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French Rulers

googoogirl | Posted in Equipment and Supplies on

Can anyone tell me where I can buy a french ruler?  I have looked at JoAnn’s and Hancock Fabrics, both in-store and the internet, but have no luck.

Also, are french rulers also called slopers?



  1. User avater
    Becky-book | | #1

    The drafting tools dept. might have a French curve. Saw several sets of French curve tools on Amazon.com.  A simple French curve looks very like tool I bought.

    I bought a Styling Design Ruler at Joann's..very helpful.

    "Sloper" usually refers to a basic pattern block used to design clothing.  A personal sloper is made from your measurements and is helpful in assessing the fit of commercial patterns as well as making your own designs.  You can 'draft' one from a complete set of measurements or 'drape' one (see Threads #130).  Still fine tuning mine!!


  2. hermosa | | #2

    French curves come in different sizes and can be found at tailor supply places, one is Southstar Supply Company. 1 800-288-6739 Some are metal, some are transparent. Nancy's Notion or Clotilde may also have them.

  3. victoria0001 | | #3

    I have purchased French Curve rulers at good art supply stores and hardware stores in Canada.  Lee Valley had them and  Island Blue Print in Victoria British Columbia had them.  You can check out flexible rulers there as well.  Hope this helps.  Do a Google search and you will find their web sites.

    1. googoogirl | | #4

      Thanks for the info and taking your time to write to me.

      I don't live too far from BC, so now I'll have another reason to go.

      I have thought about becoming a Candian citizen.

      Best to you!

      1. tmorris1 | | #5

        Goo gooIf you are close to BC and want to take a trip, you may want to check out http://www.agreatnotion.com they are a notions company with a mail order business, and a huge shop in Abbotsford.T.

  4. Teaf5 | | #6

    You can also buy French curves in college bookstores and art supplies stores and their online counterparts. I just got a lovely set of three by Staedler for $6 and can't wait to try them out!

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