would love to know how to make things look more professionally tailored to me.

  69. AleDus | | #69

    Everything is a fitting challenge for me... I am petite and I had to make adjustments to every single pattern. Then, 2 years ago I had a baby and my body has been changing constantly since. Patterns don't fit as they used to and the alterations I was making do not work any longer. It forced me to learn a lot about fitting but most of the time I don't know what I'm doing...

  70. User avater
    slmendes | | #70

    I would love to own this special addition of Threads magazine! Fitting is so important in sewing, and there is always something new to learn and a skill to master. I really want to conquer pant fitting and sewing This publication would come in very handy in my sewing world!

  71. dkomar | | #71

    I would love to make more garments for myself, but because I have broad shoulders, small bustline and no hips I am never satisfied with the fit, and I don't know how to tailor. The Best of Threads Fitting would be a great resource to assist me in learning how to fit patterns to me better.

  72. nutso | | #72

    The legs on slacks are always too big so I have to always adjust!

  73. twoclumbers | | #73

    My biggest fitting problem is that I'm only 5'2" with small waist and large hips and thighs. It' difficult to get the right fit at the hips and thighs without having a huge gap at the waist.

  74. User avater
    CarrGrand | | #74

    My biggest fitting problem is pants constructed with a knit fabric. Knit is not as forgiving as we sometimes think!

  75. SuzyQCanuck | | #75

    The inevitable gaping I get on the right side of garments that button up the front due to a lower shoulder.

  76. LivingLRG | | #76

    I always have had problems fitting my bust. I was always told to fit a pattern to your bust size. I would love a magazine that can pinpoint how to lower a size 12-14 pattern to fit a size 6-8 body. I would love to win this magazine.

  77. alisoncat | | #77

    Protruding tummy and small cup size!

  78. lbopp | | #78

    Size 16 shoulders, size 12 neck, size 14 bust, size 12 hips!
    How do you make that work on a 5' 4" frame?

  79. ambrerose | | #79

    My biggest challenge is fitting my bust with my waist. I have a very large bust with a smaller waist and doing a FBA while trying to tapper down to a smaller waist is hard. And I have larger arms from working out so the upper arm areas are hard to fit. I am a little scared when it comes to fitting and am kind of a beginner sewer, but I want to learn the right way now and not have to go back and learn later after making so many mistakes. Thanks!

  80. mrssmitty | | #80

    My biggest fitting issue is my hips and waist. My waist is smaller than my hips and that is my problem.

  81. JanMade | | #81

    Pants! I am determined to learn to fit my pants and get the extra fullness removed from the back below the seat. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  82. vme106 | | #82

    My stomach is bigger then my hips or waist. Then the issue with the arms not fitting properly.I have yet to accomplish this with any pattern that I purchase.

  83. Carly_Sue | | #83

    This sounds like a very helpful book that i would like to have. A home sewist really needs a sewing partner as it is very difficult to fit yourself, especially in the back, which is my main problem. In retirement years now, I would like to make haute couture garments but they have to fit very well, of course. Oh sewing partner where are you?

  84. User avater
    user-1109649 | | #84

    The armhole is my biggest fitting problem.
    I rarely see this addressed in fitting classes.
    My shoulders are narrow, and my arms are not very big around, the the armhole opening (armscye) is always too tight.

    I'd like to learn how to make this fitting adjustment.

  85. LaVieEn | | #85

    I'm a combination issue: pear shape with sway-back, big tummy, short waisted and neckline gaposis to top it all off! :[

  86. madamepurl | | #86

    I would love a pair of pants that actually fit. I have about given up.

  87. mgraceh1 | | #87

    Am an apple shape with thin legs. Skirts and pants are hard to fit to get them to look well.

  88. MadeByMarnieM | | #88

    I have so many fit challenges - where do I start? This collection of Threads articles and stories is exactly what I need!

  89. taro009 | | #89

    I always have a hard time with pants. I could use some tips!

