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Meet Designer Brook DeLorme

Brook DeLorme's garments are unique in concept, form, and execution.


Since this article orginally ran in a 2003 issue of Threads, Brook DeLorme has continued her growth as a fashion designer and sewer. Her current website showcases her unique take on design, very unlike many traditional methods.

Brook’s interpretation of fashion design, both in 2003 and at present, is inspiring to sewers of all levels, causing the viewer to think outside of how they traditionally interpret fashion. At the time of original publication, Brook oftentimes left edges unfinished and interior details showing from the outside, providing a unique look that isn’t always represented by traditional magazines. Although that may not be everyone’s aestheic (and not even the way Brook sews today), seeing such a creative and raw interpretation of fashion design is always important–especially when trying to inspire a new sewer.

To see more of what Brook has been up to lately, take a look at her current collection here. She also posted a response on her personal blog, which you can read here.

Meet Designer Brook DeLorme
by Jennifer Sauer
an Online Extra to Threads #107

Brook DeLorme, a 23-year-old designer from Portland, Maine, is making a name for herself outside traditional fashion circles with garments that are unique in concept, form, and execution.

Each one of Brook’s handmade garments is inspired by, and embodies, a philosophical thought, which is outlined on the garment’s hand-lettered label. Brook’s raw, deconstructed aesthetic includes unusual combinations of recycled or bargain fabrics, with edges and seams that are left exposed, frayed, and purposely messy (see Brook’s Garments).

Brook DeLorme in her studio

Brook’s large, sunny studio is conveniently located near the Maine College of Art, where she takes sculpture and philosophy classes. Everything in her studio, including tables and shelves, is portable and can be rearranged at a moment’s notice, depending on her design needs for any given day.

But perhaps the most interesting part of a Brook DeLorme garment is the way it’s created. As Brook works, each garment seems to take on a life of its own. She sculpts her clothing using a creative process that pushes design and sewing conventions aside and embraces the freedom of “decide as you go.” This allows her to change style, shape, silhouette, and detail at any point during construction.

Besides designing a collection of one-of-a-kind garments each season, Brook also takes the time to photograph all her pieces and uses the images to compose artful brochures. She uses the brochures to promote her clothing, but more important, as inspiration for future garments.

Brook’s Garments

Mobius dress

Floral shirt

Mobius dress
Asymmetric tucks and bold colors

Floral shirt
Topstitched lines left free at the raw hem.


Denim jacket

White dress

Denim jacket
Mix-and-match binding and snap-tape closure

White dress
Hand-lettered hem detail and pink fabric accents


Laced top, pink skirt

Orange dress

Laced top, pink skirt
Twisted straps and center-front lacing

Orange dress
Two different garment halves


Green top and skirt

Blue top, purple print skirt

Green top and skirt
Dyed map print and pocket dropped off the shirt hem

Blue top, purple print skirt
Unusual fabric combination and uneven sleeves


Patchwork dress

Tie-dye tank, blue skirt

Patchwork dress
Patchwork fabrics with raw edges

Tie-dye tank, blue skirt
Uneven tucks and hems


Pink coat

Pink jacket and skirt

Pink coat
Offset pockets and pieced fabric

Pink jacket and skirt
Dangling bias binding and asymmetrical closure


White jacket

Map skirt, white top

White jacket
An interior message

Map skirt, white top
Off-the-shoulder sleeves and exposed seams


Hand lettering

Garment label

Hand lettering
Hand-painted fabric

Garment label
Hand-lettered labels

See more of Brook’s work on her website.

To read more about Brook’s design method, see the June/July 2003 issue of Threads (#107).

Jennifer Sauer is an associate editor of Threads.

Photo this page: Jennifer Sauer; slideshow photos: Brook DeLorme


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  1. bebrown | | #1

    Am I wrong or are ragged lines, wrinkled fabric and amateurish construction techniques the "new" fashion!!

  2. dlgiles | | #2

    What I think is interesting here is NOT what we see right now, but what we might see from Brook 5-10-15 years out. She has an aesthetic, a way of looking at fabrics/existing garments and seeing possibilities. The mobius dress is beautiful and looks very wearable by many different types of women. I wish her well!

  3. sewsusan | | #3

    bebrown - I'm with you! Unless one is into the 'ragbag' look, these 'fashions' are less than appealing. While the mobius dress shows hope, the rest is fit for the dump.

