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Contract Ideas

dionna | Posted in General Discussion on

Hello everyone I’m working on a contract for my clients I’m looking for some ideas so far i have a time  limit for my self to complete a garment from 2-6 weeks I also have in the contract after I  measure you I ask that the get the proper size bra a lot of time women dose not wear the right bra I will give them any where from 1-5 days to buy the correct size and I added they need to have at the least 2 fittings to get the right fit or to change or add something the final fitting when they pick up there garment with the advice from some of you I added a 50% deposit non refundable after the work has been started.I also added that they supply the fabric and notion etc. what did I miss?                       

Happy sewing GOD BLESS to all we learn something new here every day          Dionna         

Edited 6/8/2007 9:54 am by dionna


  1. Pattiann42 | | #1

    I suggest they provide the pattern (after you have told them what size to buy), fabric and buttons if applicable, then you purchase and charge them for the notions.  Non-sewers do not have the experience to choose thread, zippers, interfacing, elastic, etc.

    1. dionna | | #2

      thats true but i purchase patterns when the are on sale for 2.00 or less I will buy the different sizes and I will usually take a teenager with me or have them look on line to pick them out I also pick some out and ask for there opinon about it for the most part I pretty much know what they like I spend about 25.00 on patterns in the event that I don't have the pattern they will purchase there own and if I have time to go with them I will have them get everything that's needed I will buy the all notions and I will charge for them some of my notions I order them in bulk and I just started ordering threads in bulk I have a friend who's mother sews and we split the cost and buying thread in bulk saves time and money when I order thread I pay about 1.25 a spool  

      1. user-51823 | | #3

        sometimes weird things come up, or people don't understand the specific problems of sewing, or they push too hard-- so i would use wording like
        'every reasonable effort will be made to meet this deadline". may not sound like much now, but it's better than a 100% guarantee in writing if things get a little nutty.
        "...lost in an orchestral maelstrom of lunacy..."

        Edited 6/12/2007 6:16 pm ET by msm-s

        1. dionna | | #9

          that's very true sometime I will go with them if I can thank you for your help

          Edited 6/22/2007 2:17 pm by dionna

  2. mygaley | | #4

    Sounds like your contract is off to a good start. From my experience, measure, have two fittings and then on visit #4 have her pick up her garment. Some customers will come for a fitting and expect to take it with her even though it needs some time-consuming finishing--hem is not right, for instance. Never, never have pick-up on the day the garment is to be worn.

    Bridesmaids come in gaggles. My rule is only one person in the fitting room with me. Also, cell phones were driving me nuts. Now my rule is if you are on the phone and I am waiting, it is $1.00 per minute and this is in writing, also. I got this idea from a day care that charged for late pick-ups and I keep a stop watch where the clients can see it.

    My specialty is I can fit any figure, from size 0 to ++++... However, if the pattern does not come in your size, I charge a flat charge of $25.00, then the pattern I have adjusted belongs to you.

    A note about the 50% non-refundable deposit. This is a wonderful idea. Also, be sure to have on your contract that payment is due in full on pickup. Sometimes those asked to pick up are not aware a balance is due.

    It is a pleasure and a privilege to help a customer have a beautiful garment that fits her perfectly. You will be able to bless yourself and others with your sewing. Galey

    1. WandaJ | | #6

      Looks good. While I've never sewn for people using a contract, I have been involved in special events, specifically catering where payment on pick-up (delivery in the instance of catering) is an issue. So, what I am suggesting is that wording about the very last, or final payment should read something like, final payment due in cash, or with xxxxx credit card (i.e., if you subscribe to such a service); and, if final payment is made by check, check must be delivered 7-10 (your choice) days prior to pick-up.

      Too many people I know of, and catering entities - for weddings too - have got stuck with that 'final check!' Protect yourself.

  3. krichmond | | #5

    Hi Dionna:

    If you're interested, please check out  my msg to Ineedaserger329 written on May 18/07.  It's 6670.21 in reply to 6670.26, but it may be easier just to go to the Search box and type in 'Sales Agreement'.  It's a copy of a contract developed by my seamstress friend and her seamstress/notary public partner when they were in business together sewing mostly bridal gowns and it's quite straightforward, yet thorough.  I do like what you have put in your contract also. 

    Best wishes,


  4. dressed2atee | | #7

    I've sewn for others for 20 years and my contract has changed with the times.  Usually something happens (good and bad) that causes me to change.

    I never accept a check for the final payment if they are picking the garment up and making the final payment at the same time!

    I charged for "no show, no call to cancel" appointment...my time is too valuable to schedule fittings and the client just doesn't come or call.

    I try to always buy the fabric, clients usually buy something that is not suitable and I end up buying something else anyway.

    I agree with the 1 person in your sewing room at a time...I frankly don't want them to bring their friends or children to fittings as well.  I am trying to figure out a nice way to put that in my contract. 

    I also have a clause for weight gain....I had someone gain a considerable amount in a bridal party and I had to make the dress over....

    I charge an extra $75 for dresses created from several pictures/drawings--like the ones where they want the top from this, the middle from that, and the bottom of that one---to make up one dress/gown.

    Overall, I have had pleasant experiences...I am really doing well with fitting large sizes since I began using the Wildginger Celebrations software. 

    Happy sewing...

    1. dionna | | #8

      Thanks for your help

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