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Dress form problems

user-97015 | Posted in Fitting on

I just finished a jacket using my new dress form and I am not happy with the fit across the back and upper sleeves. The jacket fits the form perfectly and fits me perfectly until I cross my arms in front–then it is snug in the upper arms and the arm pit seems to be too low under my arm. So I remeasured the form and found that while the bust is the correct size, the measurement of my upper chest, under the armits is 2 inches too big on the form. There does not appear to be a way to adust that. The form I have is a Dritz: My Double. Any suggestions?



  1. sewpro | | #1

    I don't know how to make a change in your dressform, but I have a couple of thoughts: When you say your jacket fits the form perfectly, are you allowing 2 inched of ease in the bust? Since that is the standard amount of ease I use in a jacket (it can be more depending on the weight of the fabric and if you want to wear sweaters under it), I say give 2 inches at the bust and fit it closely at the upper chest. Also, cut your armscye up an inch and see if that works. Make a "muslin" to work out the specifics. Good luck! J

  2. user-109453 | | #2

    Check your jacket pattern to see if it allows for the ease you need to move.

    Also, you can adjust the back of the dress form to a different measurement than the front.



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