sewing space photos- let’s look
I get inspiration from seeing other people’s sewing rooms, especially areas that solve a particular problem or reach a special level of organization.
I will start with the area next to my main machine. Please post your photos too.
i will master this photo thing yet
What a good idea! Photos would inspire me, too, but I don't think I can post one until I spend a couple good afternoons cleaning up!
Yours is so organized and so clean that I would be ashamed to let people see mine, especially during the summer, when I'm neck-deep in projects. (On the other hand, I have a lot to post in the "what have you sewn lately" thread!)
my organization isn't so much a virtue as a requirement. I simply cannot function in chaos. my mind stops working. Yesterday I brought home an embellisher and had to spend a good part of the day making space for it, getting the materials near the machine and then labeling drawers.
I am a kindred spirit. I cannot function in chaos. Organization frees me to create. Here is a link to my sewing studio. It is small, 9x12, but there is a 3x12 closet, only half of which shows in this link. ironing tools are in a lead crystal champagne bucket, something I got for free but wouldn't use in real life. My drawers, and only a couple are shown here, are very organized. My drawers are set up so I can put my hands on the most needed notions in the most reachable space. My closet holds fabric and additional interfacings, notions,books, magazines, and patterns. I feel I have gotten a lot of bang for my buck in a really small space due to the oranization.solo
Edited 8/7/2007 6:07 pm ET by solosmocker
solo, you are far more neat and have more things put away than I can. I realy envy that because I would work best if everything I am not working on was hidden.
My alternative is to try to make the things that are "out" colorful and delicious such as my ribbons or dyed wools. Owning five mchines makes it even more complicated and if I didn't have access to my large cutting and pressing tables I wouldn't be able to do the home sewing like roman ashades and roller shades I have been making since buying a new house with not a single window covering.
and that crystal vase is FANTASTIC !!
Thanks! Thats a lead crystal champagne vase that we have had in a cupboard for years and I decided it was time to use the doggone thing! Why not? I'm one of those who thinks better when my space is organized. I clean up after every project and feel like I can't start on a new one until all is in order again. Then I am free to create. I know many don't work this way and that's fine but its what works for me. It took me a long time and a lot of mess to figure this out, lol!solo
are you on patternreview too?
Yes I do frequent PatternReview and use the same handle. I think a few of us here do but many have different handles.
I am not worthy! I bow before you oh organized one! What great ideas...I was very proud of my sewing space (I don't have the money to decorate it yet but I will after I get the living areas of my house finished.) until I saw your pictures. I don't have a closet the size of yours but mine is organized. I also think I'm going to start looking for glassware and odd china pieces at garage and yard sales for organizers in my sewing room. Why shouldn't we use pretty things in our creative work spaces? Talk about inspiration!
i knew a woman who hung skeins of brightly colored wool from the ceilings and it made me happy just to walk in the room. I like a space to be practical but my love of color and fiber just has to be a little on display. my one thing is I never leave threads out for the sun to weaken, they are all in boxes and drawers. and I shade the strong sunlight from entering the room and just let the soft north light in.
and don't forget music and a place for the cat to sleep.
ok, you need to come to my house in Baltimore and rearrange my sewing
Wow you have given me such inspiration! I have a nice closet but the space is being used inefficiently....yours gives me some great ideas!
Thanks for sharing.
Solo-- I bow to greatness. First the lovely wedding outfits and now a glimpse of the place where all the mastery takes place. Marvelous!!!!
Oh crikey - how neat is this - I couldn't possibly keep my work space this neat. It starts off this way, but as soon as I start sewing - it gets clogged up - I can't see any cuttings/threads on your floor/half opened patterns etc. Why can't I become that tidy?
I take my hat off to u!
When I am in the middle of a project, I have "stuff" everywhere. I don't think I am any different from most in that sense. However, I am one who can only work effectively on one project at a time so there is rarely a back up of projects in the studio. I also have a habit of sweeping every night before I turn out the lights. I just can't function in mess. I know many can and do and that is certainly fine with me if I go visit your sewing room, but for me to function at my best I need order around me. I was brought up in a very large family where disorganization was a way of life so I get great peace from having all in order while I am creating. solo
I wish i could be so focused on the tidying up - I would get on a lot better I suspect, especially as hubby is one who likes order - his garage is immaculate! Only good thing - at work - I'm ultra control freak - woe betide any pupil who doesn't put back what they get out!!
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