Bernina Walking foot – help!!

Hiya everyone,
I’ve been after a walking foot for my Bernina Activa 135 S for ages, but haven’t been able to afford one direct from a shop. So, I’ve been keeping my eyes open on Ebay for a suitable foot. I thought I’d found it – brand new and boxed – through a process of elimination (there was another one for sale at the same time, whose part number and age predated the one I was interested in, and the box and contents etc looked right). I tried to trace the part number on the internet, but without success.
So I bid, won, and .. even though it looks identical to my friend’s walking foot, my part number is ONE digit out, and the fork that’s supposed to fit over the needle area drops down and off when I try and use it!
I could cry …
I’ve just put it back up for sale, so I can mitigate at least SOME of my losses, but have no idea what machine my foot actually fits! It’s got two soles, and is 008968.71.00 – does this ring any bells with anyone? The box looks modern, but maybe it isn’t!!!
All help gratefully received! xx
Sorry, I cannot help with the identity of the machine this foot is for. If you cannot find the answer here, you might try posting the same question at They also have a section dedicated to sewing machine reviews.
Thanks for the tip-off, I will try and post there later today! I just wish Bernina were more forthcoming with their part numbers!!
Hey! I saw your post at PR. I will keep an eye out...hope they don't make a fibber out of me. There is one member who posts a lot about SM repair and I am hoping she will have some info for you.
did you ever find the right walking foot for your machine?
No, I haven't - I've only just found out I've go the wrong one, and need to sell it before I can buy the correct foot - I think the right one has the same part number, just a 9 where the one I have has an 8 (or something similar!) I think Bernina call it a number 50 ...
I think I know where you can find it pretty inexpensive, would you mind telling me what the part number is and the lowest price you found? I'll see if I can find it cheaper.
Hiya Sussana,Have spoken to Bernina - the walking foot I've bought will fit older machines up to the 1630, including 1080 and the mechanical 1008 apparently. The foot I need is 008969.71.00 - and the cheapest I've found is £43 plus £3 P+P. I think I'll just have to save a few more pennies (once I've - hopefully! - sold the foot I have), or try and sell more of my pattern collection on ebay, lol!
While I am looking into the source I know of, heres a tip. Talk to a few dealers and ask them if they can locate the generic walking foot that fits Bernina computerized machines. I know that It exists you just may need to talk to many dealers until they help you. At lease in America I know its available. I have a Bernina Virtuosa 153 and mine came with a walking foot and I am pretty sure it can fit on a 135, at least it fit on my friend's machine. I'll let you know when I hear back on my source what their price is.
In the UK no one compares with in Chester and I speak from experience. They have a huge range of accessories for Janome, Brotherand Bernina machines and are most helpful with enquiries by phone. Their catalogue is quite superb and is well worth having, a great reference. I am looking at the illustration in it now of the Bernina walking foot - their price is £49 and they ask for the number of your model which suggests they have several - maybe they have yours. Their mail order service is excellent even here to Dublin - hope you find what you need. Good luck.
Thanks for that tip, I wish I had known about Jaycotts all those years ago when I lived locally to them! If I buy one I'll probably go back to where I bought my machine - Sewfine in Watford - as I imagine they'll be the same price, but without the cost of postage and packaging!
Wish you success in your search. Do get Jaycotts catalogue - having it on hand is a great reference and they are so nice to deal with on the phone. Quite envious to think you lived in, or had easy access to Chester, one of my favourite cities. Please let me know more about the shop in Watford you mentioned - I go through Watford quite frequently on my way to St. Alban's, another favourite.
Hiya Melanie,I definitely miss Chester, it's such a beautiful city with a great range of places to visit/shop, but still compact enough to get around easily, sigh! The shop I mentioned in Watford has its own website, I used to go to their monthly sewing club meetings, which gave me the impetus to take a course in sewing at my local college, which was a great way of meeting other sewers and learning hints and tips! You can try a number of machines there, and they have a pretty good range of fabrics too - and if you're a club member you get a small discount on items!I also used to love visiting St Albans too - there was a really good fabric market stall on a Wednesday, at the Clock Tower end of town, where I bought wool coating for £2 a metre, but I've been unable to visit for a couple of years so I've no idea if it's still there :( Mind you, I still have a considerable fabric stash, so maybe it's just as well that I haven't visited!!
Yes, the fabric stall is usually there, Saturdays and Wednesday with another good one outside BHS. Thank you for the address in Watford, it looks very attractive, in fact I thought shops like that - sewing machines, fabrics and haberdashery all under one roof - were a thing of the past so now I can't wait for my next trip. A little bonus is their map which covers exactly the area I use and I see the shop is close enough to the junction to pop out while waiting for my Silverlink connection to St. Alban's. Thank you so much for the recommendation.
