Please, please, shut off that Bernina ad – it is such an irritant that it must be having the opposite effect to that intended. Most of the letters demand some concentration but it impossible when that annoying flashing ad. keeps butting in, it’s so distracting. There’s a time and place for everything and this is certainly not the place.
Question – has anyone decided to buy a Bernina machine as a result of that ad.?
Hello Melanie,
You are not alone in this matter.
Many members have added comments here 8477.1 . Please read all and in particular posts 61-73. Our Lovely Editor of Threads AMBERE has responded and is quite aware of our concerns and is currently working on the situation.
Members have also posted website links which allow you to block FLASH ANIMATED ADS. Please try these downloads in the meanwhile. 8538.1 For MOZILLA users. 8477.41 for other browsers. Blocking POP UPS will not work, as it interferes with the working of this and many other websites.
As with all forums we ask members to SEARCH or Read Recent Postings before adding new ones. This way ALL information is contained in the one discussion thread which makes it easier for others to find.
I believe the ad is "paying" for some of the expense in providing this forum.
I would have no objection to a stationery ad. although no placed between messages - it's the flashing feature of it that drives me nuts!
Have you been to the websites suggested by the members regarding downloading software to BLOCK FLASH ADS. You have read my message above, which included the links. It seems the best way to go in the interim.
This post is archived.