  90. jspack | | #90

    My greatest fitting challenge recently changed in the past 2 years when I herniated 2 disks in my lower back with a pinched nerve. It was further compounded by spinal fractures - which occurred 6-10 months after the herniation - causing me to lose height. When I was measured by my physician, I had lost 5 inches in height due to the spinal fractures...so I lost most of my height between my shoulders down thru my lower back - where one's legs begin. So it's a challenge to find garments to fit correctly. Plus,I am full busted. However, turning 61 this year, gravity requires I purchase good bras - which I have always done. However, with the concern from the research indicating a relationship between breast cancer and bras with underwire, it is hard to find bras to give one the lift needed at this age. Further, with the height lost, my tummy is pushed up higher and closer to my breasts; my hips are higher so where the hip area is on the garment pattern, it is too low...not giving my hip area enough room as my hips are higher up now. Also, my left breast has always been more difficult to fit because I had open heart surgery at age 5, and at that time they started the surgical cut at the nipple, ran it under the arm over the rip cage and them up to the back shoulder bone, so they could open up the rib cage under the arm, pull the heart out, quickly perform the surgery, place the heart back into the chest cavity, and suture the closure - saving my life. However, as I grew my breasts grew - the left breast was pulled toward the left as I grew into my teens causing me not only nerve pain where they had caught the nerve, but also a left breast with the nipple pointing to the side...as surgical scare does not stretch. And since I had open heart surgery the first year available, the scare was the least of their concerns. My scar ended up approx. 1 1/4 wide with 3/8" round scar dots where each suture was placed from side to side. Therefore, I never could wear any type of v-neck or similar neckline unless it I adjusted the pattern to fit or else I had one side gaping open. Good bras with excellent support has always been VIP for me. Keep In mind this surgery was done in 1957 and there was little concern about reconstruction surgery for women until the last 15 or so years. This was much too late for me as it would be too dangerous because one develops adhesions around scar tissue. With my surgery being so close to vital organs doctors - nor did I - want to attempt a surgery that could cause more problems than help - as I had lived with this for many years. My main problem is learning to adjust clothes to fit a body that has lost so many inches in its midsection...as well as learning which pattern styles would be best for me to use in this process with my new body shape. I am in the proper weight range which is VIP for me to help me in my efforts to exercise, to walk as straight up as possible with my corset for support under my clothes, and to keep my pain levels down. I am a lifelong sewer, but I never have had to adjust patterns to this extent before. If I can get several patterns that look good after making adjustments - for example, a couple dresses (casual & one for dress), tank top, tunic top, blouse, pants, capris, vest,& jacket - I could easily change these around as well as make others in various types of cloth using a variety of embellishment techniques.Thanks for your consideration! PS Maybe you could do a series for us baby boomers who will be facing this unfortunate loss of height - not to my extent - but it will change how one's garments fit. This happened to me when I was recovering from a health challenge causing my body to use most of its resources as well as all the extra supplements I was taking daily to get better from that particular health challenge. My bone density has increased dramatically over the last 18 months; however, the damage had already occurred. So now I must learn what garment styles will be best for me to begin with, then which adjustments need to be made and in what order. Thanks for this long post. I know I am not the only one with all the supplements we must take today just to keep out bodies in shapes as well as to remember that any medications we take also remove vitamins & minerals from our bodies that also have to be replenished. This does not even consider the exercise which we must do to keep ourselves strong, in shape, keep our vestibular system in balance. Start early, gals, our environment is taking its toll on all of us,too - young and old!

  91. thesemstress | | #91

    My biggest fitting challenge is being short-waisted with a belly.

  92. wolfkit | | #92

    Mine was trying to fit an actress for a performance. I was making a beautiful gown for a showing of 'Les Miserables' and the actress kept putting on weight until the show's designer threatened to dump her.

    Personally, an operation when I was a child has left me with one shoulder lower than the other and if/when I change my [usually non-slumping] stance to correct it my arm gets shorter. Years have alleviated it - a bit.

  93. HMBClaireBear | | #93

    My fitting issues are (from the top) broad shoulders, full bust, long torso, big tummy, flat bottom, narrow hips, full thighs and a long inside leg. I think that my body was planning on being a bloke and then changed its mind at the last minute. The biggest problem is finding a suit-type jacket that fits and feels comfortable, to the point where I just don't wear jackets at all (bad at job interviews). I think I need to work out shoulder width and FB adjustments to suit me (sorry, no pun intended) and I'll have my upper body clothing sorted.
    I would love this issue! All my problems sorted in one go!.

