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Making Bras

Felt | Posted in General Discussion on

Have anyone out there made their own bras


  1. tmorris1 | | #1


    Yes I have made my own bras. There is a wonderful step by step bra making class on about.com I have included the web address of the tutorial for you.



  2. Sewmanysewers | | #2

    I too have made my own bras. I learnt the techniques from a book called Making Beautiful Bras by Lee-Ann Burgess. The book is available via the website:


    I think you can also purchase kits or have a pattern made for you through this site.

    There is another site called Booby Traps too where you can purchase some lovely laces and bra kits. It is also an Australian site but I think they deal internationally. Their website is:


    I hope this information is of interest to you or to someone else out there.

    Cheers, Mary

    1. JanF | | #3

      As a matter of interest - I need quite a lot of support - but don't like moulded/padded bras of any description and prefer the bras without any seaming on the cup - does ur book give any pointers towards being able to achieve this by myself?

      1. MaryinColorado | | #4

        I read somewhere,  the seamless cups have to be made on a special machine that bra manufacturers have and do not share thier "secrets" or supplies with the public.  It was last year when I was considering making bras and summer tops with bras in them for the "mature" figure. 

        1. JanF | | #5

          I realise some "moulded" are actually pre-formed - but really I just like the plain, knitted fabric ones that if double layer give u a natural shape - however - my natural shape minus bra - is certainly not what it is when wearing one of these - so hopefully the "suspension" does improve shape!
          Someone might be able to "point" me in the right direction?

          1. MaryinColorado | | #6

            I think I know what you mean.  My favorite everyday bra is from Bestform.  It is a heavier knit with hook and eye front.  There are little tucks on the inside of the closure placket.  I buy them at Target in the sportsbra section.  You might be able to use this to create your own pattern.  I would like something with narrower straps that is this comfortable.  Most bras just don't have the coverage or comfort I prefer. 

             I did make my own patterns for some cotton knit halter type tops with double layered fronts with success.  I used the "shape a dart" for this.

            http://www.clotilde.com has three sportsbra patterns.  If you do a search under "cup" you can see these, also, there is an item called "shape a dart" that I find is an incredible help in full bust adjustments.  You might also try a search under bras.  Hope this helps.  Mary

          2. JanF | | #7

            Thanks Mary - I quite like the pattern for a sports, shelf camisole design. Presumeably you've used their patterns before - are they a good fit?
            I do prefer a bra with underwiring though. The type Ive got at the moment are from Next/Bravissimo -(i'll try to add the link) to give u an idea of the style I would like to make - Ive never made bra's for myself really so I was wondering wether it would be worth my while?
            Ill check wether the website deliver to UK - lots of the sites recommended by other gatherers only ship in USA or Canada - much to my disappointment I might add.http://www.bravissimo.com/products/details.aspx?pid=FA51&colour=NUDEEdited 7/30/2007 2:53 pm ET by JanF

            Edited 7/30/2007 2:56 pm ET by JanF

          3. Bloss1996 | | #16

            Regarding those sites that only ship to US or Canada why not have what you are interested in purchasing shipped to a fellow Gather and then they could forward it to you.


          4. User avater
            DonMcCunn | | #17

            Carol,I hope my Resources page is not confusing. I listed the online resources by their location. Not where they ship to. Each one has different shipping policies. Some will ship anywhere. It's just that sometimes shipping from one country to another runs up the shipping costs.Best,

          5. JanF | | #21

            thanks 4 the suggestion - hadn't thought of it - but when I'm back in work mode I might look into the costs of this - thanks

          6. user-256184 | | #22

            bramakerssupply.com is another good site to check out. I have found that the white nylon rings will take on colour if you simmer them in coloured Kool-Aid. Nail polish is useful to paint metal hooks. Hope this helps.

          7. Josefly | | #8

            Hi, Mary. I went to the Clotilde site and saw there the "Shape-a-Dart", and realize that it is used to correct dart size, but how do you use it? In regular pattern alterations to change the size or an existing dart, or in creating darts where they weren't before, or what? I can't tell from the picture shown how it is used. This is, obviously, a new (?) tool I haven't seen.

          8. MaryinColorado | | #9

            I can't find mine right now, it's "hiding" somewhere in this mess.  I have too many projects going right now. 

            I used it when creating a pattern from scratch.  I have used it to change the dart size.  I haven't used it to create a dart in a pattern that doesn't have one but think it would work.  I will look for it tonight and let you know what it says.  I do love this tool, especially since it is clear plastic template and multisized cup.  Mary

          9. Josefly | | #11

            Thanks, Mary. I just haven't seen that tool before, and don't understand what it does for you. Don't trouble yourself much, please, since this is just curiosity.

          10. MaryinColorado | | #12

            okay, I seem to have misplaced it. 

      2. Sewmanysewers | | #10

        Yes, the book does offer a detailed section on the challenge of a moulded cup. It suggests that it is not an easy process but something that can be done. It gives detailed step by step instructions. If you go to the website you can view the contents and description of the book. I guess you would really call it a bra-making manual.


        Good luck. Mary

    2. Felt | | #15

      Thanks so much for the info. Very informative


    3. cheerphil | | #18

      I bought the book last year too and have been making my own bras since. I wouldn't dream of going back to buying them ever again. The construction is surprisingly easy and Burgess's instructions are very clear with excellent illustrations.

      1. Sewmanysewers | | #19

        I certainly agree with you about the instructions. The book is also very comprehensive especially regarding fit and problems with fit.

        My next challenge is to make some really colourful bras and I would like to know where to find colourful rings and bars. I have tried clear plastic ones but they are not strong enough for my size. I wonder if you can paint the black or white ones?

        1. cheerphil | | #20

          That's a good question. I would imagine they have too much stress put on them for paint to last very long, and I have never seen any in colours. I have used chrome ones though, which look pretty sharp.Have you considered measuring the exact amount of elastic you need and eliminating the hardware altogether?

          1. Sewmanysewers | | #24

            Thank you for the great ideas.

            Thank you to all who made suggestions on this topic.

            Can anyone tell me how to reply to all. I am sure I have done it before but can't seem to remember this time.

          2. moira | | #25

            When you click on REPLY at the bottom of a post, the reply box comes up with 'From:' and underneath is a 'To' drop down box. Click on the arrow and 'ALL' is the top option.

          3. Sewmanysewers | | #26

            Thank you for helping me with that. I have done it before but just could not remember the last time I tried.

            Cheers from Mary.

        2. Josefly | | #23

          I recently bought a pair or casual pants and didn't like the look of the rivets at the pockets. I found a raspberry nail polish just to match the pants and painted it onto the rivets. I was amazed at the variety of nail-polish colors. The color has survived a couple of washings. Would this work on your bra hardware?Oops - I see this has already been suggested. Sorry.

          Edited 8/12/2007 1:13 pm ET by Josefly

  3. User avater
    DonMcCunn | | #13


    I actually have a Yahoo group for people making their own custom-fit bras. In the files section I have a few videos demonstrating a DIY approach for how to get a good custom fit without a helper.

    In my opinion the Internet has made it possible for people to make their own bras because the hard to find bra-findings can now be ordered quite easily online. If you click the "Resources" link on my website, you will see what I mean.

    Don McCunn

    1. Felt | | #14

      Hi..Thank you for all the info, very helpful. 

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