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Coat lining puckers to back

CherieNightOwl | Posted in Fitting on

I’m not sure how to describe the problem I’m having…

I’m creating a pea coat using McCalls 5525. I attached the lining, and the front seam is being pulled inside. (picture attached)

The lining and coat seams are lining up just fine, but when I let the coat hang on my dress form, it pulls in – but only on one side. In the picture, it’s the right side; it would be “my” left side. I redid the seam, and double checked the fall from the neckline, plus I’ve top stitched it and pressed it to death, but it stills tends to fold in. It might just be the pattern… I’ve made several lined coats before and never had this problem.

Any ideas on how to fix?


  1. CherieNightOwl | | #1

    trying to attach picture

    Edit: the picture is still not attaching.. Here's a link to it


  2. sewchris703 | | #2

    It looks like to me that the lining on that side is narrower than the other side.  Rip out that seam where the lining is sewn to the facing and let the coat hang.  Measure the gap between the lining and the facing and add a gusset to the lining to fill in the gap.  That should solve the problem.


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