How to Keep Strapless Garments in Place
Susan Khalje shares how a corselet foundation can keep strapless garments securely in place. Careful fitting goes a long way towards keeping a formfitting garment in place, but there are instances when more serious support is required. A strapless or off-the-shoulder gown requires inner support, and if it doesn’t have an outwardly visible waistline to support boning, you have to add a separate inner foundation layer, sometimes called an “inner corselet”. Here, using the garment pattern as her guide, Susan constructs a corselet layer from lightweight cotton fabric, boning, and a grosgrain-ribbon waist stay. She then demonstrates how to attach this layer along with a lining to a garment.
From Threads #145
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Susan, I just love this article, and keep referring back to it.
I have a question about the last part, that maybe somebody (if not Susan)can help me with. Why do you use a layer of lining? Isn't the foundation enough? And is not, how can the hook and eye tape be closed if the lining is attached to the fashion fabric and zipper, considering they have to be closed separably. I'd really appreciate any help! Thanks