Removing crease lines in mikado silk

Help! I’m at a loss on how to get 2 horizontal crease lines out of the front panel of my wedding dress that I am sewing. It is made of mikado silk and I made the mistake of having it folded up for a year before getting in onto a cardboard roll. Most of the lines ironed out, but these two on the front are kind of puckered and dont seem to be moving out at all. Water leaves a mark on the silk (which I found out trying to get out a spot), and I’m pretty afraid of staining the fabric with an too hot iron. Any suggestions? At $45 a yard, I don’t think I can afford to start new.
Oh, wow, what stress-- I can't imagine cutting into $45-per-yard fabric, much less ironing it or hoping that my sewing skills will live up to my wedding fantasy! At this point, you might want to check with a high-quality professional drycleaner who will have knowledge of and access to tools, solutions, and equipment to deal with quality fabrics. While it might be expensive, you have already invested a lot in the fabric itself.
If you have scraps to test solutions on, you might try 1) hanging them in a steamy bathroom before pressing or 2) dabbing white vinegar on the creases, then pressing. If neither works, you might take the scraps with you to the drycleaner so that he/she can safely test other solutions before tackling your bodice.
If no one can remove the creases, then I'd look for ways to cover them, stitch them, or somehow make them a part of the design. If all else fails, perhaps you could use a different, complementary fabric for the bodice and the beautiful silk everywhere else. Oftentimes, this kind of "disaster" has led me to beautiful, more creative results. Good luck and let us know what happens!
I agree with the poster that said to check with a professional dry cleaner. You may also want to check with a bridal shop or tailor in your area that does custom alterations and sewing - since they work with those fabrics all the time they may have a solution for you or tell you where they take their things to be cleaned. At $45 a yard I'd be hesitant to try anything without checking those sources first.
You might try a rajah cloth...It is great at putting creases in and I've had some luck getting them out also with this special cloth. The white vinegar usually works, but test as I think it will probably leave a spot. Good luck.
You do not say whether you are using a pressing cloth between your fabric and iron. Thin muslin, silk organzana or a thin hankerchief are very good at protecting the fabric from the actual iron itself and allow you to use a higher temperature without damaging the actual fabric. This is something you could try on scraps if you have any. I never touch my special fabrics directly with an iron.
Good luck.
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