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Project Runway Episode 7 – Blue for You

This dress stole the show and made Irina the night’s winner. Does this dress look blue to you?

Last night’s show left us with a victorious Irina, who won the challenge for two blue ensembles with what looked to me like a gray, black, and white striped dress; and a sad Louise Black leaving, the victim of ruffle mania.

As I recall, during one of the early weeks this season, I expected Louise to make a good showing in Project Runway. Then, last night when she was sent home I have to admit she wasn’t at the top of her game.

For several weeks now, Project Runway’s appeal has been on my mind. I’ve been watching from the production point of view and asking what is it that keeps us coming back each week? I realized there are eight elements in every show: They announce the week’s challenge; start designing; go fabric shopping; start building clothes; endure the mental meltdowns; watch the runway show; hear the critique; and reveal the results. Of these weekly features, which is the most important to you? Decide before reading on.

In my opinion, the runway show most epitomizes the program. Isn’t that what we’re waiting for—to see the clothes on the runway? I think the runway presentation is edited poorly. It moves too fast, very little time is spent showing the actual clothes. Half of the time the camera is focused on the designer and their thoughts and not the garment. I can’t see enough of the garment to pass a judgment and arrive at my own decision without pausing and rewinding multiple times. So last night I timed the runway show to see how much time they give us to see those clothes. How many minutes do you guess is allotted to the actual runway?  Guess. The answer is on the bottom. What’s your favorite part?

Until next time…



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  1. WizardGir1 | | #1

    I admit that last night was my first time watching Project Runway. I had planned to watch it two Thursdays in a row and missed them both. I didn't miss it last night. For the most part, I enjoyed the program.

    I wish there was more on the designing aspect (to let the viewers see the inc line that the designers had to merge into), sewing footage and, of course, the finished garment. It was thrilling to see what the contestants came up with.

    I thought the few clips and mini-discussion of the working relationship between the team members was nice, since working with other people is the real world, but maybe not so drawn out. :) I'd still like it to be more focused on the garments.

  2. User avater
    Kate_W | | #2

    Agreed. The color palette looked like it was black, grey, and white. Not blue. I am going to use this as justification for upgrading the TV, why not?

    OK. I am addicted to Project Runway ... but, IMO, it is first and foremost ‘reality TV’. The meltdowns are part and parcel of the package. How much time is consumed by meltdowns each week?

    For me, the critique is the most important segment. We get a close up of the work and the designers’ defense of their work. It provides insight into how someone present (like Michael Kors or Nina Garcia) is reacting to the design.

    IMO, the segment of shopping at Mood is an advertisement. The interesting part of the Mood shopping is the time crunch. How do they all find fabric and get measured? What supplies, if any, does Project Runway supply in the workroom?

    The runway portion of the show is way too fast. I suspect it hides a whole parade of horribles -- poor construction, fit, workmanship. I am expecting a model to throw a shoe on the runway walk one of these episodes.

    I look for design ideas and not strict execution (ala Malvin and Ra’Mon). And I’m sorry to see Louise go … to me, she had a LeeAnn kind of vibe (previous season) …

  3. lvislief | | #3

    My guess is about two minutes on the runway. I also watch for the design and construction segments. I am always trying to imagine if I could come up with something to fit the challenge. I am amazed at how quickly they manage to put something together amidst all the distractions. I find it interesting to see how the different designers work: the sketches, the tape on the manequin, changes after fitting. I wonder is it easier to designe and sew for a woman with "model" proportions than for one's self?

  4. User avater
    stitchhappy | | #4

    I just realized the answer didn't print! The runway show for all ten garments lasted three minutes. That's too brief for my blood.

  5. Sew4Drama | | #5

    Finally! I've been saying the same thing since the very first episode years ago! I have always complained (to the TV since my hubby is always asleep!) that we never get a good look at the garment on the runway - Thank you for bringing that to the forefront! I've actually paused my DVR and played it in slow-mo just to try to see some things!

    I also loved Louise - I, too, love vintage; thought she had promise in the beginning, but thought she was going downhill fast - the ruffles were a disaster!

    I enjoy the judges' comments, but of course that's totally subjective, so I agree sometimes & disagree sometimes. I've seen some of Michael Kors designs and have often thought, what was he thinking!? I like the weird challenges because I'm intrigued by the designer's creativity - or lack thereof!

