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Fancy Fabric Challenge

Velvet-lace party top

Occasional top. Made of velvet and lace, embelished with swarovsky crystals and beads, sleeve’s, collar and bottom edges done in crochet. The garment was put together in panels and joined with overlocker, showing the seem on the outside as a feature. Velvet fabric is mixed with spandex, so it has a bit of stretchiness. Because of the stretchiness the top clings to the body shape nicely, it is easy to wear and comfy as much as dressy:)


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  1. Cordelia91 | | #1

    Pictures are not appropriate for a wholesome sewing website.

  2. User avater
    KatrinaMarie | | #2

    Great Top! Love the design...nice fabric to work with. Totally sexy, without showing skin, would make a nice dance top. ; )

  3. nightowl10 | | #3

    Love and admire the top. Creativity is a wonderful gift and may you blessed with many more wonderful outfits.

  4. jdjola | | #4

    Thanks you everybody for commenting on my recent post. To those who likes it - im glad, we are on the same page, to those who don't, well its a free world and we all have the right to our own opinion ;-)

  5. Clarasita | | #5

    Beautifully designed and crafted; great use of chosen fabric. Festive, sexy, yet surprisingly demure. Would love to be able to see the collar details better, but that's the nature of photographying black fabrics. I do have a significant problem though. I think some of the comments on contest entries are not appropriate for a wholesome website dedicated to creative expression of beauty through fashion in the 21st century. If these are not fashions one would wear, one could simply choose not to wear them. At least that's how I was raised to use the free will that God gave me. But then, I'm from New Orleans, so I must already be doomed to hell. Hold your ground, honey. You're making great use of your God-given talents.

  6. jdjola | | #6

    Dear Clarasita,
    Just want to thank you for your comment and support. I know as an artist you have to be prepared to hear some negative comments sometimes, but if the desire for creation is strong, you have to keep going. And always the support and apreciation of your work from others, is one thing that helps you to move forward ;-) thank you all so much!

  7. schmatta | | #7

    Hello? Is this the Amish sewing site?

  8. AAC | | #8

    Cordelia, aged 91, Get a grip!~! This is a lovely dress and right in style for todays look. Don't you know that it's not skin your observing but a skin colored knit under that pretty dress? Guess you don't watch any television either. Be careful, you might be offended watching those soap operas, there's plenty more skin in them too...and real skin, not a soft peach jersey knit.

  9. Rabia | | #9

    The bust on this looks a little weird; are those bra cups I see showing through the lace? I agree it's a bit on the 'trashy' side; with all the lace I think it's overkill to ALSO have one's bosom on 3/4 display, but then "subtle sexiness" has long since gone the way of the dinosaur. I guess we should be thankful the bosom is covered AT ALL!

  10. Clarasita | | #10

    Dear Schmatta, I love your comments!!! You sound like my kind of party gal. I'll bet my "High Tea" group of friends would love you as well--you already sound like one of us. I guarantee, my hometown, New Orleans, is your kind of place.

  11. boofsmom | | #11

    Wow--wholesome sewing site? Are we all under a certain religious standard here? If you don't like the work you see, ignore it, don't judge.

    This is beautiful work! It's not easy to get either lace or velvet to come out right, and you have done a wondeful job with both! I love the beading/sparkly stuff too.

    I may not be from New orleans, but some of us Kansas people have fun too!

  12. user-1125658 | | #12

    I'm guessing Cordelia91 would also object to photos of some one's well made, home made, hand made corsset, bra,cammy or slip. People who enjoy the creativity of designing and/or sewing garments for themselves or others are to be commended!

  13. User avater
    kerrybriggs | | #13

    I like this.

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