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Pencil Skirt

peekeraboo | Posted in Fitting on

Hi I’m new to this site and to sewing in general. To start off I’ve bought myself a simple pencil skirt pattern (vogue). However it doesn’t taper towards the bottom its just a straight line from the hip. I would prefer a more 1950’s evening shape.

So here’s a really silly question but I would be grateful for an answer. Can I just taper it from the side seams after the hip or is it more complex than that? The pattern is fitted nicely through the hip, not tight or clinging and has a kickpleat or vent at the back . The fabric I want to use is a medium weight silk wool crepe.

Thanks for any help in advance.


  1. GhillieC | | #1

    "Can I just taper it from the side seams after the hip?"

    Yes you can! but don't over do it. Baste it first to see how you like it.

    A skirt which is slimmer at the hem than at the hips is described as 'pegged'. The Vogue Sandra Betzina wrap skirt is pegged.



    1. rjf | | #4

      I'm trying to imagine a pegged wrap skirt.  Wouldn't pegging it make the wrap unwrap when you walk?  What am I missing?   rjf

      1. GhillieC | | #5

        Well actually it is a mock wrap, sorry to cause confusion.

        However I have made it a couple of times and

        Sorry to cause confusion! The Betzina skirt is a mock wrap - an ordinary slim skirt with an extra piece across the front.  The extra front piece does not try to unwind.

        I have made this pattern several times, it is easy and flattering.



  2. SewTruTerry | | #2

    I agree about the tapering and basting but would also caution you to try it out in a muslin first.  By that I mean sew the patter out in either actual muslin or a reasonably priced material that you won't feel real bad if it is not exactly what you want at first.  Also a quick way to  baste is setting your stitch length really long at least a 4 or 5 which are easier to rip out if not quite right.

    1. peekeraboo | | #3

      Thanks, I'm off to buy some some muslin tomorrow so I can try it out. I guess it's a good habit to get into. It's also really useful to have the correct term for the skirt, I'll know what to look / ask for in the future.

      Thanks agin for taking the time to reply.

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