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Conversational Threads

converting pattern

Sussana | Posted in Fitting on

I am new to this forum, but not new to sewing, and a very happy Threads subscriber!

I would like to make a classy spring jacket out of navy twill.  I have a fitted blouse pattern that has princess seams and a good shape that I’d like to use as a base.  The blouse fits me very well through the shoulders(narrow), bust(large), waist(expanding, but still there), and hips (no comment).  I thought at one point I read an article about converting a shirt pattern by adding the appropriate ease to make a coat, but I cannot remember how to do this. 

I feel that I can handle pretty complicated instructions if anyone has any,  I’ve made leather jackets, suits and my own patterns but if any one has any tips on how to do this simply, I’d just like to save myself some time and headaches of trying to figure it out myself. 

Thank you


Edited 6/9/2007 12:48 pm ET by Sussana


  1. suesew | | #1

    If you make the jacket out of the same pattern it will fit like the blouse so you need to make a bigger size. Do you have any other jacket that fits well that you could measure and make reasonable decisions about how much bigger you would need it? You can do the pinch test at the upper arm, bust, waist hips, etc to get an idea of how much more you will need to add. It sound like you are capable of creating something unique on your own.

  2. liselaure | | #2

    Hello Sussana,

    On  page 72 of Threads #119 Karen Howland explains how to convert a blouse pattern into a jacket one, or a jacket pattern into a coat one.


    1. Sussana | | #3

      THATS IT!

      Yes - thats the article that I remember! 

      Thank you very much


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