We all have a thousand design ideas floating around our heads – things we want to make a pattern for, but never seem to get around to. BurdaStyle.com has decided to take those great ideas and make them into patterns.
As of today, every time you have an idea for a fabulous new pattern, you can submit a sketch and a technical drawing online for review. If your design is chosen, it will be made into a real Burda pattern for sale in stores.
There are other perks too! Designers receive professional quality photos of the design for their portfolio, a feature article on BurdaStyle.com and a reward of $160 (not to mention bragging rights!)
Learn how to submit your designs here.
Good luck! I know I’m looking forward to sewing your designs.
I'm looking forward to this!
Hi there,
Thank you for such an interesting site. I have really
enjoyed the variety of products.
King regards