Hiya Melanie,Thanks for the news on St Albans market - I have to go to the hospital there next Wednesday, so I may try and have a look while I'm in the neighbourhood! I'm so glad I told you about Sewfine, and it's great that they're close enough for you to pop into between trains! I think it's about a 10-15 min walk from the station to get there, and just another few minutes to reach the Harlequin Centre for a cuppa afterwards! I take it you know about the Haberdashery section in John Lewis's in the Harlequin too?Have lots of fun, and let me know if you spot anything interesting!!PS Thanks to everyone for help with my walking foot, I've managed to sell it on to someone who's machine it fits and she's delighted - my loss has been her gain!
Hi, has the auction ended? If not, what is the Ebay # ?
I'd like to take a look. Thanks.
I'm sorry but the auction ended last weekend. Thank you for your interest, though!
No, I didn't know John Lewis was in Watford - you are making Watford more attractive by the minute and I can't wait for my next visit, possibly in late July. I hope the hospital visit is not a serious one but when you are in St. Alban's and if you are not already aware of it, do drop in to the Cathedral and look at the applique panel which stretches the length of the left aisle. It depicts the entire history of the cathedral since the 11th century - the design and needlework is quite exceptional and very colourful. I never tire of it and always find some new technique in it. Glad you managed to find a home for your Bernina foot.
Oh, I haven't been to the cathedral in ages! I have some sewing friends who'd love to visit and see the tapestry, thank you for the tip-off! No, the hospital trip isn't too serious - I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (or ME as it used to be known), which makes things difficult, especially when your arms refuse to work, lol!, and just seeing the specialist before she leaves. I'm worse now then when I saw her last, so am expecting to be told off, lol!!
Hi Melanie,Thanks for you tip-off about the stalls in St Albans - finally visited earlier today! The guy at the bottom of the market, at the Clock tower end, must be focusing on curtain material now or winding down, as he didn't have alot to choose from. I did pick up some lovely fabrics from the other gy who's always there, though - so was definitely worth a visit!I've also learned from my sewing tutor that John Lewis in Watford no longer sell fabric etc, which is an incredible shame. I haven't been there myself for a while, so can't verify the intel, but didn't want you to make a visit just for them!
Thank you for the tip about JL no longer selllng fabrics in Watford, (JL in Welwyn still do, particularly evening fabrics, but for how long more?) Just as well really since I won't be tempted to buy fabric I fancy but don't need 'though I'm looking forward to my visit there. Truly sorry about the ME, it must be particularly trying for someone creative, I do sympathise. My tip to you in case you are not aware of the dates - the Knitting and Sewing Show will be in NEC 13-16 September and at Alexandra Palace 11-14 October - I got the brochure yesterday. I imagine the latter would be the most convenient for you and might be a good opportunity to acquire Bernina accessories. Good Luck
Have you thought about starting a new thread about shopping in your favorite areas and why they are your favorite.
I would like to do so, but do not live were there are any options such as you have been describing.
It may have been done before, but this is now and I think it would make an interesting discussion.
Have you thought about starting a new thread about shopping in your favorite areas and why they are your favorite.
I would like to do so, but do not live were there are any options such as you have been describing.
It may have been done before, but this is now and I think it would make an interesting discussion.
Re: Jaycotts in Chester - I am lucky enough to live 5 miles away and Jaycotts service all my machines for school.
They have a good set up - and are in the process of moving to bigger premises in about 2 weeks !!! with more parking space - always a problem in Chester!
They are very good to deal with - website is pretty comprehensive - and Alex (in particular) the bosses son(one of them) is extremely polite and helpful.Always answers emails!
I did have a run in with one of their technicians at school - which was a little bit unpleasant - but it is not the norm for them I have to admit and the owners could not have been more apologetic - perhaps men have PMT too! They might be able to help giving details about the old part no's for Berninas because they have been selling them for years. Unfortunately, they now seem to prefer to sell more Janome(but do sell other makes) and like all retailers, this is only because they will make more money selling those than the berninas! When u have a shop in city of Chester - rates are extortionate!
Everything comes down to money sooner or later!
Well, I'm sorry I couldn't get I much cheaper, about the same price and with shipping it wouldn't save you anything. I wish I could have helped you.
Have you tried http://www.agreatnotion ? They sell a wide variety of different feet for every style of machine, and they are all the same price (usually around $20.00 each.) just order the foot and give them your make and model.
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