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Conversational Threads

Dress fitting – sway back

Alicia | Posted in Fitting on


Just read the rules.  I have been trying to fit a dress pattern.  The pattern does not have a waist seam.  I am seeing the same extra fabric at the back as I would when making a skirt because of a sway back.  If I take the same amount out of the dress area as I would a skirt would that work?  It seems to if I pin it but it also raises the hem.  Does anyone have that problem?   


  1. User avater
    Becky-book | | #1

    After you have pinned out the amount needed to account for sway-back remember to straighten the grain line and center back (seam or fold line). If you pin out a small amount, you probably won't need to add it back, but do cut your fabric a little long so you have hemming options after everything else is sewn.  Do you have access to a copy of Fit for Real People?  This book is a real help with fitting issues!


    1. Alicia | | #4

      Hello Becky-book:

      I am so grateful to you and the others who have made suggestions.  Thank you and I will let you know how it all comes together...


  2. fabricholic | | #2

    When you finish, I would love to see a picture. I have the same problem now, and haven't made a dress, since I have had this problem. Very interested in your results.


    1. Alicia | | #3

      Hi Marci:

      I will let you know.  It may be a few weeks as I have one project to finish first.  Why do I do that start, another before I finish the first one????? I Seem to be doing that with housework too. 


      Edited 5/1/2007 5:38 pm ET by Alicia

      1. fabricholic | | #5

        I do that. I think it is because some parts of the process are more fun than others.Marcy

        1. Alicia | | #6

          Your probably correct.  Didn't get a chance to sit at my machine today.  Do you have set times to sew?  I plan to take the day and then some thing comes up and another day goes by.  I am going to have to set a full day once a week and just not answer the phone or answer anyone.  



          1. fabricholic | | #7

            I plan to sew every weekend, Saturday and Sunday. Saturday,I end up cleaning, buying groceries, washing car and dog, doing something with daughter and grand daughter. Sunday, after church and going out to eat, I am pooped. I usually get home in time to watch a little NASCAR and maybe, get in some sewing that night, if little grand daughter doesn't come over. I have good intentions.Marcy

          2. Alicia | | #8

            Hi Marcy:

            I am in the middle of adjusting a pattern, re the enquiry about the swayback.  But I have a pair of capri type shorts cut out (have been for a while) I have such a time adjusting patterns.  I am no longer young (74) but I feel young.  However the body changes drastically.  We live in Duncan, BC, Canada.  It is a small town and people don't dress up very often, but every now and then a woman needs a dress and I can't fine anything with a sleeve that is classy without being overdone. 

            Talk to you again  - Alicia


            Edited 5/3/2007 1:32 am ET by Alicia

          3. fabricholic | | #9

            Adjusting patterns are a pain. I can remember sewing something fairly quick, but now, it takes me forever to decide how I need to adjust a pattern and then, it takes a while for me to adjust it. We just need to keep plugging away. I like to wear dresses to church, but since I have gained, I don't have much of a selection.Marcy

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