submitted by Juliette Kimes
from Threads #136
I’ve found the non-adjustable zipper foot that came with my sewing machine is too wide for sewing piping, so I gave my adjustable blind hem foot a try. It works great! The foot has more clearance, the guide runs right along the cording, and I can adjust how closely I stitch to the edge.
I use the package piping for an added embellishment when making pajama pants, and pajama capris. What is the correct way to have the piping meet at the seam? It is too bulky when sewn into the seam. A separate piece is sewn to the bottom of the pants, and then a cuff is added on. I sew the piping b/t the leg bottom and the cuff. Please let me know any recommendations for sewing the piping. Do you take the stitching out of the piping on the one side, and then sew one side over the other? Looking for better ideas to have it finished off nicely.