  4. User avater
    trishapat | | #4

    A person can either master the skills necessary to support good design or they can put them aside altogether and embrace the antithesis as an art form. It takes time and effort to learn to sew well and to integrate masterful craftsmanship as part of beautiful design. Ignoring those steps and blatantly, boldly disregarding any recognizable standard does produce a garment which will "attract" some attention. It makes a bold statement and I suppose that makes it literally attractive. It's very easy to thumb ones nose at convention and then tilt that nose up in the air. Personally, I think it takes more than that for something to have merit.

  5. MinaC | | #5

    I think she has potential, but what I'm seeing is the same old shapes, with what appears to be an attempt to discover a new way of doing them. Everyone ood and awed over Rucci's worm, but honestly they were being sewn back in the 1850's on dresses, bonnets and such. Nothing new, but he presented it in a way that seemed new. I think that's what she's attempting to do here, only the crooked look just isn't my cup of tea.
    Honestly I can't speak for all women, but I took to sewing my own clothes because everywhere I looked I'd see clothes that looked dumpy (t-shirt and jeans), frumpy (the horribly over-sized fashions which does not hide a plus size shape, it accentuates it and makes them look boxy instead), or the new asymmetrical designs, which to me looks just like a shirt that's been buttoned on the wrong button and they didn't realize it yet.
    If you like those fashions, that's fine. But for me I'd love to see more feminine designs. More blouses made of lace, more embroidery that isn't just a quick slapped on trim. I'd love to see something bold like the return of the bustle petticoat only as a skirt instead of underskirt for a change. Or retro that goes farther back than the 1940's.
    Just my two cents.

  6. Magarita | | #6

    Brook has a great eye for color. I think it's wonderful that there is legitimacy to recycling "upcycling" old garments.However I'm really surprised that Threads is lauding her. I look to Threads for the finery of clothing construction,showcasing people who really know their stuff and have respect for well constucted garments.People I can learn something from.Please don't lower the bar for those of us that look to you for inspiration.

  7. sofiamichelle5 | | #7

    It's fine to express your dislike for something, Sewsusan, and several people have done that. But, they've done it in a constructive way that offers solid reasons for why they don't like the collection. It is bad form to write rude comments. Imagine how you would feel if someone said *your* work is 'fit for the dump.'
    You have to think about the target market for your designs. My younger clients would love these looks, and even some of my 30-40 year-olds would like designs like the Mobius dress and the tie-dye tank and blue skirt. I've seen these construction techniques in some of the stores that target the 20-somethings. However, my older ladies would not like any of these designs, and, most of my clients of all ages come to me looking for more polished and tailored design pieces.
    Threads, please keep showcasing a wide range of designers and styles. After all, if we all did the same thing, what's the point in doing it at all?

  8. Barbben | | #8

    While Brook shows great promise with her ideas, her sewing and fitting could use a lot of work. The best thing for the female form is clothes that fit, no matter what size you are. None of these clothes would actually fit a woman's body. I did like the idea of the Mobius dress, but even the bodice doesn't fit right. Having all the threads, bindings etc. dangling doesn't look like a design element, just sloppy, unfinished garments. My mother who was an extraordinary seamstress and designer, would have been horrified. Hopefully Brook's skills as a seamstress catch up with her design ideas.

  9. BWilliams | | #9

    I agree completely with Trishapat et al about this feature. I remember reading it in the original magazine issue--I was insulted then by this article then and furious to see it posted online years later as if poor quality and tastelessness is something to aspire to. Use it in CraftStylish if you must to generate a dialogue about couture workmanship vs thrift store anti-fashion. Issey Miyake she wasn't six years ago when this was first published. I will bet that at age 29 Brooke has refined her approach to fashion if she is still dabbling. YSL was essentially anti-fashion, in that style, fit and having confident women wear clothes and vs throwaway clothes that "wear" the women. Please focus your energy going forward on features that have more relevance to your core readership.

  10. Sewsie | | #10

    If this is what Threads must publish to attract younger readers, I guess you will lose this 40-something reader. More and more of your articles feature "artistic" renderings that I just don't "get." I think of Threads as being a fine sewing magazine. There is not one thing in this collection that I would be caught wearing out in public.

