A while back, several posters were wondering about what size to make a garment that you would crinkle while drying. This week, I ironed a rtw crinkle cotton shirt and skirt and compared them to my favorite patterns for the same styles. Both were exactly one pattern size bigger than what I usually use, complete with my usual adjustments for narrow shoulder and large bust.
Ironed, both were too big and loose; spritzed, twisted, and dried again, they are back to their lovely, flattering crinkled shapes, and I have new plans for more crinkled, wrinkled cottons!
Thanks so much for doing that experiment. Its answered a question I've long wondered about.
I was very interested in the post on choosing size for crinkle. I adore crinkle (and hate ironing, of course, sewing and pressing go together). I have been wondering about this issue, and, unfortunately gave 2 of my most intriguing pieces of vintage crinle to a charity shop, because I was so unsure of size. However, since I have found more, at the same charity shops (!!!!!!!!!!). And this helps me out immeasurably. I guess I need more confidence/more experimenting/more questions posted. Thank you!!!!!!
My experiments were done of flat fabrics that were crinkled afterward. If you have crinkled fabrics to start with, I'd guess that you'd then want to use a pattern one size smaller than usual to achieve the correct fit.
Oh, I hope you are right! Last night I also came to this conclusion. I cut out a top of crinkled aqua cotton in a size smaller than usual. McCalls M4968, will let you know what developes! It says to use double seams on lightweight fabrics, it seems that French seams would work but maybe too much bulk due to the crinkle.
Keep us posted on the crinkle progress...much better than on the wrinkle progress, right?
ok, will let you know how it works out. I'm having neck pain so no sewing till it goes away and very little computer. boo hoo I am so bored! Mary
So sorry about your pain!! I'm just recovering from a bout of it. Will be praying for you.
Thank You so much! Prayers are always appreciated! God bless You! Mary
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