My daughter saw a picture of a headboard in the Better Home and Gardens but didn’t get the directions. Does anybody know if you have seen it. It is hanging on the wall from a shelf, and then it is padded and with big buttons. We are hunting for some directions for it.
The BHG website has an article titled Cheap & Chic Headboards with instructions. Some of the reader comments also tell how they made theirs. Maybe you could make your daughter's with these ideas. Shortened URL:
Thanks for the info. The one she likes was in Better Homes and Garden Magazine about April but didn't have any directions with it. I guess I might send them an email and see if they have instructions for it. I got some good ideas from the site you sent though. Thanks.
Also on page 215 of the 1953 edition of the Singer Sewing Book by Mary Brooks Picken has directions for a padded headboard. The colour picture is, however, on page 165. Gail
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