Hi all,
I just returned from a visit with the granddaughter in Texas……the girl for whom I purchased a sewing machine. We called from home, placed the order for a very specific machine, paid by credit card and all was well. Daughter and granddaughter picked up the new machine and it is loved………….BUT it was NOT the machine I bought!!! Fortunately, we drove down from Minnesota for a visit. They proudly showed me the machine I bought them………………..I think my eyes popped out! It was not the correct model. DH (I am enough hearing impaired that I don’t use the phone) called and told the store of their error. The lady remembered our initial call and was willing to trade even-up for the correct machine. Many thoughts travel through my brain wondering what in the world happened…………perhaps they thought this very distant grandma would never see the machine to know the difference???? Not sure but the correct model has been ordered and hopefully will be in soon. The machine she got is o.k. but it is not the computerized Sew Precise that I ordered. It may have been an honest mistake but I was furious when I saw the wrong machine sitting there…………..small shop, only one or two people work in there……….how could they make a mistake like that when we were so explicit on the phone???
O.K. thanks………..got that off my chest…………. Has anyone else had a problem such as this?? It really bothers me to think that the DGD would have never known and I was thinking she had the right machine with some of the bells and whistles while what she had was a very stripped down version!!!!!!!!
Thanks! K
I am sure that this was just an honest error on their part. They seem very prompt and willing to fix the problem. It is those companies that give you the wrong thing and then won't take it back or fix the issue that are really bad.
I had to buy a new transmission for an old used car a couple of years back. I went to an auto wrecker and told them exactly what I wanted (car make, model, year, engine size etc...) these people gave me a transmission for entirely the wrong car, and because I don't know what the silly things are supposed to look like, he gave me one for entirely the wrong car. I paid the $600.00 (which I couldn't afford) and took the transmission to my mechanic where I found out that the wreckers hadn't even tried to get close to the thing I needed. It wouldn't work, and the auto wreckers would not take it back (even when I took the mechanic and some "muscle" with me to talk to them) Needless to say I have a $600.00 door stop in my garage and a great want to commit arson!!!
I would be at a loss regarding car trannies, too! Irritating, isn't it?? they take advantage when they know full well you don't know that they'll pulling a fast one! I can understand the arson bit!!
As for the machine dealer, I want to think it was an honest mistake but there was quite a detailed discussion regarding the model as it was on sale at the time. All the appropriate questions were asked........i.e. is it on sale there; do you have one in stock, etc., etc. She assured us that it was on sale and yes, they had one in stock and yes, they would hold it for Susan, etc., etc. We called and Sue went and picked it up a day or so later........not weeks. The model they got was a Sewist non-computerized model and we purchased a Sew Precise computerized one. Apparently, it was the same lady that waited on Sue that also talked to Jim both phone calls and she did remember what we wanted. Sorry, but it does raise questions. She at first didn't want to trade but DH was quite persistent and assured her that the one at the house only had a few hours on it and all the original packaging was still there. It was then that she agreed to a trade.......even up. Makes me wonder if she was hopeful that no one would ever question..........it was more than six months!! She knew that we are from Minnesota and they live in Texas so probably figured that either few or no visits occurred. The trade hasn't happened yet as she has to order but I am confident that it will take place. I wouldn't hesitate to deal with them again........and told Sue that they should use the dealer for any accessories, classes or whatever since they did the right thing. Next time, I would just be more cautious and make sure we got what we paid for!! Guess I wrote just because I am curious how often things like this happen.
I am glad that it is working for you, and there is always that arson thing to fall back on LOL!!!
Gee........I'll have to remember that!! Thanks for letting me vent...........
Yes, our situation is getting worked out......or at least it is supposed to be.......so it could be worse...... We could have a transmission sitting on the sewing table!!! LOL
Lol!!! I would suggest to anyone that they use one as a doorstop though, they are QUITE sturdy :)
It's good that you told everyone about your experience. It's a reminder to all of us sending gifts across the country to really quiz the recipient about the exact details of what they got and not just stop when we hear they love it and are happy. I wouldn't want to jump to conclusions...but, like you, I would certainly be suspicious. Too many businesses in this world have the attitude...try it and see if they'll go for it...if not we'll do it the right way.
It was good that you remind all of us to check about gifts we send long distance and not to just stop with the assurance that the recipient loves it. I wouldn't want to jump to any conclusions, but I too, would be suspicious.
Several thank you cards I've received had photos enclosed of the flowers I sent. You could ask the recipient to send you a photo to show they got your gift.
When you send flowers to people in the hospital or a funeral, you just can't ask them to send you a picture. I try to remember to check which florist sent what for future reference.
Maybe the dealer was hesitant because of the amount of time that had lapsed. A good lesson for all us generous grandmothers --- give the specifics as to what the present entails.
Glad your daughter and granddaughter are so happy for their gift.
I'm sure the length of time was a huge factor. The dealer did know where we live and were the daughter and granddaughter live so I'm sure she wasn't surprised that we hadn't seen the machine before. Once reassured that only a few hours of sewing had taken place, she agreed to trade. After all, it was her error; not ours and we did pay for the other machine. Unfortunately, daughter doesn't sew and granddaughter is new at the game so neither of them is terribly familiar with the different models of machines. Granddaughter also got a serger for Christmas from this grandma (spoil her, don't I?) but they were up here for the holidays (Dad was in Iraq) so it was purchased here and they hauled it home with them. Granddaughter is having a ball...........and is now sewing up a storm for the drama department at her high school.
Sewing is a wonderful skill/hobby that will last her a lifetime..............even if she sets it aside during busy times in her life, its always something to fall back on and enjoy!!
So happy you have a granddaughter that loves to sew. I live in a man's world; not interested in sewing, but they never run out of things they think I can sew for them - auto upholstery to embroideries of digital photos!
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