This book is a gem. It’s an old publication put out in 1962 for Home Economics departments. There were several editions that followed. I’ve combined through it carefully over the last few days, and there’s some great illustrations and wonderful black-and-white photographs. I know of some experts who are still teaching many of these techniques today. You might check it out on the internet. A google search showed several copies available.
There’s some dated stuff in the front (you’ll really get a chuckle out of it), but I would think it’s worth very penny.
Published by Webster Division, McGraw-Hill Book Company.
I love old sewing books and always have my eye out for them. Here one I recently picked up for 2.00. Some of these have great info and as you said, a chuckle or two.
What a hoot! The Guide to Modern Clothing has how to budget for your wardrobe. When I get a moment, I'll post a few of the budget items. Wow. Wish we could get a wardrobe for that amount of money these days....d.
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