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Swimwear after surgery

NansiM | Posted in General Discussion on

Is anyone sewing swimwear?  I have done this fairly successfully for myself in the past.  today’s challenge is that I’m trying to help a friend who now wears a prosthesis.  The trouble with any of the suits she’s bought is that the prosthesis doesn’t seem to stay put without quite a bit of moving around when she goes in the water.  I’m going to have a look at the design when she brings it to me to see if we can come up with any solutions.  I also thought:  OOOH!  I can ask online!!!  I know there’s help out here!  Everyone always comes thru with great suggestions!  What about it, girls?


  1. sarahkayla | | #1

    Last summer when i was visiting my sister in law I cobbled together a solution that worked for her, and her bathing suit. Beth's suit had sewn in cups, so I made a rough pattern using the front of the cup and cut a back that i stitched on and used as a pocket - I left part of the top unstitched, maybe three inches, For the life of me i don't remember if I sewed the pocket by hand or by machine or if it was a combination of the two. - We stuffed it with an old & ratty looking prosthesis. I think that what made it work was making the hole for the prosthesis fairly small - that way it didn't migrate out.It looked great & was comfortable. It clearly didn't have to be terribly exact to work - my efforts were very seat of my pants - we used rayon for the pocket - because that's what we had around - clearly there are nicer solutions - but the important thing is that Beth (who adores swimming) went swimming for the first time in the three years since the surgery.


    1. NansiM | | #2

      Thanks Sarah!  It's SO good to be able to help, especially when the person really WANTS to get moving again.  In the grand scheme of things, this should be a SMALL hurdle, but I can imagine how I'd feel if I went in the water and this little thing (or maybe not so little) kept moving around on me!  The more secure, the better!  Good for you in getting your sister back in the swim!  Exercise is the best!

  2. lindamaries | | #3

    Hi...maybe you could look at a medic site on the web and see what the pros have come up with and then copy it. This surely isn't the first time there has been need of a special swimming suit. And where there is a need, there is most certainly a business!!!

    1. NansiM | | #4

      Thanks, Linda.  Any good sites that you could direct me to?  I'll just start with thegeneral topic otherwise.  I'm sure there's a ton of info.

      1. lindamaries | | #5

        I do not know of any sites. When and if you find one, tell us on the board here. I'd like to put this in my brain for future reference just in case I get a situation like yours. It is a great feeling to be able to empower another person like you are doing.

        1. Tish | | #6

          I don't know if this will be of any help, but the Water Wear swimwear company makes a post- mastectomy swimsuit.  You can view it at their on-line catalog at http://h20wear.com.  (that's "aitch two zero")  Unfortunately, other than a very brief description of pockets under the bra shelf, there is no way to tell how they make the suit.  The company's suits seem very expensive to me; I'm  the type who buys $30.00 suits at KMart when they go on sale at 50%. 

          I once purchased a support suit from Waterwear and it lasted for two or three years, so I bought another which broke down and disintegrated within a few weeks using a heated pool at a school gym.  They've got a new fabric that they're all excited about, but my mixed experience makes me leery.  They do make suits for women who prefer a modest cut, and they have a nice selection of designs for heavy women, which is what attracted me in the first place.  I just want you to know, if you decide to try them, that my experience with their suits has not been all good.

          1. NansiM | | #7

            Thanks Tish.  We actually have a Waterwear shop in the Prov. Place Mall.  I love a new excuse to go snoop-shopping.  My daughter wants to go as they have a big sale going on post 4th, so I'll indulge her(tee-hee) and do a bit of looking around.

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