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blouse front pockets

dotty | Posted in General Discussion on

I have some seersucker that is slightly transparent. I’m planning to make a campshirt style blouse with strategically placed pockets. Is there a rule of thumb about size and placement for pockets the way there is for buttons? Or is it just a style issue?


  1. user-51823 | | #1

    i'm not familiar with guidelines. you could try on some styles you like in stores and take note of the most flattering pocket size & placement (bring a measuring tape to get it exact). the nice thing is that once youve made your pockets, they are easy to move around til they're just right.

  2. liselaure | | #2

    Hello Dotty,

    The larger your own scale, which is a function of your height, your weight and your bone structure, the larger the pockets. This applies to the size of all the construction details in garments and to accessories as well. It's a matter of balance. Imagine for instance an overweight person wearing small accessories - they would make her look even fuller. And large accessories would emphasize the smallness and thinness of a petite.

    Hope this helps,

    Lise-Laure, personal image consultant

  3. tmorris1 | | #3

    If the fabric is so sheer that you have to place the pockets strategically, you may consider lining the shirt, or wearing it with a camisole. No matter where you put the pockets the fabric will still shift with wear, and you run the risk of playing peek-a-boo.

  4. victoria0001 | | #4

    You can place your pockets wherever necessary and have fun with them as well.  Add pleating to them or some other details.  Pockets are great fun and add unique and designer qualities to all garments.  I add pockets onto sleeves and any other area that would enhance the garment.  Change the shape if you want as well.  Just have fun and use your imagination and it should turn out beautifully and hide whatever.  Enjoy your creativity!  Put on the garment and test out your pocket samples.  Break the rules if it looks good.

    1. user-51823 | | #5

      ITA with break the rules if it looks good.
      i like unusual pocket details too, but not over the breasts :-)
      it draws attention in an odd way-

      1. dotty | | #6

        all interesting answers. Scale is a good point. The fabric is only slightly transparent.The blouse will be loose. The pattern is uneven dots of different sizes and colors, which are seersuckered . I thought I'd try to match it perfectly with what's underneath so the pocket right over the breast thing isn't as obvious.

        1. Teaf5 | | #7

          If you match the pocket perfectly to the background, you won't draw unnecessary attention to it. If you have a nice pocketed shirt anywhere in your wardrobe, you can copy the pocket and use it for your new shirt.Although I tend toward larger rather than smaller pockets, on very lightweight fabrics, you don't want to make them too wide, as they tend to droop open unless you add a buttonhole and button--a whole other design option!With a full bust, I often stain tops in just the "wrong" place, and I end up adding chest pockets after the fact. I once grabbed a clipboard with a freshly-whited-out paper on top and headed off to a meeting, making a permanent white spot on the left bust point of my favorite navy vest. That evening, I made a tiny chest pocket for that side and have worn that vest another eight years. The extra pocket adds a little flair and salvaged the garment.

          1. dotty | | #8

            I think my tendency to go for printed fabric for blouses is for that very reason. The number of stains I get on my chest from reaching across the table and glancing a plate of food along the path is almost a family joke. You'd think I'd learn. The right print can hide a multitude of stains.

          2. Teaf5 | | #9

            And if you survey your clothes, you'll find that all the solid-color tops have awkward stains but that the printed ones don't, even if you look very closely. Murphy's Law prevails again!

          3. tmorris1 | | #10

            Dotty;My mother has the same affliction. As a joke, my father asked me to tack those absorbent nursing pads to the front of a few of her shirts to soak up the mess. Mom didn't find it so funny, but dad and I laughed until it hurt.

          4. dotty | | #11

            I work part time at a day care . I sometimes think I should re-learn the how not to spill lesson.

          5. tmorris1 | | #12

            Dotty;If you work at a day care, then you are obviously just "blending in with your surroundings" Tell your husband that it is simply a survival tactic, and he needs to buy you more shirts lol!

          6. dotty | | #13

            My real work is being an artist. I also love baking. My life is really one mess after another. I NEVER wear white.

  5. jgrue | | #14

    Instead of pockets, maybe bias strips would work--I just saw a beautiful blouse in Bloomingdale's--semi-sheer white fabric--batiste like. They had three bias strips that were sewn down from above bustline to below--they were about a 1/4" apart. They were attached with stitching down the center of each strip--because they were on the bias, they had a frayed edge. I would say the strips were about 8-10". I think the strips were about 2/3-1" wide. It was really a nice effect--something I want to copy.


    1. dotty | | #15

      that sounds intriging. Send us a pix if you do decide to make it.

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