    I was shopping the other day at Macy's and saw a blouse I really liked, but the ruffle collar was unfinished. I would have bought it if not for that. To me it looked tacky. Maybe that's the trend and I'm and old frump.

    I can't even say I would like the mobius dress. I have a feeling that it wouldn't look so great in a front view with the model just standing straight up.

  11. PacificaFunkster | | #11

    So glad the magazine has stepped it up since this article ran. This really is sad...

  12. MoreConfused | | #12

    All my sewing projects looked like these until I learned how to sew. Maybe she'll get better with practice.

  13. TexasSeamstress | | #13

    Brook's clothes are a little too edgy for me, although I love the fabrics and colors, because I'm old enough to be Brook's mother, but I agree with DL Giles, give her a few years. I believe she might be ready for Project Runway in the not too distant future. Have fun Brook.

  14. bensoni | | #14

    I encourage folks to take a look at Brook's website (link is in the article). Her technique has substantially improved since the original article, yet you can still see the essence of her design aesthetic. Her current line of clothing has some interesting pieces I would consider wearing (and I'm pushing 50).

  15. LisaShep | | #15

    Though I can appreciate her fabric and color selections, the workmanship (or lack thereof) kind or ruins it for me. I understand Threads' desire to reach out to new readers and explore new looks, but it's always been done with an appreciation for the workmanship that sets Threads apart before, and I don't see that here. Inspiration is one thing, but I don't want to read articles on how to actually make clothing like this. Why does EVERYTHING have to look SO recycled now??

  16. User avater
    ElenaYDesigns | | #16

    It's interesting to see what a young designer is doing, but I think she's trying too hard to be different and not paying enough attention to good design and good workmanship.
    I started designing and sewing handbags and jackets 14 years ago (I am now 74 years old and I am still at it). My designs are often inspired by what's current and trendy but first and foremost I value good workmanship and wearability.

  17. teach4Hsewers | | #17

    I teach sewing to kids 7-18 and if anyone had put together something like this I would make them rip it out and do it again. My students have their stuff judged at fair and any garment like these would be given the very lowest ribbon, maybe just a participation ribbon. I understand that this is artistic and alot of designers(even the big name ones) go for artistic stuff but call it what it is- artistic design,fiber arts or a craft project but not sewing or tailoring. Seams need to be hidden, hems finished, both sides of the garment constructed the same way and the same style or size, correct fit and not looking like it was something a 5 year old put together from mom's discarded clothes to play dressup. Some of the colors used were excellent but really-is this what Threads consider sewing or a talented designer? I'd be embarrassed to be seen in these clothes and so would my YOUNG students.

  18. iram62 | | #18

    i would never wear any of these design,they are sloppy and just look very home made like a 3rd grader would make.
    not professional at all
    and if threads is going to have articles like this i will not be renewing my subscription,they just don't do the magazine justice.very very bad taste

  19. sewforit | | #19

    Maybe I am old fashion (78 yrs old) but my mother never taught me to sew up a garment like these. She would rip it up and tell me to start over again. I'm sorry Brook, maybe the young people like something you're showing, but to me that is not style or good looking. Keep at it up though and as you grow more mature you will have better results I hope.

  20. clennett | | #20


  21. stereoette | | #21

    I'm suprised and disapointed with how rude many of these comments are. If its not your cup of tea, fine, but to call the designs "trash" or "amateurish" is to entirely miss the point... these garments appear to be far more about artistic expression than about whether or not she knows how to make a perfectly pointed collar.

  22. User avater
    cejh | | #22

    I love the mobius dress, and even the tank, but find the rest actually boring! Perhaps I'm expecting beauty and inspiration when I look at Threads, something to propel me to my drawing table and sewing machines. This is just depressing.

  23. Joyceannmarie | | #23

    I like the mobius dress and the tie-dyed tank, but the rest of the clothing would not be of my personal choosing. I think that there is a market for her clothing, because of its originality and quite a few college kids would love to wear this carefree clothing. I see a lot of college kids wearing clothing similar to this, so she has an excellent chance of appealling to to that generation.