    I've been to Mood many times and heaven help them if they don't know what they're looking for - so much in the NYC store that you often need someone to help you get the bolt out of the stack! I understand the LA store is much smaller. I prefer the NYC setting - I hope they go back there and don't stay in LA - did the location switch because the network changed?

  6. debio | | #6

    I love the creative process of the show. I am an art teacher, sewer, artist and gardener and I love watching the challenge percolate in the mind and see what comes of it. I believe the runway is waaaaay too short, it is so hard to see the finished product, not to mention check out the shoes, hair and makeup. I have noticed color issues before on episodes of the past, I wonder if the runway lights are heavily blue and washed out some of the blue in Irina's dress. I see they are casting for the next project runway, so maybe there is hope for them to move back to New York. Then Michael and Nina can always be on the show.... love them!

  7. Corkys_Kid | | #7

    I was disappointed they trashed the shirt dress, so much. Ok, perhaps the material was too shiny, but the design and the style are timeless. The dress is a wearable garment to the office, and could easily be a decent price point for working folks like me who sometimes shop at Macy's. While pretty, I could never dream to wear the top that Gordana made to my office; I'd be sent home. It plunges way too low and exposes too much skin. I think this is where the Judge's miss the mark when they talk about something you can wear to the office, or for day wear. Where? They are so far removed from the reality of what people can wear it's beyond comprehension.

    The team worked well together and they produced items that could fit the "INC" brand at Macy's. Trust me, I've seen a lot worse within that brand at Macy's. Maybe, the blues didn't quite meld between the two pieces, but to have the Judge's say that the workmanship was sloppy, or not well done (I don't remember their exact words, but my words aren't off the mark), I thought was in appropriate. I'm glad both designers made the cut.

  8. stsimon | | #8

    I'm more than a little disappointed in the quality of the show this year--the designers seem unadventurous and lacking in basic skills, the challenges are unexciting, and certainly, the time given to showing the clothing is minimal. The producers must realize that the Project Runway audience is interested in the clothes! In addition to the runway show, the final stages of construction are shortchanged, too, so we have no idea how some of the designers got from their beginnings to the final garment.

  9. Stormee | | #9

    I think the runway show is too short also. Sometimes you don't get to see all of the dresses. I felt that the shirt dress was a timeless and beautiful piece. I wish they showed more of the other designers. And I would like to see more of the creative process. I would love to have one of those machines. I think that Epperson is a sleeper. They don't show him much, and when they show his designs they just skim over them. They also don't show much of his creative process. I think he might sneak up on them and win this. That is if it is not rigged and they already know who they want to win. And if they have already decided on who the winner is, the show is not as good as I thought.

  10. Skymom | | #10

    Even my husband complains that the runway portion is too short, and that they focus too much on the interpersonal drama. I'd much rather see the individual design dilemmas, and how the designers solve their issues, than whatever goes on between them. But mostly I want to see the clothes! Of course, we Threads-ites are pretty self-selecting in our tastes, so I wouldn't be able to say what a "normal" (non sewing-obsessed) person might find interesting in the program.

  11. jaspurp | | #11

    I agree that the show wastes a lot of time on emotional outbursts and fabric shopping. My favorite part is the runway show and you're right - it's too short. I rewind to try to get a complete look at each outfit. I also enjoy seeing details of the construction process. I am often amazed at how they do it. But this season, too many designers are running out of time and showing poorly constructed clothing that almost falls off of the models.

  12. thimbler | | #12

    I love Project Runway however I, too, would welcome more time and attention filmed about the construction of the garments and the Mood Store. I also enjoy the half hour after Project Runway when the models are covered.
    It's a date every Thurs.

  13. User avater
    Mrs4Him | | #13

    I agree that Irina's did NOT look blue to me. I was disappointed that she won.

    I thought it was time that Louise left, myself. She was way too ruffle-happy. Most all of her garments had ruffles on them.

    So far, I am impressed with the designs by Althea and Carol Hannah. They seem pretty consistent to me.

