good morning Mary, (1.40am here)
in one of your recently posts you mentioned weight lifting gloves, so with that in mind I popped down to the local sports store and promptly came home. they had oodles and I have no idea, would you kindly give me some advice, it will be very much appreciated. have a wonderful day, I’m off to bed.
warmest regards
Well, the first thing I do is get a nice salesclerk who will open the packages, give advice, and let me try several pair on. It depends on where you need the support. I need a firm thumb support and the ones that have a piece that wraps around the wrist and velcros closed. They should fit snugly but not cut off the circulation. The ones I have are Harbinger DES.320.872, they are 55%leather, 40%neoprene, 5% nylon knit. Hope this helps
My wrist and thumb joints were painful, totally stiff and barely moved so I had to give up my nursing career. They are so improved it is a miracle. What a relief not to have to have joint replacements!
My wax spa helps alot too, I dip about 8 x and put on the mittens that came with the kit. This helped me more than physical therapy ever did. The heating pad too. Glucosamine helps some people. Hand eez or hand ease? gloves from the craft store help some folks.
I need to start waxing my feet so they'll look pretty in sandals. he he
I don't have arthritis....I'm 20yrs old......ummmmm this site has been informative in many ways, but I have a feeling ya'all are giving me a look into my future....thanks for the heads up!!!lol
You're welcome! You are at an age where you can avoid some of these issues by taking really good care of your body and avoiding repetitive motion injuries! Now, go take your calcium supplements, eat healthy, and get lots of fresh air and exercise! Then remember to sew alot to ward off stress!!!
I'm glad some of us "older" ladies aren't boring you with this stuff! Personally, I am "rocking my fifties"!!! Mary
Well, I have een told I am and "old soul", but I wouldn't even say you are old, age is relative, and you really are only as old as you let yourself be........but about that eating right thing....My aunt ( i'm visiting) has all of this health food and hopes eating right will save her from a lot of the ailments that run in the family, I don't take that approach...not yet at least....after all, I live outside of Philly, what is healthier than a cheesesteak with whiz....Ever heard of one?
Love those cheesesteaks! The one place I found them out here has closed! The search goes on.
So, what is whiz?
LOL! ever heard of cheese whiz....?....the good kind comes in a squirt can. In Philly's best shops they use it rather than the ever-popular American cheese they use other places. Many people who are unfamilliar don't like it as much, but it is also great on nachos and fries....sometimes even pretzels at the movie theaters.
good luck finding it out there, but you might be better off making them at home for the family...Amorosos rolls and cheese, steak and any other fixin's you like on there.....
Good Day there,
okay you've got me Whats a cheese steak?
The best food ever!!!! It is steak sliced thin (and any other fixin's you like i.e. peppers, mushrooms, ect) and cooks on a griddle ( a griddle pan on the stove will work) slicing as you go to make it cook faster. when that is done, melt cheese (around here they usually use cheese-whiz...the kind in a squirt can, but any other kind will do fine) over-top (while still on griddle) and take the spatule and scoop it up in one foul swoop once the cheese has melted. flip it into the roll...the fresher, the better. enjoy. if it looks anything like a roast beef sandwich, it's wrong. it should be chopped into small pieces.
I tried to find a picture, but couldn't get it to work....If you've ever seen a steak-ums commercial, that is the closest looks I've seen.....not sure about taste, though....good luck!!!!
Edited 4/25/2007 3:54 pm ET by ineedaserger329
thankyou Mary,
you have indeed helped. I hope the weather is being kind to you. we have had torrential rain now for 4 days, expected to last for the rest of the week along with chilly weather. my internal furnace likes the milder climate but my joints don't.
regards lee
The spring weather here was beautiful, but yesterday we had hail and it is still raining heavily. We can use the moisture, but my joints are not happy either! Wish I had an indoor hot tub I could soak in all day!
I'm a bit aprehensive about tonight, I start Pilates classes again. Just when I would rather crawl under a nice warm quilt and hide till the sun shines!
I missed your original post,can you repeat? I have a 24 year old daughter with R.A. and her wrists are completely frozen. Anything I could do to help her would be greatPC3
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