  24. Katielynne | | #24

    I agree with the majority of reactions to Brook's creations.
    I'm surprised that Threads has chosen to showcase work such as this. And I am not pleased that via my subscription, I've had to pay to see it! Anyone can produce "clothing" such as this, without the need for skills other than being able to thread a needle. I adore wearable art, but this is simply thoughtless and unfinished. "...each garment seems to take on a life of its own.", indeed! Right on, Jennifer. Considering "bensoni's" comment, if Brook has evolved into things more palatable, we should have been shown that instead of a beginner's efforts,

    To stereoette, EVERYONE's comments have a proper place here. That's what these forums are for! Although, it seems you're not condemning that fact as much as they don't agree with you. We're all entitled to our opinions, and be that as it may, Brook must hear ALL reviews of her work; the positive AND critical. That's why she's gone public with her work.

    I hope Threads editors read these discussions. They need to know that the majority of their subscribers DO NOT consider this kind of work inspiring. I realize you have to test the waters to remain vital, so please hear us: We don't like paying to see this kind of "workmanship." We seek knowledge in how to IMPROVE and EXPAND our skills. Please editors, do just that--EDIT!

    Thanks, editors, for listening to us!

  25. Icie | | #25

    I saw one garment that was fit to wear. The others looked like they were desgned by an imaginative 5-year-old. Does she expect people to buy her clothes? I do like her color combinations, but I don't care to see any more of her until she has matured.

  26. ZenZan | | #26

    Sorry, but I REALLY don't like these designs and can't think of anyone in my entourage, whatever the age, who would wish to wear them. We look for unique designs but from garments that flatter the figure and that are well finished. These resemble my failed and uncompleted sewing projects. I'm not trying to be mean, just honest. I would venture that the designs reflect the young age of the designer. I'm optimistic that over time, the designer and the designs will metamorphose into something funky, yet more sophisticated. Good luck Brook!

  27. hotdotyuki | | #27

    As a professional designer I encourage creativity in young and new persons who want to be designers. However, one must understand that being creative does not mean you throw things together without complete thought to the end. Brook may have thought about her designs but not completely. Respect to the human body is essential in the coverings, ie. clothing. She is designing clothing for the human body and not just the piece itself. Remember, the two go together!
    I also think she needs a lot of training from the look of the construction.
    I would like to know who ´discovered´ her and thought she merited a good magazine as Threads?

  28. lessalt | | #28

    Unfortunately, I may be too old to continue my Threads subscription. I have been a fan since Day 1 and I keep hanging in there but, if this is where Threads is going, we need to part company.

    Someone mentioned YSL was anti-fashion but, if you have been to the exhibition of his clothing at the San Francisco De Young Museum, you would see how perfect and meticulous his work was.

    Even the Project Runway participants are graded down for sloppy finishing but now anti finishing and deconstruction is supposed to pass for fashion. Obviously Brook has color and design talent but I can guarantee we'll never see her clothing at the DeYoung.

  29. joi | | #29

    i was certainly not expecting what i saw. the mobius dress is the best and not too bad. i am not amused with the other garments, but then that's just me. the jackets look like a work in progress and the orange dress looks like a first project. i mean, who would really wear that? and yet, i have seen some of the most unusual looking garments (and hairdos) on the runway that (although very well-made) no one in their right mind would ever wear out. it's just the designer's creative expression.

  30. SewBissy | | #30

    I'd like to point out what I discovered from reading Brook's blog and from looking at the notes after this article. This article was originally published in 2003, which means that the accompanying photos are also from that year. Brooke is now 29 and has had time for her style to evolve. DLGiles was right to look forward--I very much like what she has to offer on her website now. I encourage others to look at her newest creations there.

  31. SLOseams | | #31

    I am a 50-something medium-level seamstress and was very intrigued by Brook's creations. I did not consider them amateurish or insulting to the sewing profession--just extremely unique! In my opinion, sewing is an art form at its essence, which allows a lot of room for creativity and expression from the designer. It saddens me that so many of the bloggers were critical of Brook. My personal taste is a more tailored and symmetrical look which suits my body type best. I especially love Threads for the sewing tips but I also appreciate the great variety to be found each issue regarding designers, styles, techniques and trends. I am happy with the balance of content found in Threads.

  32. byf | | #32

    I can only say I am really surprised that Threads has this on-line, considering the lack of enthusiasm which readers showed for the original article!

