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Walmart stores

amapola | Posted in General Discussion on

This morning I went to Wal-Mart in Post Falls ready to complain about the fabric section closure. To my surprise the clerk said this one would not close because the customers complained to the manager and Wal-Mart headquarters in numbers. They decided not to do it due to the negative response.  They also stated that in the future when they build a new Walmart it will not have the fabric section. Two other stores in this area Sandpoint and Wallace are closing their fabric sections.  This is happening in Northern Idaho.  So if you don’t want it to close COMPLAIN.



  1. lovestosew | | #1

    Aha - customers complained in numbers and stupid WalMart actually listened!!!! Bravo!! This just confirms what I've been telling my husband for years - that if enough of us upset customers make enough complaints (about whatever situation) then the company has to listen. I am so happy for you!

    1. spicegirl | | #2

      So what's stupid about customer service?

  2. User avater
    TwilaTee | | #3

    It's interesting that you say that about your wal-mart. I picked up some things from there today, and asked the clerk if they were closing.... she pretty much told me the same thing as your clerk did. That too many people were upset about the closing and they had decided to remain open. My Wal-mart and another on the other side of town are staying open. I'm glad, I'm not sure what I would do without my wal-mart. -Twila

    1. dionna | | #4

      I agree 100% I can go to pick up what ever notions I run out ofI will get fabric occasionally from walmart is closer to me than the fabric stores this helps me alot when trying to complete an order.I Think it's great that  there doors open at 7:00am-10:00pm and I  will not have to wait until the fabric stores open.

      1. Cherrypops | | #5


        Stores open 7am-10pm - is this everyday? Lucky You!

        This is similar to my grocery stores we go through till midnight.

        My fabric stores open 9am-5.30pm monday to friday. 9am-9pm Thursday. 9am-5pm Sat and 4pm Sunday.

        I am still trying to find a good day and time to visit my fabric store. I am not very patient and don't like waiting in a queue for 30mins. (more staff are needed). If I wander around looking at more fabric I lose my place in the line. So I usually take hubby with me, he is the patient one and my 'pack horse'. even my son has been seen wandering around the store carrying long rolls of fabric (of his choice). cute!



        1. User avater
          TwilaTee | | #6

          You forget, I live in Vegas. Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING is open 24 hours a day 7 days a week. except for Christmas. Most stores close at noon on Christmas day. Otherwise.... I can go to Wal-Mart whenever I want to. Jo-Ann's closes at 10 p.m. and opens back up again at 8 or 9 am. I wouldnt 'know how to react if a store I wanted to visit was closed on Sunday. It's just unheard of here. -Twila

          1. Cherrypops | | #7

            You have just explained Queenslands Gold Coast!

            It took a long while for Sunday Trading to begin here. I don't understand why it wasn't done sooner.


          2. fabricholic | | #11

            Our Wal-Mart is opened 24 hours, seven days a week, also.Marcy

          3. User avater
            blondie2sew | | #12

            I live in WA and Yes Ours is a 24 hour as well..I can relate..our JoAnn's, Our Hancocks I believe is 9pm still great..around the Holidays then they are open till 10pm.And I know Cherry Pops mentioned standing in the lines..well we take # tickets so we can wonder around and check out more trims or whatever is close by...but that is the key you need to stay close when your # is called because if you don't hear it then you loose your place in line..but funny how they surround the cutting counter with oodles upon oodles of wonderful stuff you can't live with out during your wait!! Sorry I will clarify..This is not at Wal-Mart..this is at the other above mentioned stores!! Blondie

            Edited 4/4/2007 2:34 pm by blondie2sew

          4. pc3 | | #13

            I live in north Florida and our walmart is also 4 hour stores, but they have cut the fabric section to 1/4 of the size they use to be and they got rid of most of the notions. But whats worse is that we only have a small Jo Anns fabrics about 1 hour away and a Hancocks fabric about 1 1/2 hours away. Sewing in this area is a dying art.pc3

          5. User avater
            blondie2sew | | #14

            That sadness my spirit to hear that! I am really sorry. I guess you have resorted to a lot of on-line shopping...I know this is the way of it all but what they don't realize is that we love to touch and see the fabric!!Either that or maybe it is time to move!! ha ha ha

          6. pc3 | | #15

            Moving sounds good, but to many people to care for. I have had both parents and in-laws to care for for 8 years, two of them are gone now but the other two are not interested in moving. So for now I shop in my stockpile. I have a very large one. You know the old saying the one who dies with the most fabric wins!pc3

        2. dionna | | #9

          I really do not like to wait to the fabric store open your son sounds like my 7year old son he always find something sports related at the fabric store.

      2. amapola | | #8

        I have bought fabric from Walmart. The problem is that you have to hunt and be lucky enough to find really good fabric. I have been luc ky twice. I always look because you can never know when you will find something. Amapola

        1. dionna | | #10

          When I go to walmarts fabric department I can spend at the least 45min. looking for some nice fabric the last time I purchased fabric I some t-shrit fabric,flannel and some printed fabric for my son one of the ones we found at the fabric store the price at a walmart was lower than the fabric store this is not always the case.I found some real nice fabric on clearance.

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