  14. dormery | | #14

    On my TV--and also on my computer--the stripes in the skirt definitely look pale blue, and I agreed that the dress was the clear winner. I had a much more difficult time picking one clear loser, and I agree with Corkys Kid that the shirt-dress was a classic for the workplace, but the other piece in that duo looked like a leftover from the maternity challenge.

    I am definitely an addict of Project Runway, and if they want to include all the drama and fabric fights, they should make the show 90 minutes to extend the runway show. Not only should each design be on the runway longer, but all of them should be paraded for comparison. Top Chef does a much better job of displaying (and tasting) all the entries; sometimes you could almost taste them. I'd like to see PR's runway show make me consider whether either my daughter or I could wear the item.

  15. User avater
    BarbaraSki | | #15

    I agree that this is more a reality show than a fashion show, so they do show a lot more than the creative process. Sometimes when they talk to Tim and he makes a suggestion and a "make it work" - then what comes down the runway is SO different than what we saw them working on - its a "huh?" moment. This year the designers are sort of "vanilla" - no one is a real diva and except for the perpetually boo-hooing Christopher, they are all pretty normal. My group of PR friends and I are NOT looking forward to Michael & Nina coming back. We feel they are mean and not constructively critical. The judges so far have given way more real criticism to the designers than M & N's little sniping & snarky remarks. And MK is not the most innovative designer I've ever seen, so who is he to talk? And lastly - what's with all the comments about garments being "young" - can't make the model look "old"! What's old to them 35?!?!

  16. kitella | | #16

    Yes! The runway show is definately too short. It`s like garbling the punch line. Seeing the finished garments is the point! On the other hand, as an apparel designer, I don`t know how it is physically possible for a person to hear a challenge,sketch a design, buy the exact amount of fabric,drape it,sew it,fit it, revise and finish it in the time frames they are given on the show. Sometimes a dress that goes together quickly can take another few hours for finishing. Irena had to plan,drape,cut up slithery chiffon or georgette into strips, she FRENCH SEAMED all the strips into a gorgeous floaty dress that hung perfectly while also supervising a second outfit and taking time to make many rude comments.There`s no way INC.can duplicate that dress at their price points unless the skirt is just a striped piece of fabric, not pieced.
    I love the show. I`ve never missed one, but I have to say this season is lackluster.On THE FASHION SHOW w/ Issac Mizrahi the challenges actually have to do w/ fashion and workmanship.
    Also, what happened to fun time-seeing the designers out at a party being themselves? We keep watching because we get attached to these people and really care when they have to leave. Let`s see more of them and MORE OF THE CLOTHES!!!!

  17. msbyrdt | | #17

    I don't know why they've shortened the runway segment.I guess it lasts 2.5 to 3 min. max. It seemed longer or more focused, before they changed networks. By the time I try to observe the outfit and who designed it, there's another girl walking and I'm at least 1 outfit & designer behind.
    I enjoy seeing the design process, and how they shop, but it seems choppy. ....maybe the commercials are longer & there are more of them??? I realize the show has commercials within as well.
    I too, wonder how you come up with an idea, and buy fabric in the amount of time that they seem to be allotted. I don't know, what if they gave the show another 1/2 hr. (I know..in my dreams).Get rid of the model segment that follows PR. ?

  18. msbyrdt | | #18

    I forgot to ask, how long was the runway segment? I looked for "the answer at the bottom" and couldn't find it.

  19. dlhorn | | #19

    I have to agree with others,there is not enough time spent on the clothes for the runway.I love the runway and would like to be able to see the finished products. The fact that these designers can go from challenge to finished product is amazing, let us see more of the process. Charge the sponcers more for less time and give us more of what the shoe is realy about.
    The judges dont seem as interested in the qulity of the workmen ship this year. Why?
    Thank You for your time.


  20. GMoni | | #20

    I love this show and am so addicted to it!! I have recognized something is out of kilter since they are now coming thru on a different channel. I love the time devoted to the actual design, construction and runway segments. These are the most important. Get rid of all the stupid fighting and arguing. Get back to the guts of the show. We can see people fighting everywhere; we can't see so much creativity as easily. Get it back on track. Yes, I agree that M and N are the pits and Michal's designs are too. He cannot accuse others of designing clothes for elders when that is exactly what his designs look like.:{ I thnk we need to see the design, construction and runway and we need intelligent judges like these all the time.:)

  21. livestosew | | #21

    I always told my husband " I wish they would show more time on the techniques/constuction process."