  33. GillB | | #33

    Have I got a case of Deja vu- I'm sure this designer has already had the benefit of a Taunton press article and the feed back from unimpressed subscribers. Is there a dearth of young design talents in the US or is she someone's special protoge. Please stop regurgitating old copy -with so much talent out there use your precious space to showcase the best and the most innovative textile art developed into home sewing please. This just doesn't do it for me. Sorry!

  34. OPStitcher | | #34

    Silly & absolutely unwearable. These are far from young, "fierce," or cutting edge; they look like bad beginner sewing projects. Deconstructed & asymmetrical have been done before - decades ago; so have tie-dye & patchwork & all have been done much better. As for "artistic expression," fine - then call it fiber art but please don't call it clothing. What was Threads thinking?

  35. byf | | #35

    I was really surprised to see this on-line, considering the lack of enthusiasm readers had for the original article when it appeared!

  36. srebeccas | | #36

    I am 66 and inspired by Brook's designs. I enjoy thinking outside the box. I think that's what sets artists apart. Thank you Threads for seeing Brook's talent.

  37. LOLA24 | | #37

    I have been sewing with a variety of designers all over the world from the age of 4 untill now.
    Design is an expression of ones insight and passion, that is then created into a product.
    I admire Brooks work and find it very creative...She clearly has the knowledge and know-how of pattern cutting and the understanding of the human form. She uses creative techniques that add dynamic and imagination, i find it lovely...
    And bare in mind:

    “In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different.”

    Coco Chanel

  38. angreacum | | #38

    I think calling Brook Delarme a designer is an insult to real designer. As to the person ( STEREORETTE) being upset about the rude comments- that is too bad, we are sick and tired of POLITICAL correctness and I WANT to use my freedom of speach and express the outrage of shoveling down our throat the "works" of Brook and call it a design.
    I think my dog "scratching and moving his blanket before laying down creates a finer design). It is an insult to our intelligence, and yes, if that trend continues I will cancel my subscription. Personally I feel the publication went down the drain compare to the way it was years ag ( and I was a subscriber from day 1). Even the amount of pageshas been reduced.

  39. Stitchsnappy | | #39

    I LOVE this dialogue!! I’ve had an eye on Threads for a long time—as a member of the staff and a fan before that. In all these years nothing has peaked the interest and response from our readers quite like the original article about Brooke DeLorme. We lovingly refer to it as the DeLorme storm.

    The excitement generated by sewers expressing different points of view is thrilling and has always been delivered with great enthusiasm. As an editor, I can promise you we read your posts online as well as the many letters that come to us other ways. And, if anyone is keeping score—both for the original article and the current posted version, the tally of pros and cons is tied.

    I was part of the team that advocated including Brooke’s story in Threads six years ago. She wrote to us and sent photographs with samples of her work. (I encourage all of you to make it a personal goal to send a proposal for an article to Threads—you never know what might happen. See Author Guidelines under “Magazine” in the red band above.) Brooke’s proposal was full of ideas, charm, youth, and sunshine. Her garment labels, her ingenuity, her sewn letterhead inspired us. We kept coming back to her package because it made us feel good—maybe not in its traditional perfection, but in its total freedom.

    It’s great to see Brooke’s growth—maybe not on the pages of Threads but in this lively and opinionated (and free) electronic medium, where we can all participate in redefining the sewing community. Threads isn’t dictating what’s right or wrong here, we’re laying a topic on the table for discussion. In another six years I hope we take another look at Brooke.

    In the spirit of supporting anyone who sews I want to thank those of you who uphold good form in constructive comments. In a few days these posts will disappear under more recent opinions, but I hope the passion of this discussion continues. If we all agree, how can we grow?

    Judy Neukam

  40. brindlebasenji | | #40

    What a tremendous to do! I'm in the camp of those who enjoyed the article when it first came out. I couldn't quite put my finger on it at the time, but I think it was the absolute freedom of Brook's creativity. I've gone back to that article several time since it was published.
    Yes, I am taken back by the apparent lack of construction skills exhibited in the article, but I admire how Brook plunged right in, creating without the okey-dokey of the sewing world! After viewing her web site, I see that she has already come a long way, and is selling clothes for others to wear.
    I teach sewing, and I judge sewing. Yes I use conventional standards to judge, that's what's expected in state fair competition.
    However, the measure of how much joy a soul derives from creation is usually found well beyond a perfectly turned seam. My job as a teacher is to pass on valuable skills, but in no way does that entitle me to prevent the exploration of trends I don't deem valuable.
    Just a few days ago, while sifting through my disorganized pile of sewing information and notes, I came across color photo-copies of two little scrap-dolls sewn together by a a 6 or 7 year old child during free sewing time at summer sewing-camp. I am still overwhelmed by her use of color, form, and ragged bits of left-over fabric to make such beautiful, compelling objects.
    Yes, I strongly believe that clothes should both fit well and hold together well. I don't think I'd like to wear a loosely-constructed garment that looked as if it were about to fall off my body. But, I always enjoy getting a glimpse inside of someone else's creative process.

