This is my first visit to your site so I am not sure where to post this. Apologies if I am in the wrong place.
I have recently moved into a new house and am newish to gardening. I am trying my hand growing veg.
My question is this
I want to try the ‘no dig’ method, which if I understand it right, means that after the first double dig to remove weeds etc I do not walk on the soil again. (Lazy or what???)I have read a few books on vegetable gardening and it states that to grow cauliflowers I need compacted soil. Does the no dig method mean that I cannot grow cauli?
Hope this isnt a daft question.
Dear John, You're in the right house, but you haven't quite made it to the right room. "Gatherings" is a forum on Sewing. If you look up to the top of your screen you should see a list of forums starting with Knots / Breaktime/ Cooks Talk etc. You want Over the Fence. When you are on the Over the Fence forum you will see the list of "folders" at the left of your screen. Your question would best fit in the "Kitchen Garden" folder. We have a number of devoted vegetable gardeners over there, and I'm sure that you'll get your answer.
Personally, I would not use the no-dig or no-till method for vegetables because I would not want any competition for the nutrients. Alas, I lost my sunshine when I moved a few years ago and I can't grow anything but shade-lovers now.
Go over to Over the Fence. They take good care of new gardeners.
John I forgot to say welcome to Taunton forums. Re-reading my last post, I hope I don't sound unwelcoming.
Hi Tish
No not unwelcoming at all. Thanks for your reply and the info.
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