  22. sews4fun | | #22

    Once again, an agreement that the runway showing is way too short. I know the show wants drama but I no longer care for Irina after listening to her trash some of the other designers. She is smug and condescending and while her work is okay, I am not blown away with it. I saw the interview Louise did and she said the camera men are always asking " does this person bother you"? or how do you like your room mates? She said she never had anything bad to say and therefore, got little to no camera time and that is sad. I also believe the people who run the show are the ones taking the bobbins and thread from the machines in order to get the contestants to argue and thats just such a cheap shot it is disturbing. They have the basis for a good show but their insistance on turning it into a squabbling run-of-the-mill reality show may ultimately be its unraveling.

  23. gingerlaw | | #23

    I did not like the striped dress it does not look blue and the tan underling was awful hated the hem line. I also don't care much for Irina she isn't a very nice person. You can be competative without being mean.

    I liked louisa but hated the dresses she did.

    the team I liked were the blue dress that could go from office to night with ease and the top with the tights and leather belt which could dress up or go casual as shown. I thought this team should have won.

    I too wait with baited breath for the runway part of the show which I think is about 30 seconds to a minute way too short.

  24. mtgranny | | #24

    I agree with the others, this was not a winning dress in terms of color or design challenge. I think the producers were actually trying to eliminate certain people because when the designers marketed their sketches, those that were most in line with what INC is about did not get even get selected as team captains. Those that did get selected then went ahead with what they marketed and then when they followed what they had sketched, they were told on the runway that their design was "not INC".
    Thank goodness for PVRs, we record it and then pause to look closely at the design and are always quite disappointed to have such a limited and fleeting view. It gets worse each season. I think the producers might be pleasantly surprised with their ratings if they gave more airtime to showing the construction process and runway and less on the back biting and bleeped language. Most likely they will just take it off the air one day when ratings dip down and that will be such a shame...

  25. mtgranny | | #25

    I agree with the others, this was not a winning dress in terms of color or design challenge. I think the producers were actually trying to eliminate certain people because when the designers marketed their sketches, those that were most in line with what INC is about did not get even get selected as team captains. Those that did get selected then went ahead with what they marketed and then when they followed what they had sketched, they were told on the runway that their design was "not INC".
    Thank goodness for PVRs, we record it and then pause to look closely at the design and are always quite disappointed to have such a limited and fleeting view. It gets worse each season. I think the producers might be pleasantly surprised with their ratings if they gave more airtime to showing the construction process and runway and less on the back biting and bleeped language. Most likely they will just take it off the air one day when ratings dip down and that will be such a shame...

  26. Lovngwomn1 | | #26

    In the 1st and 2nd season you did see more of the design aspect of the show. And that is what made me fall in love with the show. It's now getting to be more reality TV. Designers putting down other design's designs. Don't get me wrong I still watch the show every week but, I to would like to see more of the design/construction aspects.

  27. Ayofemi | | #27

    I watch to see what the challenge will be, then I fall asleep until the runway show. That is my favorite part and it is way too short. I am looking forward to the new Bravo show Launch My Line. Could be interesting.

  28. 12yearnovice | | #28

    Project Runway........My favourite show. If they eliminated the pettiness(manipulated or otherwise) and chose to show more of what is at stake for the designers and what they as individuals bring to the challenges there would be enough drama for me. I enjoy the talent and industry of the designers. I could stand to see more of their ideas stewing on the sketch board and in the execution. I would like to see more emphasis on what they are thinking when they choose fabrics. If there were no commercials I would only miss the show during the times when designers are shown at their worst.. I think clashes between the designers could be far more captivating if viewed when these events actually occur rather than clips where I have to listen to some immature, selfish, bad tempered narcissist complain. I like the critiques by the judges but at times feel completely at a loss to understand what is considered "good" design.
    I think an interesting challenge would be to use the same fabric for all. How much of their inspiration comes from the fabrics?
    I would also like to see them use the same basic design as their inspiration..
    I liked the reno of the old clothes.
    I liked the designing for the post office delivery uniform.
    Would it not be better to allow more film time and be more selective in the editing?
    My guess at the runway is 30 seconds. Not enough.

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