  41. Ckbklady | | #41

    The firestorm of controversy here, it seems to me, goes back to the root of the divide between the original Threads subscribers (like me) and the Sew Stylish/Craft Stylish- inclined younger sewers. Brooke DeLorme would be warmly welcomed at Sew Stylish, as she is the right age and skill demographic. On the other hand, Threads has always (except for the last couple of years) been keyed towards advanced sewers (and other needleworkers in the early days). I wish Ms. DeLorme well - she certainly is making clothing folks react to and is stimulating debate, and she DOES have an eye for color. That she is not with the Sew Stylish folks online but is here makes me wonder if the Threads editors are using these comments to solicit opinions about the future direction of Threads, now that new editor Deana Tierney (former ed of Sew Stylish/Craft Stylish) is at the helm. I'm so pleased that they listen to us and incorporate our comments into their plans.

    As an advanced sewer, I look at Ms. DeLorme's work and say, "Hmm, that's interesting," but it doesn't TEACH me anything or inspire me to greater sewing heights. And that's what I have always received from Threads articles. I understood as a beginning sewer when I subscribed in 1985, that I'd have to "work up to" Threads techniques. I didn't expect Threads to start at the bottom with me - that's what the Vogue Sewing Book and Singer Sewing books are for! I appreciated having challenges to meet. Advanced construction techniques and couture elements have MADE Threads what it is. They are the "gestalt" of the magazine. They push us forward, instead of simply showing us someone's work or simple techniques. Now, maybe Ms. DeLorme's contemporaries DO feel inspired by her work to try new things. That would be terrific. But for me, her work doesn't give me anything I expect from a Threads article.

    I also want to be clear that I don't think it's merely an age issue. I had the great good fortune to meet Ms. Enid Wilson at the Sew Expo in Puyallup, WA yesterday - she's the hugely creative young sewer who made the incredible blue woven-tail tailcoat featured in Threads and here online some months ago. Her evident skill and meticulous attention to detail and creative talents have inspired me to look at patterns differently and to tweak them for greater personal expression. Now THAT's a satisfying Threads experience!

    By the way, the huge packed-to-the-rafters runway shows of pattern designs at Sew Expo (Simplicity Project Runway, Sandra Betzina & Marcy Tilton etc.) are evidence that there are still a LOT of folks who sew clothes (as opposed to quilting and home dec). They (and I) need good tangible instruction, advice and inspiration about making those patterns. While I wish Brooke DeLorme well, I hope Threads remains the source (the one and only source) for advanced sewing inspiration.

  42. marijke1 | | #42

    The Mobius dress is one of the more traditional items. Perhaps that's why it appeals to traditional sewers?

    I love the Tangled dress. It reminds me of the coat with the woven strips in a recent issues of Threads, as well as of the work by Chado Ralph Rucci.

    Neat stuff.

  43. whilom | | #43

    I remember reading the original article on paper. I don’t think it contained anything wackier than I’ve seen on Project Runway. :) (Anyone fancy a plaid couture gown?) Sometimes a design can start “way out there” and eventually morph into something which will appeal to a larger audience. But sometimes the design influences what people want to wear! The current designs on Brook's website are intriguing, wearable, and beautiful. I appreciate her dedication to local and organic/sustainable, as well.

    If you haven't checked out her current 2009 work, and are only looking at the 2003 article, you're missing out! http://brookthere.com/ She offers a version of the much-admired Mobious dress, even. And for the people who say they want to be inspired by technique, consider the "Tangled" dress! :)

    Everything in Brook's portfolio won't appeal to everyone, but I appreciate designs that encourage me to think beyond the picture on the pattern envelope. I'm not the most creative person, so I need a few "funky" design inspirations to give me a push in a new direction.

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