Think this past issue is wonderful BUT I wanted to copy making the thimble. Just the 2 pages not the whole magazine or ALL of that discussion. Could not seem to do it but know I am computer illiterate SOOO can anyone help me with just the pattern and the directions?????
Please email me the pages or tell me how I can do it. Thanks is advance for all the help I am sure to receive. Gloria
[email protected]
Edited 7/28/2007 10:12 am ET by gntl
Are you talking about the leather thimble-making article in the latest newsletter from Threads? (I don't remember anything about thimbles in the latest magazine.) At the bottom of the newsletter article is a place where you can click to "e-mail this article" if you want to e-mail it to yourself or anyone else. However, when I want to save one of the newsletter articles I go to the "File" menu of my browser, and click on the "Save As" button, which allows me to save the article on my desktop, or in whatever file I choose, and select a name for the article, then I can print it out if/when I want to later. Hope this helps.
Just go to the article online, and use the link there to print the pattern.
I attempted to send it to you but it said that your e-mail address wasn't valid.
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