  94. user-1050845 | | #94

    Since I'm short, I've have had the biggest (no pun intended) problem with shortening bodices - especially since I have an asset in the bust as well.

  95. User avater
    user-2440927 | | #95

    To me, fitting is the most challenging part of sewing. If you don't have a good fit, everything else is in vain. Sleeves seem to be my greatest challenge. Trying to diagnose if it is the sleeve causing the problem or the armhole. I would like to see what to look for when fitting, if it looks like this, then this needs to be changed.

  96. Lanoll | | #96

    Height is tough. I finally realized that the "shorten or lengthen here" line is totally bogus! I now lengthen above the bust line and below it. I wish pattern companies would realize that American women haven't been five foot six since the middle of the last CENTURY! Interesting too, as most of their models look to be around six feet tall.

  97. SewWhatKathy | | #97

    Getting the crotch right on pants and coulottes is difficult for me. Also fitting a small waist in alterations,

  98. PegBroMac | | #98

    Fitting the bust area has been a challenge. I finally figured it out and successfully made my wardrobe. Then old age and sagging set in. Now my butt is drooping and the old patterns don't fit right. Have lost my waist, and my arms are larger around. My weight has stayed about the same. Feel like I am starting all over.

  99. howsew | | #99

    I have had five back surgeries that have resulted in continuing change of my shape, causing me many fit problems. One side measurement from my waist to the floor is 2" higher than the other, and my right side from the waist down protrudes outward. One shoulder is significantly lower than the other. In addition, I teach sewing classes for adults who of course have many different shapes. I'd love to have the new publication to assist me in all aspects of fitting.

  100. velvetribbon | | #100

    I had so many fitting issue: my upper arms, my waist and my hips. So I have to alter all the patterns to fit my body.

  101. reneej | | #101

    Pattern alterations are allways necessary as I have a plus size and an hour glass figure. I want to show my waist and have to make alterations all the time. A good instruction of a FBA would also be appreciated!

  102. pyns | | #102

    Hips hips hips... they were hard to fit when I weighed 90 punds, even harder now that I weigh 135! I wish I had a master pattern for pants! Deirdre

  103. AndiBrown | | #103

    Broad shoulders, narrow hips.

  104. user-1120336 | | #104

    I always need fitting in the hips-thighs, as they are slightly broader than my hips...

  105. RegencyLady | | #105

    My fitting problem is a larger chest and broad shoulders. This scenario on top of smaller hips is a fitting nightmare! If I don't alter patterns I end up looking like an ice cream cone. *sigh*

  106. user-2291610 | | #106

    Uneven shoulders, large bust, flat seat, and narrow hips. And everything going South as I age!

  107. book_maven | | #107

    Big hips, small waist and too long legs.

  108. AdaSharon | | #108

    I have sturggled with pattern fitting for years and years. In the last few years I have learned a lot and am finally doing a better job. This special issue will be a very nice addition to my sewing library.

  109. nisa | | #109

    My biggest challenge has always been gaping or rippling armholes. How to fit them snugly would be a great help. Thank you.

  110. user-2455536 | | #110

    Everything that concerns fitting is a puzzle to me. I create my own pattens for all kinds of bags and free form items, but never having been intruduced to actual fitting, this issue, The Best of Threads, Fitting, will be a welcome addition to my library of Threads magazine that I currently own. It will also give me the ability to ask smart questions of my sister-in-law who designs her own patterns. Sometimes the hardest part of learning something new is knowing the questions to ask.

  111. baschultz | | #111

    my biggest issue to fitting...is ME!

  112. inesgr | | #112

    I usually can't fit the sleeves... :-)

  113. User avater
    frostedthreads | | #113

    My biggest fitting issue is fitting my tummy and hips without making my chest look like deflated balloons on top! I would love to have the fitting guide.

  114. WildSewing | | #114

    My biggest challenge is fitting for broad shoulders without increasing the pattern size and then not having a proper fitting neckline and bust, etc. This would be a great help.

  115. jebeitz | | #115

    MY BODY!
    More specifically: broad shoulders; my behind shifted to my tummy; my waist is larger than my hips; my legs aren't too bad but because of my tummy/waist size, pant legs are baggy.

