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Conversational Threads

Back Issues of Threads

trackmom | Posted in General Discussion on

Happy New Year!

I have been a subscriber of Threads since issue #6 and have kept every one them.  However, It is now time to thin out my stash and I can’t just throw them away!  If anyone out there is interested in these magazines, please let me know. 



  1. sueb | | #1

    Hi Trackmom !

    I'd be interested in some of the earlier ones that you have.  You can email me directly to work out the details.  [email protected]

    Happy new year !


  2. FitnessNut | | #2

    I'm interested in some of the earlier ones too. I'll check my "library" and see which ones I'm missing. I'd be more than happy to pay for them and postage.


    1. diday | | #5

      Are any of you using the "slipcovers" offered on Threads home page for your Threads magazine collection? If you are, how many magazines can you comfortably fit in one case? I've been thinking of ordering but need to gather my collection so I'll know how many I need. I've used other magazine cases by the same manufacturer, and they're great for keeping the magazines organized and clean.Diane

    2. trackmom | | #7

      Hi Sandy,

      Are you still interested in some Threads back issues?  I have a lot left - from issue 16 through issue 91.  Let me know if you want any.

      Michelle (trackmom)

      1. FitnessNut | | #8

        Thanks. I'll have a look in the morning and see what I'm missing.

      2. FitnessNut | | #9

        Michelle...The only issues I'm missing after #13 are # 19 & 20. I would be thrilled to get my hands on them ;-)Let me know what the arrangements are by emailing me privately. Thanks.Sandy

        1. trackmom | | #10

          Hi Sandy,

          Unfortunately, those issues have already been spoken for - so sorry.  Thank you very much for your interest.


      3. midnitesewer | | #16

        Are there any left? My collection starts with issue #60. Please e-mail me so we can work out the details. Thanks for making the issues available. I love THREADS!

  3. GorgeousThings | | #3

    I would be interested in buying any or all that are available before issue 32. That's when I started subscribing.


  4. offerocker | | #4

    How kind of you to offer them in this Forum!  I'm sure I'm missing some issues; will take inventory and let you know.  I know I'm not at the top of the list by now, but will purchase what's left over that I don't have.  What state are you in?  Please keep me in mind!

    For everyone:  sometimes you can find them on eBay, but get pricey, and may be combined with other mags.

  5. Mema | | #6

    I am very interested in back issues of Threads. My first issue is 119 and I would like issues prior to that one. I know you have had requests for early issues, so let me know what issues are still available and arrangements for acquiring them.

  6. antibelle | | #11

    I am also trying to put together a complete collection. I have a secret librarian in me trying to come out! My brother's girlfriend just gave me a huge stack that takes me back to #13 just this weekend. If you have any unspoken for, I still have some holes in there I would love to fill. And it would go to a good cause, the collection is part of our reference here at the costume shop of the Arkansas Arts Center Children's Theatre. We don't have a lot of resources, but at least we have Threads!

    thanks for offering

  7. BettyBernina | | #12

    Hi, I've only been getting Threads for the last year and would be interested in your back issues. The only possible problem is I live in Ontario, Canada and if you're in the USA it might be difficult going thru Customs.

    1. FitnessNut | | #13

      Not a problem to mail to Canada....she just fills out a customs sticker on the package. You may have to pay GST and a postal fee unless she sends it as a gift, but the amount should be insignificant. As you know, those back issues are worth their weight in gold!

    2. FitnessNut | | #14

      Forgot to ask - where do you live? I'm just outside Ottawa.

      1. BettyBernina | | #15

        I live in Lindsay.

  8. ejhuds | | #17

    trackmom, do you have ANY at all left?  I have no collection unless you count one issue!  (#122).  I would be interested in any you have, please email me.  Thank you.

    1. trackmom | | #18

      Good Morning,

      Thank you all so much for your responses to my notice about my back issues of Threads.  I have found new homes for all of the issues that I have decided to part with.

      Thanks Again,


This post is archived.

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