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Conversational Threads

photos to critique

blingy | Posted in General Discussion on

I was wondering if there is a place where I could post photos of my sewing projects and have everyone give me their 2 cents.  I don’t have a sewing buddy and face it, reading will get you only so far.  Sometimes I just cannot describe what I am seeing or feeling while wearing something I have made but maybe someone with more experience will see something I can’t.  Of course then I would need to find a way to take the photos but that’s another subject.  Would this be a helpful idea?


  1. user-51823 | | #1

    you are welcome to post right here. other people have done it. i wish i could remember the thread names, but i can't. perhaps someone can help, if you'd like to see samples of how it's gone for other folks.

    write a full description of what your goals and problems aer so we can give the info you need.

  2. solosmocker | | #2

    Join in the September Challenge post. You will have some real experts there or start a new post with a more specific title such as " Neckline tilts forward, help!" or "Never did a zipper, Help!"

    Either way, you will get great help, I am sure.


  3. Teaf5 | | #3

    Posters do this all the time, either in the Photo Gallery thread or in the Fitting thread with a heading of "Need help" or "What's wrong" and attached photos.  Several threads (search the archives) explain how to post photos.  It's fairly simple if you have a way to get a photo onto a computer (either from a digital camera or from scanning a print photo).

    Make sure you have good lighting on the garment so that readers can see the problem/issue area, and I'm sure lots of people will chime in with responses!

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