  116. jbyers | | #116

    I don't have any major fitting issues since I seem to be a standard size in most, but the ones I do see crop up are a gape in the back waist section of jackets, so small lower back. I am interested in winning this magazine mostly because I have been sewing for over 30 years and feel it is important to be able to understand how to manipulate patterns. So this will be a valuable learning tool for me.

  117. Almis | | #117

    I want it :)

  118. User avater
    cubanmama | | #118

    After many years of sewing, I am struggling with making my own clothes and having them fit correctly. Store-bought patterns have to be constantly altered to fit my smaller frame. None of my measurements are standard (larger bust and hips, smaller waist, long arms, broad shoulders). I am trying to make my own patterns from slopers.

  119. Mom_of_Boys_81 | | #119

    Biggest Fitting issue is Store-Bought Children's Pants. When my Son was still in diapers NOTHING ever fit right! Now that he is 5 y/o he falls in-between 5T & 5/6 sizes I still have such a hard time finding pants to fit him. Most cotton or polyester pants are TOO large in the waist and jean with adjustable waist look bulgy and hurt his sides. I would LOVE to learn how to properly fit him for pants I could just make myself. :)

  120. User avater
    jamama | | #120

    Waist & hips...always need further fitting.

  121. user-2442914 | | #121

    I find it most difficult to fit pants. Though I probably make the most fitting changes to my upper body.

  122. 7373_Toni | | #122

    My biggest fitting problem is for my sister, she is overweight all over. It is both difficult to choose and fit patterns for her. I think this magazine would be a big help.

  123. User avater
    ToniWI | | #123

    My biggest fitting problems are fitting my daughters. Full bust adjustment for an F cup and an H cup are difficult for such small girls. I get frustrated trying to figure out how to make the fit work. This book, I hope, will help lower my frustrations.

  124. Clodi | | #124

    The fitting issue that I face very often is the bust - small bust and large hips. It would be great for me to know different ways to fit garments.

  125. zybet | | #125

    My biggest fitting problem were always arms.

  126. oohlela | | #126

    I am petite with a very apple dumpling middle. I usually have to use two different size patterns (One for the top and a larger for the bottom) and try to marry them together.Not an easy thing to do by yourself

  127. User avater
    eemaw | | #127

    My biggest fitting problem is having to fit myself with no "fitting buddy". I have a fitting form, but it doesn't duplicate the exact fitting issues I have.

  128. D_Mac | | #128

    My biggest fitting problems are the location of my waist. Since my waist is about 6 inches lower than the "common" pattern, I have to add on the length in tops and adjust the crotch on any pants patterns - never an easy thing to do. Add to that the need for additional length in the sleeves and across the back. I think I just redid the whole pattern!

  129. D_Mac | | #129

    My biggest fitting problems are the location of my waist. Since my waist is about 6 inches lower than the "common" pattern, I have to add on the length in tops and adjust the crotch on any pants patterns - never an easy thing to do. Add to that the need for additional length in the sleeves and across the back. I think I just redid the whole pattern!

  130. nani | | #130

    My biggest fitting problem is that I don't often realize that I have a problem until my sewer friends tell me. I think that if it is not too small, then it fits!

    Recently I made a dress from a vintage pattern and thought I was lucky since it fit without alterations. It is made out of a gorgeous purple boucle. I got many, many compliments from coworkers. When I wore it to my ASG meeting, someone mentioned that the shoulders were too big and the bodice too long. They showed me where the shoulder line should fall and that I could shorten the bodice by two inches.

    I made those adjustments and could not believe how much nicer it looked, and I originally thought it had looked perfect!

  131. JennyCreates | | #131

    I am long-waisted and curvy, so the bust is usually too high and too small and things end up pulling weirdly around the armholes.

  132. Summer748 | | #132

    I need to make a whole new set of slopers, having gained about 15 pounds since my old ones were made. Need to adjust the size 10 patterns I used to use to about a size 14.

  133. User avater
    ClaudiaMiller | | #133

    My biggest/most common issue comes from adjusting waist area and bust. I need to alter tops to avoid a very loose fit. This issue sounds super!

  134. PerlenDiva | | #134

    1) My waist: I'm short waisted and usually also somewhat above the given waist measurements ;-)
    2) Shoulders: I didn't even know before I took up sewing that I have narrow shoulders ;-)
    3) The many things I don't know yet that I should fit!!

