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sewing for women in wheelchairs

dodey | Posted in Fitting on

Some time ago I asked about sewing for women in wheelchairs, and the particular problem of fitting for a seated person. I have found a website that addresses this problem, and has free patterns to download and print for use.

The site is www.independentliving,org/fashionfreaks/introeng

I hope it works for those who need it!



  1. starzoe | | #1

    Could not access the url - it reads "address not found".

    1. dodey | | #2

      Hi, I am having trouble with my computer this am, but I will try again.

      Here is the longest version of the url that I could find. I got to it by googling "sewing for women in wheelchairs"


      This will give you the info for the 6 sizes on the patterns.


      1. starzoe | | #3

        Thank you, I did get into the site this time. I notice that both the skirt and pants have zippers, that the skirt is "knee length" so am assuming that the site has been around for a while, before elastic waists and long skirts. Of course the patterns could easily be adapted to the newer styles and techniques.My interest is just curiosity; don't have a use for such patterns but was interested in knowing what was out there for wheelchair-bound people. Thanks again.

        1. dodey | | #4

          Hi, I am glad it worked this time. In the sewing details, there is instruction for making the garments as pull ons, and also for lengthening the skirt, varying the width of the pantlegs etc. I have printed the patterns and hope to get on with the fitting to be ready to sew for fall/winter.


  2. User avater
    ThreadKoe | | #5

    THANK YOU! My daughter's client will be so happy to get some good fitting pants now! She is so tiny, but doesn't like to wear children's styles. Now I can adapt a pattern to fit her in a more adult fashion. Thanks. Cathy

  3. KharminJ | | #6

    Hey Dodey ~

    What a fabulous site! Thank you so much for sharing it. I found the problem with your original link - there's a comma instead of a dot in living,org/!

    Haven't checked out the patterns yet, but the Tips and the philosophy are wonderfully empowering and helpful!

    Bright Blessings to all!Kharmin

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