  135. KaSchu | | #135

    Thick waist with a flat bottom. If I buy for the hips the waist is too small and if I buy for the waist the hips are too big. I just have to make my own pants and skirts to get a decent fit.

  136. sewistwiththemostest | | #136

    Probably the opposite of most, my biggest problem is that after mastectomy and opposite breast reduction, I'm now a smaller size in the chest and larger in the stomach. Added to the problem is that the front of my waist is much larger than the back, sway back and protruding stomach. With no shelter from the breast area I pretty much look 5 months pregnant, which at 54 is not a good look. I can't wear any styles with a waist and even tunics I have to alter the pattern to make the top front smaller. The chest area and sleeves are especially hard to fit.

  137. Mav315 | | #137

    I've been sewing for pleasure since I was a teenager but stopped after college. I just started sewing again this year and I've found that my shape has changed since high school, I'm not symmetric anymore or can cut out one size for a pattern, sew it and have a good fit. I've also found that I usually like the top of one pattern and the bottom of another or would like to add a dart or another technique to a pattern to customize and make it my own, but I don't know how it will affect the fit. When I read this offer, I was excited and inspired to add my comment to get the opportunity to win this valuable magazine. I can't wait for the results. Thank you for having this contest!

  138. Jaromibr | | #138

    Narrow shoulders, larger waist, larger waist, short waist, you name it! I cannot get patterns adjusted correctly anymore and am ready to give up. I would love a dressform that matches my body but have been to chicken to make my own. It would be so nice to know how to make these changes to the pattern.

  139. User avater
    beadrbop | | #139

    I'm petite in height so fitting pants is always a challenge. My bottom and thighs are definitely not 'petite' and I have wide shoulder so yes fitting can be a challenge. Grateful to have a dress form with padding so I can mold it to my shape. Patterns tend to always need adjusting in order to work. Good luck to all! This looks like a great book to have.

  140. SewYounique | | #140

    Oh boy! I've dabbled in clothing and gave up, but I am sooo intrigued by it. I'm going to give it another try this summer. I jump on every opportunity I get to have my measurements retaken by one of my sewing buddies. I live in a very rural area about 3 hours away from the metropolitan area where most of my ASG friends are located. It's so hard to fit myself or ask someone unknowledgeable to help me.

  141. User avater
    koshermama | | #141

    I've been sewing since I was nine. I am petite and curvy. Making the bust fit is always a challenge. Not too much, not too little, but just right.

  142. Mengar | | #142

    Oh, I would LOVE this!. Tall, large build, low bust, long arms, you name it, I probably have to change it! A muslin is my best friend.

  143. user-2420501 | | #143

    I was able to take a look at this magazine and I loved how helpful it was in addressing every fitting issue I have. The real photos were very helpful. I would love, love, love to have a copy of this!

  144. K_sew | | #144

    My shoulders are different due to scoliosis of the spine. Learning more about fitting would de-emphasize this problem and not call attention to it.
    Thanks for the opportunity to win the new fitting book. I would love it!

  145. Micky1 | | #145

    Where to begin...forward shoulders and neck, small bust, long arms and torso, flat belly, protruding front thighs. The hard part is putting it all together-accommodating all the variants. I'd love to have Thread's fitting expertise collected and at my fingertips.

  146. meswafford | | #146

    My biggest fitting problems are narrow shoulders and hips with a large waist.

  147. susandenise | | #147

    My biggest fitting problem is my small bust.

  148. User avater
    shreya_l | | #148

    Everyone has a unique figure and so stitching needs adjustments in general. With pear shape and petite body for me every fascinating pattern has to be altered to fit me. I wish to be adept at dart manipulation to fit a garment to person's figure and not just myself. Thanks for the giveaway!

  149. halfpin21 | | #149

    I am an awkward shaped plus size woman and I have a terrible time making tops to fit. My larger than my bust and it's just difficult to get anything to fit. I've also gone up a pattern size and had the garment falling off of me. I could use all the help I can get!

  150. user-933724 | | #150

    I have been obsessed with fitting for some time. Even went half way across the country for a class only to get sick and be only half with it. My fitting problems are with a narrow chest and shoulders, forward rolling shoulders and broad hips. Fitting is coming ever so slowly, but I would LOVE the magazine to help with the process.

  151. mad14kt | | #151

    My arms would be number 1.

  152. user-2436609 | | #152

    My biggest fitting problem is my entire body. This is why I am learning how to sew. I'm shaped like a woman and not a teenage boy. I am full of curves. I have round hips, my waist is small and butt like a coffee table. Everything that I wear short of a wrap dress has to be altered. I have to learn how to alter pants to accommodate a rounded rear. I have to learn to make shirts that will accommodate my bust down to my small waist. Trying to figure out how to alter patterns has been a chore and I have been unsuccessful. Whatever materials I can get to help will be a Godsend. I need this magazine.

  153. TwoFish2 | | #153

    Biggest fitting problem is short-waisted, combined with broad back, small bust, twisted hip (all clothes tend to twist on me), shorter arms than any pattern my size, and flat butt. In addition, my child is lanky, so there are always problems finding patterns to fit. Nobody seems available or interested in teaching me how to sew for males, which I would think is simpler to draft due to less curves.

    Taking on a new project sewing for a plus sized female who is short, which is a whole different set or problems.

    Thank you for this opportunity!

  154. CJSewing | | #154

    Where to begin with fitting? I am constantly adjusting patterns, but my biggest problem is pants. Getting that perfect fit for a full butt, crotch depth and protruding front thighs in a nicely fitted pant. Though I have had some success after years, I am always looking for new fitting techniques for myself and clients.

  155. miranda10 | | #155

    Things to consider when shopping for the best hard disk drives
    If you are shopping for the best laptop hard drive, you're going to have your work cut out for you, especially buy laptop hard drive online. Finding a reliable hard drive to purchase is not going to be as easy as 123. You may have to spend some time looking around on the Internet and doing some comparison shopping so that you can find a hard disk for sale that will satisfy your expectations and meet your needs as well, before you make a determine you can just know about the laptop hard drive cost in the field. Using a laptop means that you're going to need enough space to store your files, install your software and do everything that you want to do on the computer. There a lot of things to consider when you purchase a new hard drive for your laptop. Below, you will find with some of these things are and why it's important to shop around for hard disk drives for sale so that you can find the precise laptop hard drive that you want to buy.

    1,Look for a hard disk drive that has enough space to meet your needs
    Knowing how much space you need on your hard drive can be a difficult thing. Often times, people don't think they need much space but then they come to realize that they needed more than they originally thought. For instance, some people think that they just need to purchase a hard drive that is going to cover their files. For instance, if they have about 10 gigabytes of files, they may purchase just a 20 to 40 gigabyte hard drive. The problem with this is that you are not accounting for the operating system. If you plan to run an operating system like Linux or Windows on the computer, then you need to purchase a hard drive that has enough space to properly run the operating system and store your files. There are other things to keep in mind as well, for instance, what software are you going to be putting on the computer? Software can take up a lot of space on a computer, especially games and software that is very complex. These types of software titles can get up into several gigabytes of space, so you need to have a big enough hard drive to accommodate for these applications.

    2,Remember that it's okay to go over what you need but it's not okay to go under
    Of course, you can easily see there are so many laptop hard drive for sale online, when purchasing a hard drive, it's okay to purchase more gigabytes than you actually need, just like me, I love installing lots of games, so I bought a big sony laptop hard drive in advance. However, if you were to purchase less gigabytes than you actually need, this is not going to be okay because you won't be able to do the things that you want to do on your computer. Be sure to shoot for more disk space. Keep in mind that installing a hard drive on a laptop can be more complicated than installing a hard drive on a desktop computer. You also need to accommodate for the installation costs when you're going to have a company install this for you. Look online and do some comparison shopping so that you can find the best laptop hard drive for a price that makes sense for your budget.

    Need more info about laptop hard drives or purchasing, please go harddrivestore.org

    Thank you, useful.
    Thank you, useful
    But to be frank, it doesn't tell in detail what should we do to choose a best one, agree?
    I don't think it's good to buy a new hard dirve, why not change the laptop? Lol.

  156. miranda10 | | #156

    Find out what things you need to consider when you are shopping for the best laptop hard drive for your computer

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